A Pleasant Surprise

Feb 09, 2007 00:19

[Day 51, 7:30 PM - Conrad and Yozak's Rooms]

His first full day back. It's been an average day, with some highs and some lows. But it's far better than slipping through alleys to hide from prying eyes. There really is no place like home.

Yozak enters through the study again, kicking off his shoes underneath one of the chairs by the window well this time. The party will be starting soon; he needs to wash up quickly, then rummage through the closets and see if he has anything presentable to wear--

A pile of boxes stacked around Conrad's tea table stops him dead in his tracks. He's quite sure that those weren't there early this morning, when he left to go do his drills...

He places his sword on the chest at the foot of the bed and approaches curiously, already stripping off his dusty tunic. They're relatively plain boxes, bound with relatively plain ribbons, but when he checks, Yozak is surprised to find that every single one of them is addressed to him.

Well, that certainly seems like an invitation to him. He builds a cheerful fire in the hearth before plunking down in one of the nearby chairs and diving in.

One of the presents has a card on it that identifies his mysterious benefactor. Apparently these things are from Cheri-sama. The boxes are very big, and when he opens them, he's surprised to find smaller boxes inside. Cocking an eyebrow, he opens the box marked " Goodies" first.

The contents are....interesting, to say the least. Yozak stares, awestruck, as he sifts through his "presents." Erotic playing cards...chocolate body paint...edible underwear...?

He's never seen such an incredible arrangment of perversion. Yozak sifts through the boxes with wide eyes, scarcely believing the things he's seeing. Are these the kinds of toys that Cheri-sama and her throng of lovers have been playing with for all these years? He's a little jealous. Clearly, Conrad's mother wants them to have sex again. Lots and lots of wild, crazy, kinky sex. The thought is a little disturbing.

The box of clothing and makeup is much more in his taste. Yozak's grin widens as he unpacks the boxes. Gowns...some wigs...shoes...everything he needs to replace the things he lost more than a month ago. He lifts an aqua-colored dress out of the box, grinning from ear to ear. It doesn't have a collar...he'll have to rectify that if he intends to wear it out, but he can talk to the seamstress later on. Right now, it's wonderful. It looks like it'll be a tight squeeze, but Cheri-sama has generously provided him with a brand-new assortment of corsets to help him tuck in his waist a bit more.

It's been a while since he's threaded his own corsets, but it's not the kind of thing one forgets easily, and Yozak wriggles into the white men's corset with only a little difficulty. Then those lovely silver shoes that his toes hang slightly over the edge of. Damn big feet. He'd like to try on those white thigh-highs, but it's a cardinal sin to wear stockings with open-toed shoes...

Oh, what the hell. It's not like he's going anywhere. He's just...trying things on to make sure they'll fit. Of course.

He slips on his new thigh-highs and finishes it all with one of his new wigs. Then he laughs as he looks at himself in the mirror. If this wig was curlier - and he was about a foot shorter - and he had some larger 'assets' - he miiiight be able to pass for Cheri-sama with an outfit like this.

She really does have excellent taste, though, and an even better eye: everything fits perfectly. Yozak stretches up, down, to the sides, testing out his new outfit's resistance. The wrap-ups aren't the best; he probably won't wear them on assignment, unless he's in a hurry to break an ankle. And he'll need to figure out something better for the wig; he can see little orange tufts peeking out from that luxurious blonde color around his temples.

He tucks his hair away again and adds some makeup: lipstick, eye shadow, and rouge. To his delight, he finds that Cheri-sama has even included some rare nail lacquer; he'll never need to pinch it from noble ladies again. He applies that too, please at the bright pink color.

Looking in the mirror, Yozak can barely recognize himself as he blows on his nails to dry them. If it weren't for his telltale orange eyebrows, he would have sworn he was looking at a noblewoman.

"Perfect," he purrs at his reflection, brushing a stray blonde tendril behind his ear again. And it is. A perfect disguise. Now, if only he had someone to test it on...

He sits down at the dresser, digs into his new bag of face wash and makeup remover, and almost reluctantly starts stipping off his rouge. There'll be plenty of time to try out the rest of his new disguises later. Right now, he has a party to attend.
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