No no no, sis it's not you. It's a mix of feelings of all what's been going on with me. Yeah honestly some of the feelings involve what happened, but don't worry. I had to rant, I know you know how that feels.
I love you very much, and just hope we can put it behind us.
My life has been troubled lately, and that post is just what I could let out at the time.
You're still one of my best friends, and I hope you feel the same.
Aww; that has happened to me before as well, but I learned that it's not worth it. Someone that dislikes someone over nothing has no life, and only wants to pick a certain group of people. I understand how you feel. When people all of the sudden dislike me for no reason at all because I'm different and not like them, their not worth it. It happened to me quite a bit, and I really think their all just jerks. Just keep doing what your doing, and do anything that will make you happy. There has not been anything that you have done that I seen you do that bothered me. A true friend will let you know things, not ignore, not talk about you, and not hate on you. You do not have to do things that will make you upset. Don't let people put you down and take advantage of you either. Just forget about them. I know lately you haven't been answering your IM's, and I just got on LJ to read my friends area (I don't do it much anymore because I tend to forget lately), and saw this entry. Now I know why you haven't been talking much lately,
( ... )
Darling, you know I'm here for you. I know it can be tough, and I know a lot of people are jealous over your Clay seeings. Honestly, you just have to forget about them and focus on the good, alright? Talk to me whenever you need to. :)
Comments 16
I love you very much, and just hope we can put it behind us.
My life has been troubled lately, and that post is just what I could let out at the time.
You're still one of my best friends, and I hope you feel the same.
I was suppose to go see Adam today, but my friend got grounded and I don't want to go with out her.
Sorry I haven't been talking much. It's a mix between, feelings, business, and my AIM acting up.
It should be better now.
Thanks for your kind words. :)
I know it can be tough, and I know a lot of people are jealous over your Clay seeings. Honestly, you just have to forget about them and focus on the good, alright? Talk to me whenever you need to. :)
We need to talk more. I've been so busy. I hope we don't lose are closeness, at one point we were so tight!! Hope all is well! <3 <3
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