FIC: In His Deceit - 8/8

Jun 28, 2012 11:54

Title: In His Deceit
Author: Miss 'Drea
Artist: pixymisa
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/OFC, Dean/Sam, brief Sam/Trickster
Beta: selecasharp and blackcathollow
Word Count: 22100/20000
Warnings: Genderbending, angst, some show-level amount of gore
Summary: When the perfect woman shows up during Dean's latest hunt, he spends more time trying to catch her attention than he does solving the hunt. She hunts with him even though she has no idea what she's doing and he's all over that; he likes teaching. Everything is perfect. Except for when it isn't. She vanishes without a trace and then Dad goes missing right after. Dean thinks they're linked. (He has no idea.)
Disclaimer: Not mine, not even a little bit. Title is from the Rune's poem.
Notes: Special thanks to selecasharp for coming up with my title, and for the beta and everything else. And to pixymisa, without whom I would have scrapped the story and dropped out of the entire bigbang out of writer's block frustration. Thanks, hon. <3 Mostly though, thank you for the dance.

| Prologue | 1 | Interlude I | 2 | Interlude II | 3 | Interlude III | Epilogue |
| Notes & Soundtrack | Art Post (coming soon!)|

| Epilogue |


When Dean punches him, Sam figures he deserves it. He half expects Dean to take off as soon as he can, but instead Dean turns to him with the most tortured expression Sam has ever seen him wear. "You were her, the whole time?"

Sam can feel his heart break a little more. "Yeah." It's all he can say, all he knows how to say after he spent four years lying.

"Okay." Dean sits down very deliberately on the bed. "Walk me through it. Again."

He ruffles his hair and starts talking. "I was going to Stanford... stopped in Ohio. Columbus. I got off the bus and realized that I didn't have enough to get where I needed to go. As I was standing there, this guy walked up to me and I knew right away he wasn't human. He told me his name was Loki. He told me that I had to... to entertain him, that I had to fall in love. When I asked who I had to fall in love with... he said you, and that he'd kill you if I didn't play along. He told me later that I wasn't allowed to talk about the curse, not to anyone." Sam trails off. "I'm not sure what else to tell you, Dean."

"You tried everything?"

"I tried everything. I tried to write it down, to say it into my phone and record it, but it never came out the way it was supposed to." Sam can feel his entire body slumping down, shoulders drawing inward. "It killed me to lie, Dean. But I couldn't say anything." He can still feel the visceral, gut-wrenching pain of failing to come clean with Dean again, just like it's the first time.

Sam is still bracing himself for the utter horror of Dean's rejection when he feels his brother's familiar hand resting on his head, lightly stroking his hair. "Sammy." Drawn like always, Sam's eyes raise up to look at Dean.

"You had to fall in love with me," Dean says and it's not a question. Sam nods, once - afraid that if he moves too much, Dean's hand will fall from the crown of Sam's head. "Did you?"

Trust Dean to ask the one question Sam doesn't want to answer. "Dean..."

"Answer me, Sam."

Sam breathes out a harsh sigh through his nose. "Dean. Did you love Jacqui?"

Dean chews on his lower lip for a second. "Yes."

It brings Sam hope, igniting the spark that had appeared when Dean hadn't stormed out of the motel room. "My answer is yes, too," he whispers. He braces himself, for another punch, or for Dean leaving the room and driving away. He's so tense that he almost startles off the chair when light brushes of Dean's fingertips cup his face, drawing him to look up.

"Hey," Dean says quietly. Sam's about to reply when Dean cuts him off again.

This time by kissing him.

Any inelegant response that Sam has is swallowed by Dean, and after a second, Sam reaches up to pull Dean closer. It's not quite the same; he's the taller one now, he doesn't have breasts, and his hair is shockingly short compared to what it was when he was Jacqui. When Dean pulls away, he licks his lips and smiles. "You taste the same," he says to Sam's baffled expression.

"Dean, what... I don't understand..." He almost doesn't want to understand; he just wants to keep kissing his brother.


Dean grins, but instead of responding he kisses Sam again, tilting his head back to deepen it. Plundering Sam's mouth, Dean knocks his knee against his brother's to encourage him to open his legs so Dean can settle between them.

It's a lot different kissing Sam than kissing Jacqui. Especially because Sam is most definitely hard, which is a little new. Dean's had about a year to get used to the idea though, and once he'd worked through his first gut reaction, he'd learned to deal and had even started to look forward to it. Also, the Internet is awesome and he's really glad that Jacqui had never looked at his Internet history.

Sam doesn't taste like caramel anymore, but Dean has fun finding out the differences. They kiss the same though, and Dean tilts Sam's head back to get a better angle, relishing the slight burn of Sam's stubble, and how if Sam wasn't sitting he'd be towering over Dean.

"Dean," Sam murmurs against his face, and Dean says a silent goodbye to Jacqui.

"Yeah, Sammy," he answers, and pulls Sam to his feet and over to the bed. Sam lets Dean manhandle him, sinking gracefully to the bed and allowing Dean to position him. They end up with Dean straddling Sam's hips, still kissing gently. "Sammy," Dean says between kisses, "can I fuck you?"

Sam's hips jerk up, and it's enough of an answer. "Yeah," Sam says unnecessarily. "Yes."

Dean tugs his shirt over his head, pulling away from Sam's lips just long enough to let Sam do the same to his own shirt. If the kissing was good before, it's even better now, with their bare chests brushing. Sam's skin is warm and smooth and even though he's used to seeing breasts, Dean can see the similarities between Jacqui and Sam.

His skin tastes the same, for example. And Sam still writhes when Dean tongues his nipples. His hands are bigger, but he still tries to bury them in Dean's short hair. Dean unbuttons Sam's jeans as Sam gasps and twists and tries not to thrust.

Once his jeans are on the floor and his boxers are hooked around one ankle, Dean surveys the miles of golden skin before him, and takes an experimental lick of his brother's cock. Sam cries out, twisting up or twisting away, and his fingers fist in the sheets. Sam tastes like Jacqui did, a little sweet and tangy, and Dean gets down to business.

He's never actually sucked cock before, but he's watched a lot of porn and he doesn't think it's that hard. There are certain universal rules that anyone with a penis knows anyway: don't use your teeth, drool isn't sexy, and gagging is pretty much a no-no for everyone.

Unfortunately, it's not quite that easy, but Sam doesn't seem to care. He's making enough noise that Dean's glad there aren't any other people around. Dean doesn't even try to deep throat because he wants this to be as perfect as possible, so he makes a loose fist around the root of Sam's cock and sucks on the head. Hard, because Jacqui could come from essentially the same thing on her clit. Sam is swearing and shouting, especially when Dean slides his free hand down to rub soothing circles around his balls and perineum.

"Fuck," his brother swears. "Fuck, Dean, come on, please."

So Dean pulls off of him to find the lube he'd bought earlier in the week - because no curse can last forever - and he slicks one of his fingers. Sam sits up a little to tug on Dean's jeans but Dean fends him off. "No," he says, "because if those come off, I'll be point five seconds away from coming."

Sam subsides, but only after Dean slides a finger inside him, crooking it so he brushes Sam's prostate. "Shit," Sam swears, and he goes back to gripping the sheets. Dean rubs at him for a few minutes, sending sparks of electricity down Sam's spine until Sam is a writhing, panting wreck and loose enough for another finger.

Dean will swear up and down that he forgot that men can't have multiple orgasms, because once he adds a second finger, he goes back to rubbing Sam's prostate with light, barely-there touches, just like he would have for Jacqui's G-spot. Sam comes with a startled yell, twisting and thrusting and swearing, and Dean is almost surprised when Sam starts begging him.

"Fuck, Dean, son of a bitch," he says, rolling his hips around. "Not a fucking girl anymore, you dick, I can't - it's too soon, fuck!"

But Dean adds another finger and keeps prodding Sam's prostate - because even though Sam seems to be complaining, he's rolling his hips up into Dean's hand, not away, and besides, if he wanted Dean to stop, it would be easy enough for him to get away - and Sam starts getting hard again. Dean is nice enough to leave his red and angry-looking cock alone, for now anyway, and works on twisting his fingers inside Sam instead. "You ready?" he asks, trying to sound conversational and not like he's going to come any second.

"Fuck!" Sam says in answer, but spreads his legs wider in invitation.

Dean takes it as the 'yes' it's meant to be and slides his fingers carefully free from his brother's body, then practically rips his own jeans off. He deliberates for all of two seconds on using a condom - because they hadn't that last year when Sam was Jacqui and it's not like they both aren't clean - but eventually slides one on to make it last longer.

When he finally enters Sam, his brother surges up and drags Dean down to his level for a heated kiss, all tongues and teeth. With Dean suitably distracted, Sam wraps one leg around his waist and blows Dean's plan to go slow straight to hell by pulling Dean all the way inside him so Dean's balls rest against Sam's ass.

"Damn it, Sam," he complains, but Sam just kisses him again, laughing against Dean's lips.

Despite the condom, Dean can feel his orgasm swiftly approaching, coiling at the base of his spine as he fucks into his brother as deep as he can get. Sam is moaning and whimpering with each of his thrusts, one hand still buried in the sheets, the other clamped around Dean's forearm, digging his short nails in and leaving crescent-shaped marks.

Dean's not going to last much longer, and he wraps one hand around Sam's cock. His brother's so hard that it's straining against his stomach, and when Dean touches him Sam howls, throwing his head back and coming again, coating Dean's hand and both their stomachs.

When Sam comes his entire body tightens, causing sharp pinpricks of pain on Dean's arm, and when Sam ripples around him, Dean orgasms with a sharp sound that might be Sam's name.

He has to work to avoid collapsing on his brother, and he slides out with a few whispered cusses, to dispose of the condom and possibly convince his legs to work in order to get a washcloth to clean them up. Instead, he ties off the condom and tosses it into the trash, and leans down to give Sam another kiss.

Sam kisses back without opening his eyes, pulling Dean down so they rest chest to chest, spreading the stickiness between them. They kiss for long languid moments as their heartbeats calm down and their breathing evens out.


When Dean finally rolls to the side and Sam catches his breath, he leans up on one elbow to look at his brother's face. "Dean?" he asks slowly, waiting until Dean opens his eyes to look at him. "I still don't understand."

Rolling his eyes with a fond smile, Dean levers up to give him another kiss and gently taps his finger against Sam's nose. "I," he says happily, "am much smarter than I look."


story: in his deceit, pairing: sam/dean, character: dean winchester, fandom: supernatural, character: sam winchester

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