Life: Jack's Story - part two

Mar 24, 2008 14:56

If you have missed part one it's here
But here a quick summary anyway - Jack's pregant and he doesn't know how to explain it to the rest of the team. Meanwhile Owen decide to beat someone up.
Okay guys here it is, enjoy...

Life: Jack's Story part two

Toshiko sat opposite Jack, they were alone in his office and the only sound was the low hum of the computers and various alien technologies that was dotted around the hub. Jack had just told her everything she added to know in order to understand his current predicament. It was a lot of information he had just given her, he’d practically told her his life story…in a nutshell.

Still she sat silence across from him clutching the glass of whiskey he had poured her. If she took this badly the next one would have retcon in it. Timidly she took a little slip and waited a few moments before gulping the rest back. She placed the glass on his desk and got up, “let me see if I understand what your saying” she begun to pace his office.

Tosh was usually very calm, not someone to use up any un- necessary energy. Was she freaking out on him, he slid open his desk draw and removed a small wooden box. Retcon at the ready.

“So you were born in the 51st century in the Boeshane peninsula. Which is in another galaxy, so technically you’re an alien, well at least alien to this plant.”

She frowned at what she had said and continued to pace. Jack quietly opened the small wooden box.

“So during the three thousand year between our time and your time, the human race it seem developed some what… evolved.”

She continued to talk and pace, Jack reached for her glass.

“By the time you were born, men as well as women are able to bare children…only the men can’t actually give birth… is that right?”

“Yeah that’s right we all still have c-sections” he smiled weakly at her.

“Oh my god” she put her face it her hands, Jack dropped a pill into the bottom of her glass.

“This is… amazing, it’s incredible. Just to think that we’re still growing, developing as a race, we haven’t even reached out maximum potential yet.”

She gave him the biggest smile that Jack had ever seen her wear.

“God, it’s beautiful, it’s so wonderful. It’s life, survival just to think there are still people, humans in the 51st century and that we make it out there” she gestured towards the ceiling.

“This is so reassuring to know that what we are doing is actually helping.” She looked at him eyes filled with tears of happiness, Jack emptied the glass into the wastepaper bin.

He got up moved around the desk and hugged her. “So your not freaking out, you’re not going to shot me?” he just needed to double check.

“Of course not, I’m really happy that you told me” she looked up at him, a few tears escaped her eyes and dribbled down her cheek.

He wiped them away and kissed the end of her nose. He smiled at her, “hey, um… could you gave me an ultra scan?”

She stepped back from his hug, “of course, oh my god your going to need someone to look after you… when the others get back we should tell them and Owen can do all the medical stuff and I’ll help and…” Jack cut her off.

“No, I’m not ready to tell Ianto yet and Owen has his own shit to deal with, and how’s to say the rest of them are going to take this as well as you have? I mean you looking at this from a scientific point of view… aren’t you?” She nodded in agreement.
“Well Gwen and Ianto don’t think like that… and Owen is a medic he cuts things open to find out how they work. It’s what he’s trained to do, I don’t think their going to take this well, that’s why I told you” Jack’s eyes pleaded with her.

“Okay,” she said softy “we’ll do what ever you want.”

They heard the cog door roll back and went out into the hub to greet Owen, Ianto and Gwen. Owen has a cut under his left eye and was holding his ribs, Ianto had a fat lip and a black eye while Gwen was limping a little. Jack didn’t like the look of this.

“I thought I told you to defuse it BEFORE it became a situation.” Said Jack feeling a little angry that they let Owen get hurt, but angry with himself for letting Ianto get hurt, even if it was only minor injuries that he would recover from.

“What happened?” Toshiko asked her voice filled with concern.

“Nothing I couldn’t handle until these two distracted me” he jerked his thumb towards Ianto and Gwen. “Then the bastard rugby tackled me, and well kind of broke my ribs” he moved his hand to show them.

Two of his ribs were sticking out at odd angles; the pale fresh around them had been thrown away and showed some of Owen’s muscles. He wasn’t bleeding but the sight of it made Jack want to throw up.

“Then Gwen and I got involved and…”

“He did that to Gwen?” Toshiko asked her voice was starting to fill with anger.

“No Gwen fell down the steps on the way out, but he smack me a couple of times. Until I twisted his arm behind his back that is.” Said Ianto calmly.

“I think you broke it,” said Owen happily “no more than he deserves through, that will teach him to mess with our Tosh.”

“Owen you didn’t have to do that for me”

“If I don’t stand up for you who will?”

“But you ribs” a few more tears ran down Tosh’s face. Jack had the feeling that these were for Owen.

“Don’t worry about it, I think I can just push them back in” Owen lifted his t-shirt and started trying to push his ribs back into his chest. It was too much for Jack; he felt the vomit rise to the back of his throat and made a dash for his bathroom.

He knelt in front of his toilet and threw his guts up. It wasn’t so much the sight of Owen playing with his own ribs and feeling nothing. It was more the smell of dead meat that accompanied it. It was easy to forget that Owen was dead, he was still walking and talking, and everything was the same about him. Until something like this happened and he was reminded of how crappy this universe could be. Jack rubbed his stomach and hoped he could protect his child from it.

“Jack” said Ianto’s voice; he felt Ianto’s hand on his back. “Are you alright? Tosh said you are feeling unwell”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine it just that smell and his ribs”

“I know, it’s hard to deal with”

“Hard?” questioned Jack “Hard? If it’s hard for you imagine what it’s like for me, I did that to him.”

“Jack” Ianto whispered and pulled him into a hug.

“He hates me for it, he said it himself I get to live forever and he gets to die forever” Jack wasn’t sure were the tears had come from. But they were there and uncontrollable as he sobbed into Ianto’s suit jacket. Hormones he thought had to be.

“Come on lets get you into bed” said Ianto as he pulled the sobbing Jack to his feet and guided him to his bed. He lay Jack down and removed his boots.

“Oh” Ianto muttered, “You didn’t tell me you hurt your ankle.”

“What?” questioned Jack they had felt sore lately but now he was chalking that up to being pregnant. Everything felt a bit sore when you were pregnant.

Ianto sat on the bed and pulled Jack’s feet onto his lap. “It feels a bit tender, a bit puffy,” said Ianto as he messaged his ankle.

Trust Ianto to notice the tiniest bit of swelling, he knew Jack’s body better then… well better then Jack did.

“Yan” said Jack in a small voice barely more than a whisper.

“Hmm” Ianto made a noise just to let Jack know he had heard him.

“Do you love me?” Jack actually held his breathe as he waited to the answer.

A sudden horrible thought flashed through his mind, it was Ianto saying how could I ever love you? You made my friends kill the woman I loved, your nothing more than a sex toy to me. Jack closed his eyes and wished away that image. He felt Ianto moving so that he was lying on top of him. Jack opened his eyes; Ianto’s face was inches from his own.

“I love you Jack Harkness” he said with his beautiful Welsh accent, “with all my heart”.

Jack smiled as Ianto kissed him.

Ianto pulled away, “Question is do you love me?”

“More than you could ever know” was Jack’s answer and it earned him the most beautiful passionate and loving sex that he ever had.


Two months later.

Jack had taken himself off active duty, which meant no more going out in the field and a lot more paperwork. He hated it, but he was doing it for his baby so he stuck to it. Toshiko told him that the baby looked healthy on all of the ultra scans; she could tell what sex it was but Jack didn’t want to know.

She did through she told him that she had been buying it clothes in the right colour. Jack didn’t mind, in fact it was better that way. How would Jack explain a tiny little outfit to Ianto if he found one in Jack’s quarters?

He was now coming up to four months; in fact he was three months and three week pregnant and starting to show it. Tosh was working on a perception filter that would make Jack look normal to the rest of the team, but it was tricky work and she hadn’t perfected it yet.

Jack pressed his ear, “Owen take a left at the next traffic lights” Jack typed in a code that would keep the lights green for his team. They were out in the SUV tracking something that came from the rift and was leaving a trail of death and destruction through the city.

Jack had told Owen to drive and only drive, but he didn’t think for a moment that Owen had actually listened. Since the incident with his ribs and Tosh’s ex Jack wanted him to be more careful. Owen however seemed to want to get into more and more trouble. He didn’t go looking for it, but refused to move out of its way.

“Stubborn asshole” Jack screamed at him as the team pulled up outside the warehouse that Jack had tracked the thing to and the CCTV live freed showed all four of them getting out of the SUV.

“Jack, if you didn’t want us to get hurt you should have come along.” Owen pointed out, that stung a bit. “Now which way did it go.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “It’s in the warehouse, it’s not a weevil. The heat signals are strange…”

“Strange how?” Tosh asked.

“Well either it’s moving very fast or teleporting… according to your scanners Tosh, it’s in one place and then suddenly in another like twenty feet away without the scanners picking up the movement.”

“Okay, weird… a alien with special tech. anything else we should know?” Tosh asked, there probably was but Jack was having a hard time keeping track of the scanners, CCTV, the team and trying to cross fence everything he knew with the archives. Tosh was much better at this; he was no good at multi tasking.

“Nothing I can find, but little boxes keeping popping with new stuff in them… I’ll keep you up dated.”

“Fat a lot of good you are” snapped Owen. 'Was that a stab about my weight?' thought Jack.

“He doing his best” Ianto bit back, “like to see you do it better.”

“I do, do it better”

“Now boys let focus,” came Gwen’s voice. “Maybe we should split up”

“Great, I’ll go with Tosh,” said Owen.

“No” snapped Ianto. “You always go with Tosh, I’ll go with her and you can go with Gwen”

“Don’t argue” said Tosh.

“I don’t want to go with Gwen,” said Owen.

“Hey, what’s wrong with going with me?” asked Gwen sounding hurt.

Jack listened to his professional team of experts arguing like children until something court his eye on the computer screen. A red dot - the alien was bouncing its way at speed towards the four green dots that represented his team.

“You always refer to the rule book, I think you made it up,” shouted Owen.

“Guys alien at ten o’clock” said Jack pressing his ear.

“With have these rules for a reason.” Said Ianto.

“It’s getting closer”

“Is this really the time to disgust this?” snapped Gwen

“It’s twenty feet away”

“Look I’ll go with Ianto this time and come with you next time,” said Tosh.

“You should be able to see it”
“I don’t want to go with Owen,” said Gwen.


Gwen screamed someone fired his or her gun. Ianto yelped and Jack heard a thud then silence.

gwen cooper, jack harkness, torchwood, ianto jones, toshiko sato., owen harper

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