Title: The Weaker Sex
Pairing: Junsu / Wooyoung (with friendship between Jia/Wooyoung)
kpop_prompts Prompt: 040. Laugh
Rating: PG-13
Words Count: 1975
Genre: Crack
Summary: Jia and Wooyoung were trying to determine what was worse: being a girl, or being a boy?
I wanted this summer to be a writing fest, but it didn't quite work out
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Comments 33
I'm really glad that you liked it! ^^
(And don't Jia and Wooyoung just fit, uh? XD As friends of course.)
Thank you! ^^
This is all so perfect I don't even know where to start! Like when Junsu was looking for the watch and feeling him up I couldn't stop laughing. Is it sadistic to enjoy embarrassment like that? Oh well XD And Jia was awesome just being the HBIC that she is. You did ~amazing~ like always <3 I love this so much, keep up this writing streak!!!!!
*presses her arms against her tummy because it's THAT time of the month and it hurts*
AT least it's not humiliating.... U____U
LOL I loved writing that part XD (It's not sadistic, it's... human.)
Thank you so much!!! ♥
I surely will!
I had a wonderful gif to show you, but it just won't upload. It inspired the fic.
It was from that one time Wooyoung looked like he had a boner on star king.
Like.. REALLY looked like he did.
OMG I REMEMBER THAT!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one who saw it like that. I kept on replaying the video and going, "Did he just get a stiffy or am I seeing things?" Glad to have a second opinion, it's not like I can just go up to my sister and be like, "Hey, take a look at this video. You that guy right there? Yeah, that one. Does he have a hard-on or is that just me?"
......Granted I have asked her weirder things though.....
But yeah, I saw the gif first, in that peen post on omona I think. I was curious, I managed to find the video on youtube, I watched, I was disturbed. (BUT THERE'S AN ARROW POINTING AT IT! CAN YOU IMAGINE!? I can't believe that a Korean variety show pointed a red arrow at a potential boner. I would have thought they would have hid it with clever editing.)
But it's weird. It's like.. kinda small for a boner... but kinda too big for anything else. (Not that I've seen many boners in my life anyway. -sigh- Yeah, at 19, how sad.)
Caroline is disturbed. o.0
We had a show like that at my school too! :P
(except no one had a boner in it..)
Also, I like how your style includes your style of humour with the (...). ^^
I don't think Junsu INTENDED to be a perv.
He did look shocked when Wooyoung was... a bit too much INTO IT.
...but yet again, we're not in Junsu's head.
OMG, maybe this was all planned D:
Anyhow... Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
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(but yes, it's posted, by the way)
Lol, thank you so much for commenting!
When we really think about it, being a girl isn't SO bad.
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