
May 30, 2023 02:08

I finally got in to this old account, after trying and failing before! Wow, what a trip down memory lane it has been. Not easy to read, in some cases, or to see photos of happier times with my dad and siblings. Yet today, as a Christian (unlike in those early posts), I'm more joyful, as well. It makes life seem very strange and different, like I'm ( Read more... )

sadness, memories, family

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Comments 2

perfectpeace June 1 2023, 21:55:16 UTC

I'm glad you posted this! I too have come back to Live Journal, and it's caused a lot of reflections. Social media has become so consumeristic; I miss the simplicity of fellowship and friendship of the LJ days. Good to see a post from you! <3


misshoneybee June 1 2023, 22:00:10 UTC

Aw, thanks! It's good to hear from you, too! We did make a lot of friends here on LJ, and I think you're right that social media has become more consumeristic these days.


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