Title: Warmth Author: Miss Shad Fandom: xxxHolic Rating: PG Warnings: AU; Character Death Summary: He had little to give, but it made a world of difference to poor Kimihiro.
OMG yes why aren't we always this caring and this fic was HEARTBREAKING seriously HEARTBREAKING how do you do it in such a short fic fit so much ANGST.
But yeah. Well, I guess it's cause we get caught up in our own lives and troubles, and only when we see mass devastation we realise 'it could be much worse'.
(Randomly, this is kinda like an xxxHoLICxLittle Match Girl cross over yeah?)
Fic is v. good. I liked Doumeki being Doumeki, quiet and not saying more than neccesary, but v. v. kind.
The part with him seeing Yuuko when he lit the matches was so heartbreaking...You did a great job with it.
"why should it be only in times of crisis that we should feel such sympathy for our fellow humans and their troubles? Why can't we keep such a caring attitude all the time?"
I think it's in human nature to be like that. But I think it's great that people do what they can do to help when horrible things happens, and how we worry about people, even those we dont know personally.
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
"... I present a bittersweet parable I originally thought up during a nasty bout of winter weather (hence the setting)..."
Err, I do hope you mean the crossover concept between the two, because this fic is just The Little Match Girl with xxxHolic names substituted. But it's not bad writing other than that.
Comments 11
Good Job!
But yeah. Well, I guess it's cause we get caught up in our own lives and troubles, and only when we see mass devastation we realise 'it could be much worse'.
(Randomly, this is kinda like an xxxHoLICxLittle Match Girl cross over yeah?)
Fic is v. good. I liked Doumeki being Doumeki, quiet and not saying more than neccesary, but v. v. kind.
The part with him seeing Yuuko when he lit the matches was so heartbreaking...You did a great job with it.
"why should it be only in times of crisis that we should feel such sympathy for our fellow humans and their troubles? Why can't we keep such a caring attitude all the time?"
I think it's in human nature to be like that. But I think it's great that people do what they can do to help when horrible things happens, and how we worry about people, even those we dont know personally.
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
So very true...
Err, I do hope you mean the crossover concept between the two, because this fic is just The Little Match Girl with xxxHolic names substituted. But it's not bad writing other than that.
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