(no subject)

Dec 07, 2009 08:46

Merg. Waking up today genuinely hurt. Every time I tried to open my eyes they started watering and I did that thing where you think crazy hopeful thoughts like, "I could just CALL in! What would be the harm in it? That's it, in five minutes, I'm calling in." But then you get up, because. Seriously. It's just Monday morning.

But let's go back in time and recount some happier things! On Friday I went out with pwincess and liminalliz. We braved the bitter cold for Thai food that was QUITE delicious. Liz and I then went and got tasty hot drinks and tasty Italian cookies and discussed fandom in very meta ways. Also, our respective upcoming challenge fics.

Saturday I... was a lazy person. SO LAZY. I left the house once, for twenty minutes, to go get a sandwich for dinner. I took a bubble bath, I read, I napped, I tried to write but mostly failed. It would have been really nice but for the PMS that was eating my face off.

Sunday, I went to the grocery store and shopped ruthlessly within my budget. It may be a week of ramen noodle salad and baked sweet potatoes and black beans by by GOD I stayed within budget. Then I cleaned my house and discovered, at long last and at the ripe old age of 25 that Windex cleans chrome better than an all-purpose cleaner. Who knew? I mean. It makes SENSE, but somehow I lumped the chrome fixtures in with the general category of bathtub and sink. Anyway, long story short, I finally have sparkling tub fixtures again.

I also accomplished the very important task of purchasing yarn for the bulk of my Christmas gifts this year. I will be making hats. Possibly a scarf but lets not get ahead of ourselves. Last winter I made... four hats with relative ease while watching various movies. Last night however I suddenly became USELESS and had to start over... three? four times? Ugh. By the time I figured it out it was already eleven.

I brought it to work with me today so I can get back on schedule. I'm thinking of giving them to people with a little card that says, "OK! So they're not perfect! But they DO contain my blood, sweat, and tears, some love, and probably also some cat hair."

(Admit it, you all want one now.)

Anyway, thank you jasmasson, wendy, ewlyn pwincess and mangojellytoast for my cookie snowflakes. I did pay it forward (once), but now I'm at work and already wasting plenty of time.


To everyone on my flist, you're all special snowflakes, just like Joe Jonas. And I love you all as much (possibly more) as I love Joe Jonas.

i do stuff, i am a yuppie pirate

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