vegan mondays 2

Jan 24, 2011 22:05

I was much more organised for this week's vegan monday...

Pitta bread and houmous was planned, along with the a tomato. Then the usual items of fresh fruit went into the box, plus some nuts just in case, and a soya chocolate dessert. My lunch was very yummy. The chocolate dessert was delish, you would never suspect it was vegan. I say this like vegan food is inferior, i just mean it was no different from any other choc dessert thingumy.

Then someone offered me their pudding and i ate it without thinking. It was a shortbread biscuit. It will have been made with marg not butter for definite, but i doubt it was vegan marg, but you never know. So miss number 1 there.

Then a near miss this evening. I made our sandwiches for tomorrow, which obviously isn't vegan monday. i made quorn, philadelphia and tomato. I was just about to lick the knife to get the philadelphia when i remembered that the sandwiches were for tomorrow, but the knife was in today!

Dinner was bean, beer and root veg casserole with mash and cabbage. Very yum.

Shame about the biscuit earlier.

I have been watching out for any other vegan days spontaenously occuring. the thing that stops them is sandwiches. My bread is vegan (I checked all the ingredients, and THEN noticed the little badge saying "suitable for vegetarians and vegans"), but i normally use quorn or cheese in sandwiches. i branch out more every so often, i guess it just needs to be made more often.

On a lsightly unrelated note, I am wondering whether my menstrual cycle is so screwy because i don't really consume much dairy. I don't think this is the case, and i don't believe it has to be the case, but i wonder whether i need to eat more of something.
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