(no subject)

Jun 04, 2011 14:04

my to do list this half term:
-bleach dreads and roots
-tidy kitchen
-tidy bathroom
-clean bathroom
-get photos of all things for ebay
-ebay some things
-some school work
-cats to vets
-meet with pippa, rowan and theo
-finish tidying bedroom
-hang clock
-hang elephants on the wall
-clean windows

ugh, the hair slime monster from down the plug hole really made me gag. I hate that job more than anything in the world. Poo doesn't make me gag as bad as drain smells. It's not even my hair! Our bath has a defective u-bend - it has a valve on it, but the valve is misaligned so it catches hair, and then that catches more hair and eventually the slime monster comes into being. I used to hate it bad enough when it was my own hair, but now I have dreads it isn't my hair. It isn't alii_cat's hair either as his head is shaved. A bit might be cat fur, but now my sister lives with us mon-fri, I think it might be her hair, she does wash it every day. I don't know how she can be bothered!
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