Hahaha, glad you're excited XD Might want to clean up the mouth foam, though; wouldn't want someone spotting you and thinking you had rabies :p
Lol, well, good ;). Now I just need to get it written, provided my muse will stop going off on other tangents (like "Hmm, I wonder if a Tangled fusion would work...")
Hahaa, My muses are being overly generous as of late - they keep showing me new ideas for things and then throwing hissy fits when I try and keep some sort of order to the proceedings. Unfortunately - because I mainly do art and it takes me FOREVER - they'll whisper things like;
*psst, drawing that arm has taken you 4 hours...why don't we just go play in After Effects or make a wallpaper - It'll be more instantly rewarding than drawing Misha's chin for the 5th time.*
-I caved in over the holidays because I only had a couple of hours every few days for fanish-stuff. But now they need to go back on their idea diet. I have pics to finish dammit!! XD
Tangled fusion eh??? With Cas's magical healing wings and him trapped in a very large birdcage at the top of a mountain? *foams at mouth some more*
LOL mine do that to, so just know that you're not alone XD
Heh, I didn't get ANYTHING fannish done over the holidays. Everything was too rushed and busy. No time to concentrate one anything.
Omg, finally someone thinks of the wings. I mentioned it to a couple people RL and one online, after I watched the movie, and they were all "....Cas with long hair? DNW D8", and I was just like ":/ NOT HAIR! HIS WINGS! WINGS DAMN IT!".
...Dean would make an epic Flynn/Eugene. Beyond that, IDEK. It just popped into my head upon my second rewatch of the movie XD
Comments 10
-All of this excites me beyond all reason. My mouth is FOAMING!!!
Also your Resi musings have me all sorts of intrigued and keen. *claps and cheers*
Lol, well, good ;). Now I just need to get it written, provided my muse will stop going off on other tangents (like "Hmm, I wonder if a Tangled fusion would work...")
How're your muses treating you?
*psst, drawing that arm has taken you 4 hours...why don't we just go play in After Effects or make a wallpaper - It'll be more instantly rewarding than drawing Misha's chin for the 5th time.*
-I caved in over the holidays because I only had a couple of hours every few days for fanish-stuff. But now they need to go back on their idea diet. I have pics to finish dammit!! XD
Tangled fusion eh??? With Cas's magical healing wings and him trapped in a very large birdcage at the top of a mountain? *foams at mouth some more*
Heh, I didn't get ANYTHING fannish done over the holidays. Everything was too rushed and busy. No time to concentrate one anything.
Omg, finally someone thinks of the wings. I mentioned it to a couple people RL and one online, after I watched the movie, and they were all "....Cas with long hair? DNW D8", and I was just like ":/ NOT HAIR! HIS WINGS! WINGS DAMN IT!".
...Dean would make an epic Flynn/Eugene. Beyond that, IDEK. It just popped into my head upon my second rewatch of the movie XD
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