Life: Jack's Story - part three

Mar 25, 2008 23:12

Okay gang, here it is part three... in case you missed them here's part one -

And part two -

Life: Jack's story - part three

“Ianto?” Jack pressed his ear and repeated his lover’s name for the tenth time in four minutes. “Owen? Toshiko?” still no answer from the warehouse. He had got his gun from his desk draw where it had been living for the last few weeks and selected a large sonic blaster from the weapons room. Then he pulled on his coat and was currently making his way up to the tourist office where he knew Ianto would have left his car keys. “Gwen?” still nothing but white noise. The wall slide open at his approach and Jack stepped into the tourist office. He went straight into the back room and ripped open the desk draw took out Ianto’s car key and turned to leave. As he did so he found himself face to face with Rhys Williams, Gwen’s husband. ‘Great’ thought Jack ‘that’s all I need this great lump getting in the way of things.’

“Where the hell is Gwen?” he shouted at Jack. “We were meant to be having dinner tonight, I’ve been waiting for over an hour”

“Gwen went out on a field mission and… something happened…and I lost contact” Jack tried to explain.

“What do you mean something happened?”

“I don’t actually know, I just heard screaming and gun shots and then nothing… sorry”

“Sorry? Don’t gave me fucking sorry Jack bloody Harkness what the fuck are you going to do about it?”

“I’m going to that warehouse and I’m getting them back, I’ll get them all back safe and sound.”

“I’m coming with you.”

Jack laughed. “No, your not”

“Yes I fucking am and your not going to stop me, in fact” Rhys grabbed Ianto’s car keys off Jack. “I’ driving.”

Ten minutes later Jack was sitting in the passenger seat of one of Rhys’ lorries. “Explain to me again why we couldn’t just take Ianto’s car?” asked Jack who was still confused about how he’d ended up there.

“Because I can’t drive an automatic, it too complicated.”

“What’s complicated? There’s no gear box,” Jack protested.

“Yeah well I leant driving an stick and that’s how I always drive.”

“Don’t let Gwen hear you say that” muttered Jack.


“Nothing, take a left up a head”

Rhys was doing fifty and took the corner hard, Jack held on to the door as they went around the corner. The back end fish tailed even after Rhys had straightened up and regained control. “Park here” Jack told him. “It’s that one down there, but we don’t want them to know we’re about to crash the party.”
Jack and Rhys got out of the cab, Jack handed Rhys his pistol and pointed the sonic blaster out in front of him. Silently he pushed open a small side door to the warehouse and both men crept inside. They waved their way through a maze of stacked boxes. Until they came to a clearing, they hide behind a large crate. Jack peeped out from behind it; there was a massive water tank in the middle of the floor. Inside it was something that was boiling it smelt to Jack like Krillitane oil. ‘Shit that’s why the heat signals were weird they weren’t teleporting they were flying. That’s why the team didn’t see them until they were right on top of them.’ But the Krillitanes weren’t flying now, in fact they were sleeping on the floor around the base of the tank, “that weird” whispered Jack. “They usually sleep while hanging from the ceiling”
“Yeah well they can’t with that bloody thing up there,” whispered Rhys how had blanched and was sharing up at the roof. Sure enough installed in the roof was a Jagrafess.

“What the hell is that doing up there?” Jack demanded

“Well I don’t fucking know you’re the expert”

“Alright, we need a plan, can you see the team?”

“Yeah” Rhys point upwards and sure enough hanging from a chain in the corner of the warehouse and chain together so that they were back to back was Ianto, Owen, Tosh and Gwen. They appeared to be alive; in fact they were all looking at Jack and Rhys. Jack winked at them, they grinned back. Well all expect Tosh and Gwen who frowned at Jack.

“Right I have a plan” Jack said to Rhys. “In that tank is Krillitane oil, they can’t survive being exposed to it. So this is what I want you to do, go back to your lorry and drive it as fast as it will go through those doors and into that tank.” Jack point at a set of doors at the end of the warehouse. They were open letting in the cold night air, ‘to keep the Jagrafess nice and cool’ thought Jack.

“What about the slug thing?” asked Rhys.

“You worry about the Krillitane and I’ll take care of the Jagrafess” Jack told him. He was thankful that he chose to bring the sonic blaster, with it’s nice little dial which allowed Jack to change the settings. Rhys got up and left Jack alone, he crept back towards the small side door. Jack played with the dial this blaster was unique. It had a heat ray setting the blaster was some sort of hybrid that had came through the rift two years earlier. Jack hung it around his neck as he climbed as quietly as he could to the top of a pile of boxes. “What’s he doing?” he heard Ianto whisper. No one answered him; Jack knelt on the boxes blaster at the ready and waited for the sound of Rhys’ lorry getting closer. Sure enough with in a few moments the low rumble of a lorry moving at speed could be heard getting louder and louder as it approached the warehouse. One of the Krillitane raised its head in curiosity but it was too late. Rhys smashed through the doors knocking one of them off its hinges. Rhys put his foot down when he saw the tank there was the sound of metal crunching and then the sound of a lot of liquid flowing very fast. Which was greeted by the screams of the Krillitane.

“Go Rhys” screamed Gwen in joy. As the Jagrafess woke from its sleep, Jack leaped to his feet and fired the blaster at it. Just as he knew the Krillitane had a fatal reaction to their own oil, Jack knew that the Jagrafess couldn’t take being to hot. Over heating a Jagrafess caused it to explode, he had leant that from the Doctor. What he hadn’t counted on was the force of the explosion. It knocked him backwards off his feet and sent him crashing to the floor. Then the darkness took him. His last thought before the darkness was ‘my baby’ and the last thing he heard was Tosh screaming his name.

It was only a few minutes but it had felt like a lifetime before Jack woke from the dark. A hand was touching his face, it was stone cold - ‘Owen’ thought Jack. This was a bad sign he had either died or come close enough to it that Tosh had broken her promise and told Owen about the baby. Jack didn’t want to open his eyes, but he could see the light through his eyelids and hear the goings on in hub. It had to be the hub; he could hear the hum and beeps of the computers. He was lying on something cold and hard, the autopsy table… this was bad. Jack lay there with his eyes closed wishing that the darkness would shallow him whole when he felt it. A kick. A tiny little foot inside of him kicked him! He actually felt it moving… living it hadn’t died… he hadn’t died everything was all right. Suddenly he was sat bolt up right, eyes wide open and his hands pressed to his stomach. He could feel himself grinning like an idiot but didn’t care.

“Look whose up,” said Owen. He was fiddling with the ultra scan machine. “I want to do a scan and double check everything okay” he explained to Jack, calmly as if he had dealt with a million male pregnancies. “I also want to use it to make sure my needle hit its mark.”

“Needle?” asked Jack feeling a little worried at this strange turn of events.

“Yes,” said Owen slowly in that way he does when he was concentrating on something else. “I want a DNA test” he turned and smiled at Tosh. “Just to double check, Tosh might be willing to believe you without an once of evidence, but I’m a medic I need the proof.”

“How much did Tosh tell you?”


“And what about Ianto and Gwen?”

“Their cleaning up the warehouse with Rhys, Tosh is filling out the paper work and trying to figure out how this inter - species invasion was meant to work. We didn’t tell them anything. Tosh got to you first and told me everything very quickly and in Japanese… I’ve been learning to speak it got to fill my nights with something. I pulled rank and brought you back here with Tosh’s help of course.”

“Gwen let you pull rank on her, thought she ran things while I was away.”

“Yeah well, imagine doing your job and my job at the same time. I couldn’t held it so I let her do the filing, but believe me when I say that none of us would have followed her to half the places we follow you too. I pointed out to her that I am second on commend and if she got things cleaned up quickly she and Rhys could spend the rest of the night together.”

Jack tried to digest what he was being told, “So this DNA test… why?” Jack wasn’t up to big sentences yet. His head felt like it had been split in two.
“I want to make sure its human. Tosh told me everything you told her and I believe it… I do,” he added on seeing the inquiring look on Jack’s face. “But who’s to say that in a job like this one that some alien hasn’t knocked you up and made you believe that it’s Ianto’s”

“Okay good point…and it might help me explain it to Yan if you can show him the evidence. How does it work?”

“Big needle” Owen held it up, “used to get a drop of babies blood which I will than match against yours and Ianto’s blood samples. Easy” Owen grinned as if to make Jack believe it was easy. Owen picked up the ultra scan gel, “Now lie back and think of Torchwood.”

gwen cooper, jack harkness, torchwood, ianto jones, toshiko sato, owen harper

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