Assailing the afflicted

Oct 10, 2009 01:08

I'm very fond of my Humans. They're nice Humans, and they feed me and take me for walks, and everything's fine until I start feeling unwell about something. Then, as though I wasn't feeling bad enough, they start being nasty to me, and the worse I feel the nastier they get. It's as though they take a saintly delight in making happy dogs happier, and a diabolical sadism in making unhappy dogs unspeakably miserable.

Yesterday I started feeling unwell with an upset stomach. My stomach's usually pretty good, so the Humans just took me for more and shorter walks. But this morning I was feeling terrible. I didn't really want to get up or go out, but I had to because I had diarrhoea, and it turned out there was blood in it, but I was so tired that all I wanted to do was to go back to bed and rest, and you'd think my Humans would have the simple compassion to let me curl up and be miserable in peace.

But no, they dragged me off to that awful sharp-smelling house in town where another white-coated human put me on a table, prodded and poked me in all sorts of undignified places, looked in my mouth, pushed something up my bum, stuck something sharp in me that stung like a wasp, and then sent me home where I got nothing to eat for two days but a few tiny dry lumps of something that tastes foul even with liver sausage. And Humans call this love?

I was a pretty sick dog for a day or so-so sick that the Humans started watching me a lot and discussing even more detailed ways to be nasty to me. Fortunately I'm beginning to feel a little better now, so the Humans are naturally being less evil. Human One is still making me eat those nasty lumps, and starving me the rest of the time, but nobody's stung me with anything all day. Who knows, tomorrow I might even be feeling halfway alright again.

And you can just bet that if I'm feeling okay, they'll suddenly start making nice again with the food and the walks.

illness, the vet, humans

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