What's next?

Aug 22, 2009 23:43

So the last time I posted, I've had 535 messages.  I don't even know if anyone remembers me but I like to use LJ again for rl-blogging xD.  Erm I ignored everyone for a while but during that time a few months ago, those were the most difficult life changing events of my entire life.  I've finally recovered from it.  I'm still depressed as usual but ( Read more... )

the boring life of noka4ever

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Comments 14

quiraikotsu August 23 2009, 08:22:17 UTC
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


quiraikotsu August 23 2009, 08:26:33 UTC
Okay now that I've gotten over my initial shock: WELCOME BACK :D :D
LJ's a fabulous place to share your problems so I hooope you feel at least a little better? :)

Could this be a ... really REALLY early mid-life crisis you're going through!? At least be assured that tons of other people have felt... wait, ARE feeling this way.
And if you want something more in your life, do you KNOW what it is? Or does it just feel like somethings missing? You've gotta at least know what it is first! :)


misoyo August 26 2009, 04:41:41 UTC
Hi I've missed you :D
and dang I LOVE your domo kun icon hhaha. anyway, I thought you knew? I have been going through a midlife crisis for the past almost two years now. It's ridiculous, every week I party my ass off and do wild things because I know I can't be doing the same stuff when I am like 30 years old, gotta do it while ya still can. How are you holding up in uni yet?? :)


quiraikotsu August 26 2009, 07:47:34 UTC
well if you've been out raving with friends then it's not all that bad is it! xD at least you weren't stuck at home 24/7 being miserable, right? :)

and noooo not yet, i move into dorms in less than a month though D: D: AND WE DON'T GET SINKS IN OUR ROOMS. OH THE CRISIS D:


kazama_2009 August 23 2009, 08:43:33 UTC

U know I totally envy you, u have such a nice job, I mean a JAPANESE firm that's AWESOME and ur learning the language, I really wanna learn too but I'm so foul XD. But I know u can pull through. Its really cool that u've got ur own place and I take it u've got internet now or??? I know how much life sucks I just turned 20... (oh god DX) and I'm still in school. I envy u for all u've accomplished sometimes I just wanna be by ur side and see how u do it I mean ur finished with Collage, u went to japan XD, got to see Matsumoto Jun XDDD went to a NEWS con, U helped me several times, AND U HAVE AN AWESOME JOB~~~ grrrr and me and my Boyfriend have problems too I mean we've almost been together a year now and I can't imagine another guy like him u know, and I practically LIVE with him ahahahha XDDDD, Love overcomes every problem XD, the only problem we have now is getting more Kills than oneanother when playing Dynasty Warriors: Gundam (a little joke ^^).
... )


misoyo August 26 2009, 04:44:03 UTC
awww you are so cute kazama, your msg made me smile:) We have so much to talk about. The way you talk that you wish you were next to me, I wish you were too. Come stay at my place, come visit LA and I'll show you around, especially we';ll party our fucking asses off. I love you to death! I want to party wid you soo bad! And shoonie too but shoonie and rie are so innocent and we are the bad ones, hahaha =) And yeah I have internet now but I don't go on as much. I'm gonna try and go online everynight. I hate the BF, I wish he'd go away, we have so many problems. Do you still go on msn? xD


kazama_2009 August 26 2009, 09:42:38 UTC
Of course I still go on msn everyday and I always look if ur maybe on XD ^^.
Of course everyday I wish I was beside you and Shoonie and Rie and thats why I wish that u guys can REALLY come here next summer (this summer was BLAZIN hot XD), bcuz now here in Germany Shoonies not a minor anymore but an adult I would SOOO pay for her plane ticket and I would take you three out EVERY FREAKIN NIGHT XDDDDD, But I will also try to come with you to japan if ur really flying in Feburary ^^.

Why whats wrong with him why do u hate him???? if u don't love him I dont think u have to stay together with him neeee.


akira_baka August 23 2009, 11:04:09 UTC
Aww~ *pats* That's fine dear. You will also get the answer for that question. Enjoy your life first, okay? Like you said, you got all the things you wanted. So enjoy it! :D Be happy, and satisfied. Time will give you the answer to your question someday. ♥
Be happy!


misoyo August 26 2009, 04:46:47 UTC
So many questions but NO answers! I am left in the dark with no direction or pathway of where to head to now. Don't you ever get those moments? Well for me, it's every day and every second of life I breathe, I wonder about the day I'd find the answers. So hard to be happy :( But thank you for the heads up. I'm happy to know some of my friends on here still care :D


(The comment has been removed)

misoyo August 26 2009, 04:48:08 UTC
of course 69chan, everytime I use ganguro, I will always think of you hehe:)

Heyy how is work? I know you said you started I hope you are enjoying it and learning lots of new things. The company I work at is great! I can talk forever about them and the people. hehe and be a good girl! No smoking or drinking!!


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