Good News for the Life Olympics

Apr 15, 2010 09:21

Last night's triumphs include-

Gym:Kate and I went to the gym yesterday, took our careful time stretching, and starting doing balance exercises. We then did our cardio, and I am happy to report a new personal best of running 23 minutes without stopping (2 miles!) I did 2 and 1/3 mile in 35 minutes. All I need to do is add 3/4s of a mile in the ( Read more... )

white skates of gender conformity, i do stuff, operation 2010: try being an adult, up in the gym workin' on my fitness

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Comments 1

inthenameofjuc April 15 2010, 20:33:34 UTC
That is some impressive handbaggery going on. Mine is.....not nearly as prepared.


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