Two things

Dec 08, 2009 12:58

1) OH MY GOD I FAIL AS A CHALLENGE MOD! I have failed to complete my story on time for my OWN challenge. Ugh, I was on track with my jonas_harlequin and then I hit this MASSIVE snag and I'm so bummed. I do have 9.5k so I'll probably post a first part as part of a good will "I am WITH you!" gesture, but still.*

Because I've been behind I haven't been reading fic either, so I haven't posted comments to the awesome, organized people who DID complete their fics on time (or early).

Don't EVER let me mod a deadline challenge again guys. :( I'm gonna go post to the comm and give everyone amnesty and encouragement, too.

2) To redeem myself, I bring you this:

is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen. (jljso pointed it out first but I didn't see NEARLY enough "Awwwwing" going on.) He's already got Joe's present chosen and bought and probably carefully wrapped and hidden. Whereas Joe is still veering wildly from "I'll get him the- wait no, I'll get- I KNOW! I'll get him-!" meaning that come the week before Christmas he won't have bought anything and will be scrambling around for something, anything! (Final gift: Make outs, baseball equipment, and suit to aid in Nick's secret presidential cosplaying).

Or Joe's Christmas present this year is Nick's v-card. THEORIES?

*So um. I need a beta for about 5-6k of Kevron? Any takers? ::hopeful::

undercover brother lovers, jonas_harlequin

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