
Dec 07, 2009 08:46

Merg. Waking up today genuinely hurt. Every time I tried to open my eyes they started watering and I did that thing where you think crazy hopeful thoughts like, "I could just CALL in! What would be the harm in it? That's it, in five minutes, I'm calling in." But then you get up, because. Seriously. It's just Monday morning ( Read more... )

i do stuff, i am a yuppie pirate

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Comments 16

thisissirius December 7 2009, 15:17:41 UTC
I think I sent a lot of mine out with YOU ARE A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE JUST LIKE JOE JONAS on them.


misskittye December 7 2009, 15:22:09 UTC
You know, sometimes I get a little testy about the "SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE" business when it comes to Joe because it implies that he is somehow LESS THAN PERFECT. However, this is IMPOSSIBLE, because according to me and about five other people, JOE JONAS IS PERFECT.

But I can think of no better holiday well-wish. I may be putting this on the Christmas Cards I'm still pretending I will send.


thisissirius December 7 2009, 15:24:21 UTC
WHAT. Impossible. Joe Jonas is nothing if not perfect! Let is WASH OVER YOU. I mean SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE in the same manner that I call Nick a DOUCHEBAG. It is done with the uttermost LOVE in mind.

Ha. Pretending to send christmas cards is far better than actually sending them. Or you can do what I do and send things but leave half of the presents on your bedroom floor.


misskittye December 7 2009, 15:31:33 UTC
Oh it's never people on my flist! I know you guys do almost everything with love!

It's always CUF people who tend to be a bit overly snarky for my taste anyway. I am pathetically defensive about Joe!

Oh Christmas cards. I'm just not organized, motivated, or dedicated. I often wish I was a talented craft maven who sent homemade cards and gifts perfectly on time. MAYBE SOMEDAY. Until then, hats and good intentions.


mangojellytoast December 7 2009, 15:39:01 UTC
I miss Titaya's so much :(


::sings:: misskittye December 7 2009, 16:00:45 UTC
Come back to Texas
It's just not the same since you went away.
Before you lose your accent,
and forget all about the Lonestar State

There's a seat for you at the Rodeo
and I got all the slow dances saved
besides the MEXICAN food sucks
north of here anyway


pwincess December 7 2009, 15:58:54 UTC
So much fun! My favorite part of the night was when Liz said, "Joe is..." and we both said "Perfect." Hahaha.

Your knitting projects sound delightful. You don't want to get something too perfect-looking, anyway, because then it doesn't have that homemade love look.


misskittye December 7 2009, 16:14:12 UTC
It was fun! I was so glad you were able to take a break from all the retro-active law school learning. I look forward to whichever Tuesday it was we plan on seeing each other again!

These hats are pretty much guaranteed the homemade love look, trust me.


liketheroad December 7 2009, 16:52:42 UTC


misskittye December 7 2009, 16:56:15 UTC

Will you ever be able to write again? I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiss your writing so much! ;___;


liketheroad December 7 2009, 16:57:51 UTC
My exam is in TWO days! After which I will have marking, but mostly be FREE for a whole month. At which point I WILL be writing about how Joe and Nick are the most in love once again. <3


misskittye December 7 2009, 17:08:28 UTC
Good luck! <3 Both on your exam and on chronicling their EPIC LOVE.


liminalliz December 7 2009, 19:26:16 UTC
SUCH GOOD TIEMZ on Friday. I really enjoyed the food, the company, and the conversation! And I went back the next day for more polenta cookies IDK IDK

KNITTING! You must take photos of the final product! I love to see crafty things.


misskittye December 7 2009, 21:50:46 UTC
I always have a good time with you ladies. Unless I'm literally dying of thirst (San Antonio concert). All though actually that was just with Dani and Valeah.

Note for Dallas: Pack a bottle of water with the flask.

It's actually crochet! I'm not fly enough to knit, but I will definitely post pictures once the presents have been safely given to their owners.


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