vegan mondays 2

Jan 24, 2011 22:05

I was much more organised for this week's vegan monday ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

faerycake January 25 2011, 09:04:00 UTC
Do you ever get the redwoods deli stuff? They do fake meats that are a bit like quorn.

Sometimes if I'm cooking something light the day before, I make my own veggie pate. In the past I've done curried carrot dip, mushroom and walnut pate, sundried tomato and butterbean pate etc. You could also do stuff like veggie sausage sandwiches.

Hmm... I'll see if I can find any sandwichy recipes!


missanthropii January 26 2011, 20:49:33 UTC
I think I did try it once. as I recall i didn't like it *as* much and it was a bit more expensive. both those i can live with, what is harder is that I walk past asda pretty much everyday and so get quorn cause they sell it there, for convience more than anything. Where sells the redwoods? natural food company and holland and barrett I know, what about screaming carrot? i could walk that way home once in a while maybe. Do you know what SC's opening times are?

Funny you should mention sausage sandwiches as that is what i am having tomorrow! Today I had a potato done in the microwave with houmous. that was very nice and easy and vegan too!

If you have good pate recipes can you send them my way? thanks!


apostlealex January 25 2011, 15:16:39 UTC
Have you thought of seeing an alternative therapist about your periods? As I'm sure you're aware medicine will more than likely plonk you on the pill to regulate your periods, which I'm pretty sure you won't want!



missanthropii January 26 2011, 20:51:52 UTC
well worse than that the GP wasn't even interested to even look at my charts I have been keeping, just said he was sure it was all fine. I have pushed and am having a blood test to check my hormone levels next week. I will get the results the week after. If i get no joy from there then I will look into alternative routes. thanks for the suggestion, it's a good idea :)


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