Sinking deeper and deeper...

Jul 13, 2007 10:37

Waaah, and here comes yet another 1_sentence challenge set! Still in the Bloody Roar fandom, only it's Alan Gado x Jenny Burtory this time. I'm sure that some of you are surprised, seeing as I rarely write this couple, but one of the sets just fit them so well... As it turned out, one of the pairings that I wanted is currently already taken, but I'll be watching and waiting for my turn to take a shot at them. Hmm, so then, who shall be the pairing featured in my next 1_sentence challenge? I guess you readers will just have to find out! :D But for now, our lovely Jenny and valiant Gado will have their moment in the spotlight...

Fandom: Bloody Roar II
Pairing: Alan Gado x Jenny Burtory
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: PG-13 to very light R

1. Ring

Alan often liked to sneak glances at the ring on her slender finger, for it reminded him that she had said yes and they would spend the rest of their lives together, bound by their love.

2. Hero

Jenny had known him for many years, having met the man when he was a war hero, and she never regretted having made his acquaintance.

3. Memory

Every time the female spy went off on a secret mission, Alan had to content himself with the soothingly vivid memory of her alluring smile until she returned to him.

4. Box

He liked to do things the old-fashioned way, Jenny discovered with a knowing smile when she caught a glimpse of a small box peeking out from his suit pocket.

5. Run

The moment he saw a perpetrator sneakily approaching the slender blonde from behind, his feet were furiously dashing across the vast battlefield, desperate to reach her in time.

6. Hurricane

She was in her beast form, a human-sized bat with wide wings, and he marveled her beauty in silent awe as she took flight, swirling a hurricane of dust up along the ascent.

7. Wings

Alan was extremely fond of his ever-so-fitting animal counterpart, but he occasionally wondered how his lover felt with her wings, and having the ability to hover in the air above her opponents.

8. Cold

“Put this on,” the muscular man chided in concern as he draped her favorite crimson-colored blazer around her shoulders; Jenny would surely catch a cold if she went out wearing just her sleek, short dress.

9. Red

His intense gaze slowly scoured down her body when she emerged from the restroom - if all her lingerie looked like that, then red would soon become his favorite color as well.

10. Drink

“A glass of wine every night is good for your health, darling,” Jenny informed him with a sly smile, and she raised the drink up to his parted lips.

11. Midnight

She favored the dark midnight hour, he knew this, and he nurtured her preference by staying up later, even though he himself was used to rising with the pale light of the young dawn.

12. Temptation

“Mon amour…” he growled in mock anger as Jenny slide past him gracefully and ‘accidentally’ brushed her fingers across his thigh, teasing and tempting him further with an air-blown kiss.

13. View

He secretly reveled in the view of her face when he awoke each morning and immediately sought the sight of the gorgeous woman lying next to him.

14. Music

The longtime friends had moved so easily into a relationship that their feelings didn’t need to be explicitly expressed, and yet Alan had to admit it was music to his ears whenever she uttered those three small words that warmed his heart.

15. Silk

Jenny had her own unique way of carrying out her agendas, and whenever she had to persuade her man to consent, she knew that silk was his secret weakness…

16. Cover

He would protect her with his life, and she could never forget the first instance that he had leapt over her and covered her body from being harmed.

17. Promise

The war was over and they were forced to part for the time being, and as the two spoke their good-byes, the promise of their reunion hung silently in the air between their locked gazes.

18. Dream

Contrary to the nature of her profession, she never took a lover during their separation, for she only had to close her eyes to feel comforted by a dream of their past times together.

19. Candle

Jenny was not a conventional woman, but he found her unpredictability quite appealing, especially when she surprised him one night at home by lighting his bedroom with an array of sensually scented candles, while she was centered on the mattress.

20. Talent

Her numerous talents always left him panting breathlessly at the end of the night, but with a low growl of determination, the man would then flip her over on her back to demonstrate his skills.

21. Silence

“Hush, darling,” she silenced his worries with a lingering kiss, and his mind was soon distracted by her clever administrations and seductive coy.

22. Journey

The course of love never did run smoothly, but at the journey’s end, all that mattered was the strength of their union and the eternal life of their feelings.

23. Fire

My, my, if Alan made love as fiercely as he fought… she trailed off with a sly grin and stayed by her lover’s side to help him blaze through the group of enemies foolishly surrounding the pair.

24. Strength

Not that the tall blonde weighed very much, but Alan admittedly enjoyed expressing the strength of his love for her by sweeping her clear off her feet.

25. Mask

She tried to maintain her cool composure by masking the anxiety that she truly felt as the woman stood next to her war comrade’s bedside after he had undergone eye surgery.

26. Ice

“Ice queen,” a dejected young man muttered after Jenny turned him down, but his complaint quickly faded when Alan fixed him with an even glare to discourage further pursuit.

27. Fall

“Don’t worry, Alan; if you ever fall, I’ll swoop in and catch you,” the bat zoanthrope remarked with an amorous smile, to which her lover responded by scoffing in mild disbelief - he was much heavier than her, after all.

28. Forgotten

“Hmm, and here I thought you’d forgotten about me,” Jenny elicited at one of their reunion sessions, and he met her eyes while replying solemnly, “It’s impossible for me to forget you, Jenny.”

29. Dance

Her deep green eyes scanned the room, noting the other couples with some interest, but her attention was diverted just then when Alan stood up and invited her, “May I have this dance, Mademoiselle?”

30. Body

One really couldn’t tell Alan’s age by the lean and fit status of his body, Jenny mused silently to herself as her manicured nails gently glided across the hard surface of his well-toned chest.

31. Sacred

She was a gorgeous woman and had to be sought by many, and although he couldn’t figure out why she had chosen him, the man decided to show his appreciation by cherishing and nurturing their sacred love.

32. Farewells

“I’m not fond of farewells,” Jenny drawled in a sultry tone as she locked gazes with her saddened lover, “Hmm, why don’t we leave out that part and just look forward to our next meeting?”

33. World

His adopted daughter was most precious to him as his only family, but Jenny was his source of love and happiness, and he could see the world of never-ending bliss in the depths of her eyes.

34. Formal

“We meet again, Mademoiselle Burtory,” Alan greeted the voluptuous model after their long separation, and she replied with a teasing grimace, “Oh Alan, please, you don’t have to be so formal with me…”

35. Fever

“You poor dear,” the blonde woman cooed soothingly as she gently wiped his burning, feverish face with a damp washcloth, and he could only respond by groaning lowly in discomfort.

36. Laugh

Jenny loved the tall lion zoanthrope for many reasons, but one of her favorite traits was his deep, rich, almost melodious laugh, probably because she rarely heard it from his serious demeanor.

37. Lies

After their first time together, he lied back upon the bed to catch his breath as a calamitous question hovered in the corner of his mind, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know the true answer… and his integrity wouldn’t allow him to stomach any lies.

38. Forever

“I do,” she murmured softly before the crowd of guests, and when he repeated the same phrase with quiet intensity, they were bound by holy matrimony as a symbol of their intense love.

39. Overwhelmed

“Well, Alan, I hope you’re… up to the occasion,” the slender woman provoked him in a playful tone, and he retorted confidently, “My darling Jenny, I think you might be the one to get overwhelmed this time…”

40. Whisper

Their fingers intertwined and the couple grasped each other tightly as they reached their peak together, both of them whispering words of love into the shadows that stretched over the dark room.

41. Wait

“…You don’t have to wait for me,” she told him with a sad smile as they clung to the last moments before their separation, and he assured her firmly, “No other woman can replace you, Jenny… and you are well worth the wait.”

42. Talk

She wasn’t one of those women that liked pillow talk after intimacy, but he was the kind of man that actually wanted to cuddle his lover closely to him as they gradually slipped into sleep.

43. Search

The alluring spy favored her line of work very much, but it wasn’t completely fulfilling and she constantly searched for a way to get rid of the empty void invading her heart as a familiar image tugged at her memory…

44. Hope

“Good luck with her, my friend,” Yuji Ohgami assured his companion when Alan revealed the reason why his demeanor had suddenly become overly somber - and yet hope stubbornly lingered in his mind.

45. Eclipse

He was perfectly aware of her love for the beauty of the night, and so he took her outside late one instance and they watched the eclipse together, their limbs entwined upon the blanket to keep each other warm.

46. Gravity

The bliss that Jenny felt with him could only be rivaled by the sensation of flying, but she feared that someday, they would both be brought back down to earth by the gravity of grave circumstances.

47. Highway

As expected, Alan picked her up from the airport for one of their visits, and as they sped down the highway toward her hotel room, she found herself wishing that he would never stop, and keep driving on and on, just the two of them staying together.

48. Unknown

The mysterious woman intrigued him with her furtive ways, and he ignored the nagging voice in the back of his mind that tried to warn him against becoming involved with the unknown.

49. Lock

They danced around the subject for a few months, but one day, he finally locked her within the embrace of his strong arms and gazed into her eyes as he uttered in question, “Jenny… will you marry me?”

50. Breathe

“Mon amour, breathe, in and out, in and out,” Alan instructed his wife as calmly as he could while sitting by the side of the hospital bed, grasping her hand tightly in anticipation of their firstborn.
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