FIC: In His Deceit - Notes & Soundtrack

Jun 28, 2012 11:50

Title: In His Deceit
Author: Miss 'Drea
Artist: pixymisa
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/OFC, Dean/Sam, brief Sam/Trickster
Beta: selecasharp and blackcathollow
Word Count: 22100/20000
Warnings: Genderbending, angst, some show-level amount of gore
Summary: When the perfect woman shows up during Dean's latest hunt, he spends more time trying to catch her attention than he does solving the hunt. She hunts with him even though she has no idea what she's doing and he's all over that; he likes teaching. Everything is perfect. Except for when it isn't. She vanishes without a trace and then Dad goes missing right after. Dean thinks they're linked. (He has no idea.)
Disclaimer: Not mine, not even a little bit. Title is from the Rune's poem.
Notes: Special thanks to selecasharp for coming up with my title, and for the beta and everything else. And to pixymisa, without whom I would have scrapped the story and dropped out of the entire bigbang out of writer's block frustration. Thanks, hon. <3 Mostly though, thank you for the dance.

| Prologue | 1 | Interlude I | 2 | Interlude II | 3 | Interlude III | Epilogue |
| Notes & Soundtrack | Art Post (coming soon!)|


AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Alice Cooper - Is It My Body?
Iron Maiden - No More Lies
Meatloaf - I'd Lie For You (And That's The Truth)
The Doors - Roadhouse Blues
The Who - I'm a Boy
The Kinks - All of the Day, and All of the Night
Styx - Don't Let it End
Styx -- Lady
David Bowie - Changes
Deep Purple - Sweet Child in Time
Cherry Poppin' Daddies - Here Comes the Snake

Thank Yous:   
As mentioned briefly above, pixymisa, this one is for you, hon. Seriously, without you I'd probably have just given up and hoped that I'd come up with the ability and the words to finish this in time for the deadline without actually trying to do so. Every time I got discouraged (which was frightfully often) I just opened up the mad happy puppy dance and chased away the frustration for just one more scene. So, thank you for the dance, the inspiration, and your girlfriend - because I'm certain I took up way more of her time that I meant to. ^^

selecasharp, you are my favorite. Everyone always says things like, "You'll never meet your real friends on the internet," or something stupid along those lines. I think that's rubbish... 'cause I met you on the internet and I think we're pretty darn good friends. :) If not for you whipping this into shape, I wouldn't have much of a story. I look forward to our Sunday Writing Parties... which is probably half the reason this story got written. <3 ILU, FFF. :D

blackcathollowmy cheerleader. <3 That's all I got, dearest. <3

And to wendy and thehighwaywoman for running this challenge every year on the year. Managed my second one, woot! <3 Thanks, you two.

As always, this story was originally meant to be something else. One day I *will* write my DID!Sam story, as long as other stories stop ambushing me at every turn. (As a note, I have another story planned after this... and it isn't the DID!Sam one. Sigh.) I did a lot of research into the fandom for "one of the boys turned into a girl" stories, and I found a lot of good ones. But a lot of them had to do with Dean, whom I don't seem to write nearly as easily for as I do for Sam.

This story was written largely in part by trial and error - I don't write a lot of het sex scenes, so this was definitely taken from my own experiences. It was also written about the same time as my SNCross Bang, and some of it was written while on a ship in the Caribbean. In a lot of ways, this fic almost didn't get written.

The soundtrack is... weird. I listened to a lot of oldies while writing this, so a few choice songs on my playlist went into it... and then swing music. During the writing process I go through phases of random things I want to listen to... and swing music was the last. I thought "Here Comes the Snake" was kind of fitting for Dean. :D

Also, this story got set aside a lot for Minecraft. Mostly accidentally.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed and comments are - as always - appreciated. <3

story: in his deceit, pairing: sam/dean, character: dean winchester, fandom: supernatural, character: sam winchester

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