
Jul 14, 2010 23:42

This week. It's been a bit lame. For a lot of reasons. Like I've suddenly become a terrible writer. And employee. And friend. I would look forward to the weekend, but this weekend is jam-packed. In fact it may be busier than my week. I have plans with the Boy on Friday. Skating lessons, birthday lunch and a wedding on Saturday, and plans with two sets of people on Sunday. Somewhere in all that I should maybe do some grocery shopping. Or sleeping. And I need to buy gifts for the birthday girl and groom.

Anyway. All that is lame, and I'd really rather tell you all again why I love Stéphane Lambiel. Only about three people care, but listen. It's either that or burst into tears of inadequacy and social anxiety. I think this guy:

is a way better alternative to that.

Speaking of... you know who bursts into tears a lot?

So. Voilà Stéphane:

He's handsome, non-threatening, a little sexy and a lot European.

Sometimes, the ladies, they love him:

Sometimes, the men, they do too:

He has a truly beautiful elegance about him:

Along with a pretty hearty dedication to athleticism:

I read a lot of French interviews done by him today, and I think it's something about English interviews that turns him into a little Suzie Sunshine ("I love skating! And my fans! And chocolate! And rainbows!") In French, he's ever so slightly pissy ("I'm tired and my hips hurt and I have to train a lot and quit hounding me about retirement.") Anyway, a lot of these articles were about the huge amounts of time, effort, care, and pain Stéphane goes through to be able to skate. You'd never, ever know it to see him on the ice. At least at one time everything he did on the ice hurt him. From jumps to spins, sometimes he took painkillers, sometimes he did not. But nothing is going to stop him from combining elegance and athleticism into a one-two punch of awesome.

Like this right here? Might well be causing him pain:

And most of his titles were won under some sort of medical duress:

Knee injuries. Hip and muscle injuries. Near fatal amounts of angst and drama.

Sometimes the poor thing gets a little overwhelmed:

Like when he broke down in tears after winning an Olympic silver medal in 2006. I sincerely hope that everyone realizes that this is the single greatest moment in TV.

The absolute greatest. People, he actual-facts SOBS. It's adorable. THE BEST.

But the best thing about him is that he's certifiably insane:

This is him either talking about things he loves, or hates. Or loves and hates. I can't tell because well. It's Stéphane. A cell phone? (He hates them.) A Ford fuckin' Focus? (Please tell me he doesn't love a FORD FOCUS). Razorblade bracelets. (What's that about?) Some sort of chocolate. (...or pâté). idk. He's crazy cakes.

Example: Here he is doing an interview about cows. No fooling. Look at the inset. They ask him about what he thinks about cows. And he answers. Stéphane Lambiel. He has feelings about cows.

Like, here he is splayed out on the ice after an exhibition piece, being EPICALLY DRAMATIC, with a rose. He did this with zero irony. Zero.

I fuckin' love him though.

white skates of gender conformity, magical flying zebra

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