Title: Memory Coin
Pairing: Jia / Min
Rating: PG-13
Words Count: 1518 (why are my fics so short these days? T_T)
Genre: Angst / friendship
Summary: "If, one of these days, I see you and you don't see me, I'll throw a coin at you."
A/N: IS CAROLINE CRAZY!? OH YES SHE IS! Two fics posted in one day, I AM ON FIREEEE!! (Okay, I said it already, I'm sorry
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Comments 9
Their friendship was so sweet and Min was such a well-developed character and everything just kind of fit seamlessly together. It was really an amazing fic!
So that's why it was doing it... the site kept logging me out for some reason. U_U
“I know. But it annoys me. It makes me want to throw a coin at their head to make them notice me.”
Hahah aww Jia♥ it's such a child-like thing to say. She's adorable. :)
Why did she have to be the one to break everything? She had broken her budget, and a few of her dreams along with it, she had broken a lot of people's heart without intending to. Why did she have to be the one to break this relationship, as damaged and miserable as it already was?
I really like how you made Min miserable. Lol I'm a horrible person, but I think it makes the fic a lot more interesting. And I like the logic here, too (as twisted as it is). It's definitely understandable in a non-obvious way. :)
The music was loud. The air was thick and smelled of sweat, alcohol and vomit.
EEEEEEW. :( This makes me never want to go to a bar. :(
And I'd quote the ending, but then I'd quote the whole ending. XD
Reading this..I do wish I have a good friend, like someone I feel comfortable with and I can just rant and talk about my problems...*sigh* sadly I don't.. (opps..I shouldn't be complaining here... :P)
argh...I hate boys that cheats..they are just..blergh..anyways, me likey <3 the coin throwing part is awesome though ^^
last but not least, poor Suzy. HAHA!
jia/min is also really cute♥(:
i do hope you write something fluffy sometime~ XD
anyways, your miss a fics are awesome,
and i hope to see more because i haven't seen any yet :\
It never turns out the way I intend it to. >.>
But yeah, I'm experimenting with the miss A pairings right now. It's pretty fun! 8D
And hopefully the next one will be happier. -_-
Thank you so much for your support and lovely comments!!^^
(And yeah, I haven't seen any other miss a fic so far...)
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