A Pleasant Surprise

Feb 09, 2007 00:19

[Day 51, 7:30 PM - Conrad and Yozak's Rooms]

A Pleasant Surprise )

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sekinin February 10 2007, 04:31:24 UTC
He's not ducking Lawrence.


He's not.

He's just . . . being stealthy. Stealth is an important quality for a soldier to hone. His father would be proud.

... I can't even convince myself that that's true.

Shaking his head a bit ruefully, Conrad unlocks and pushes open the door to his chambers and allows it to falling closed heavily, stealth be damned. It has been a surprisingly good morning. He'd woken in a warm bed a bit before dawn and dressed himself in his regular uniform. It was only a bit loose, but that was enough to concern him. He'd have to step up his training routine. That was made even clearer when his run with Yuuri left him slightly winded.

Still not all the way back . . . But remembering the sleepy, tousled-looking Yozak he'd pecked on the cheek before leaving to wake their Maou took away a lot of the frustration that might have once accompanied that thought ( ... )


sekinin February 14 2007, 02:32:52 UTC
Conrad looks over from tacking his pant legs into his boots and smiles. "I was looking for those."

He accepts them from the redhead and tucks them in his breast pocket. "I'm going to go wash my face and fix my hair. Will you be ready to go in about ten minutes?"


missbiceps February 14 2007, 03:11:18 UTC
"Sure," Yozak says as he looks in the mirror, fussing with his collar. Open or closed, open or closed...

He finally decides on closed. It's his party too, after all; why shouldn't he be comfortable? By the time he looks up Conrad has closed the bathroom door; Yozak can hear the sound of water splashing in the basin. He changes into his pants while Conrad is in the bathroom and makes a small, discontent sound as he buttons his fly. The inseam is definitely a bit too tight. He makes up his mind to take this uniform to the seamstress, too, along with the aqua dress.

It's useless to try and fight with his hair. Yozak gave up that battle a long time ago. Instead he selects a blue ribbon from one of his disguises and ties his hair into a tight ponytail at the nape of his neck. Then on with his boots, which thankfully do still fit, and Yozak admires his reflection in the mirror again. What a transformation from the outfit he'd been in not twenty minutes earlier ( ... )


sekinin February 14 2007, 03:47:18 UTC
He tucks the damp ends of his hair back as he enters the room. It won't stay, but the effort is almost automatic by now. Yozak turns and holds his hand out in display. For a moment, Conrad stares, then he smiles softly.

It has been . . . over a decade now since he's seen Yozak in his formal uniform. Usually it's dresses or cloaks or costumes. He'd almost forgotten how handsome the redhead looks in formal dress.

Unable to squelch the impulse, Conrad approaches and fusses with a few buttons and the other man's lapels, not really because they need fixing, but simply because he wants to touch him.

"We're dressed alike," he murmurs with a small smirk. "Everyone will talk."


missbiceps February 15 2007, 02:50:26 UTC
This uniform is too tight in all the wrong places, and he feels like he'd be more comfortable in his new dress, but it's worth it if it makes Conrad smile. Yozak straightens up a bit as Conrad fixes his lapels, more than a little pleased about all the attention he's getting.

"We're dressed alike," Conrad says, smirking. "Everyone will talk."

Yozak grins back as he takes one of Conrad's hands off his lapel. He raises it to his lips and kisses the brunet's knuckles. "So?"


sekinin February 15 2007, 04:39:33 UTC
He looks at the other man curiously for a moment, his fingers tingling with the light kiss. Then Conrad leans up slightly and presses his lips against Yozak's.

It's a light kiss, tender, with just the hint of something deeper, and for a moment he presses closer.

Oh, he's missed this--missed Yozak--but now isn't the time for them to go through any more frustrating, halting attempts at anything. Conrad pulls back, more flushed that he really should be, and he wonders if something in the air has gotten into to make him act this way.

He finishes fussing with the lapel quite unnecessarily and then steps away, giving the taller man an apologetic look. His voice sounds thick. "We'll be late."


missbiceps February 15 2007, 05:02:02 UTC
He sighs into the kiss, fighting the urge to wrap his arms around the brunet's waist. Maybe, now that they're home, things like this will get a little easier. Just maybe.

Conrad pulls back first and gives Yozak's lapels one more good tug. "We'll be late."

"Wouldn't want that," he concedes. Yozak runs his hand through his hair once more, patting down any wayward strands, and turns to the door. He offers Conrad his arm with an innocent smile. Everyone already knows about them, so it hardly makes sense to keep it a secret anymore. Might as well enjoy their party like a couple.


sekinin February 18 2007, 00:16:21 UTC
He smiles slightly at the gentlemanly gesture and after a second of hesitation, slipped his hand in Yozak arm. It feels a bit strange. After everything that's happen, though, everyone knows about them. Part of him wonders when the fallout will come. The rest of him however, fiercely does not care. He tightens his grip on Yozak's arm a bit possessively and smiles at the other man.

" Let's go."


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