
May 30, 2023 02:08

I finally got in to this old account, after trying and failing before! Wow, what a trip down memory lane it has been. Not easy to read, in some cases, or to see photos of happier times with my dad and siblings. Yet today, as a Christian (unlike in those early posts), I'm more joyful, as well. It makes life seem very strange and different, like I'm a part of two worlds. It makes me weep and wonder if my fleeting life has all been worth it. Where have all these old friends gone? The family that grew up, the ones who have died?  Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears all its sons away.

Let my life be worth it, Lord. To point the way to You!

...There are some people who are still in my life, and one who has just recently reentered it! She used to be one of my friends on here, and she told me about her husband being a friend of my brother's, which is how I discovered she had also been my friend, 18+ years ago! God works in mysterious ways. He is good, despite the ups and downs of life. They shape us and work for our good.

sadness, memories, family

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