A fresh new pairing...

Jul 13, 2007 18:54

Gee, I think I'm on #6 by now, if I recall correctly. o.O Hehe, and with this I am done with both of my requests, so I can go get two more! I just have to think of which ones to ask for this time... I'm really into these sentences now. No couple is safe from me! *evil grin* Well, Guyver, if you happen to be reading this by any chance, you once expressed a desire for Stun to get some lovin', right? You should like this then. Here is a challenge set of Stephen and Alica Tylon, so I hope you will read and enjoy!

Alica Tylon, this one is especially for you. :) Please let me know how I did. I certainly hope that I didn't make any gross mistakes with Alica's characterization... ^^0

Fandom: Bloody Roar I
Pairing: Stun/Stephen Goldberg x Alica Tylon (Original Character)
Theme set: Beta
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Alica Tylon belongs to my friend, not me.

1. Walking

Ugh, I feel like a little kid… Alica griped mentally at her aching sprain, though she appreciated the effort of her concerned colleague as he literally walked her back to the company dormitory.

2. Waltz

Stephen had elected to take a waltz class in college to fulfill the art requirement, but he whispered a prayer of gratitude as he eloquently whirled his partner around the floor in the present.

3. Wishes

The woman didn’t truly believe in the notion of wishing on stars, but she could think of no other way to ask for Stephen’s heart and steadfast devotion.

4. Wonder

Her fellow co-worker was so fixated on his research projects that Alica often wondered when he had time for leisure thoughts - did his mind ever linger on her…?

5. Worry

Stephen was human and left purposely ignorant by Hajime and the other secretive zoanthrope employees, but that didn’t stop the female scientist from worrying about him…

6. Whimsy

He was so serious and dedicated to his work, but Alica found out that he had quite a snarky sense of humor when he placed a Dante’s Inferno quote above the dreadful lab room 666.

7. Waste/Wasteland

My sister seems to have taken an interest to Dr. Goldberg, Van observed through slanted lids; Tsk, tsk what a waste of brilliant talent… how unfortunate for him.

8. Whiskey and rum

“I’m not a big drinker,” she confessed sheepishly even as she raised the glass to her lips, but to her relief, he grinned slightly and assured her, “It’s all right; I’m not either…”

9. War

Many times Alica wanted to tell her dear companion that his cherished research was actually aiding the human and zoanthrope war, but the memory of her brother’s dark threat forced silence firmly upon her.

10. Weddings

The night after their first date, Alica snuck a magazine out of a secret drawer and got comfortable in bed as she eagerly looked at pictures of weddings and bridal dresses.

11. Birthday

Stephen had given her very nice birthday gifts over the years that they’d known each other, but her favorite one was the surprise that came with their first kiss.

12. Blessing

As a scientist, he had become accustomed to having faint acquaintances, but Alica… having her friendship was an absolute blessing - and day by day, his interest in her slowly grew…

13. Bias

She always sided with Stephen whenever he and Hajime got into a heated discussion - to which the latter scientist always complained loudly, but then regarded her bias with a sly, lecherous grin.

14. Burning

Nothing burned more brightly than the flickering flames dwelling within her dark eyes when caught in the heat of passion - and he was secretly thrilled that he could bring her such pleasure.

15. Breathing

A powerful force like fire needed oxygen to breathe and survive, just as Stephen needed Alica to give his life meaning and feel complete.

16. Breaking

The confident woman had never thought that anything would break her spirit until Van turned his sick advances on her - and she fervently prayed that Stephen would return to gingerly pick up the shattered pieces.

17. Belief

Despite his adamant devotion to science, she had no trouble believing that he would put her as a higher priority before his second obsession.

18. Balloon

“Interesting experiment,” she remarked with an amused smile as Stephen inhaled the helium from a balloon and replied in a squeaky voice, “Really, I’m just doing this to measure the volume of the gas…”

19. Balcony

“It is the east, and Alica is the sun,” he murmured softly into her ear, mimicking a line from her favorite play, and she teased him in return, “All you need is a balcony, dear.”

20. Bane

“I wish you had a special pestilence for Hajime,” Alica grumbled under her breath to her boyfriend, who immediately squeezed her shoulder in assurance.

21. Quiet

Conversation was overrated, she decided, and felt fully content being enveloped within Stephen’s warm embrace as the couple enjoyed a quiet afternoon together.

22. Quirks

Of course he wasn’t perfect, as no one was, but once in a while, his worst quirk made her want to rip out the cords of his computer and throw the entire set out the window just to ensure his attention.

23. Question

Alica liked to make her boyfriend squirm on occasion, for the red flush that rose on his face was just too cute whenever she playfully asked him a provocative question.

24. Quarrel

They rarely fought, but her secretive demeanor to cover her zoanthrope ability was a bit of a damper on their relationship and caused a few little tiffs, usually concerning the issue of trust.

25. Quitting

As her brother’s hold on the research department tightened, Alica began to entertain the idea of quitting, but she certainly couldn’t leave Stephen behind…

26. Jump

“When I tell you to jump, I expect you to obey me without hesitation,” Van lectured the woman sternly, and she opted to distract herself by conjuring up a pleasant image of Stephen’s face in her mind.

27. Jester

“She’s pretty saucy; I’d love to give her a go,” Hajime remarked to his colleague in a tone that indicated he was far from joking, and Stephen had to resist a strong urge to grind that lecherous sneer into dust.

28. Jousting

Sometimes, her imagination ran just a little wild and created strange scenarios, such as one where her boyfriend donned an iron suit and sat atop a horse while jousting with Van to defend her honor.

29. Jewel

It was hard to find a jewel that matched her unique hair or the exact shade of her eyes, but he finally decided on a pearl, for the brilliant white light of her pure soul.

30. Just

As Stephen’s screams of horror rang delightfully in his ears, Van merely closed his eyes and smiled widely; he thought it perfectly just that the scientist be punished in such a severe manner after trying to capture Alica’s heart…

31. Smirk

You won’t take her away from me… Van admonished silently, a cold smirk playing about his lips as his intent gaze followed the detested male scientist’s form.

32. Sorrow

The sorrow of his abrupt and unexpected departure didn’t fully hit her until she burst into his dorm room and found all of his belongings gone; it was as if he had vanished into the bleak night.

33. Stupidity

When Alica stormed off in irritation one afternoon, he could only look after her with confusion on his face; he was an excellent and rather exceptional scientist, but not terribly smart with women due to his inexperience.

34. Serenade

The woman made an effort to stifle her laughter at Stephen’s poor attempt to serenade her with a romantic song - she adored him for trying, but really, the man could not carry a tune.

35. Sarcasm

“Sure, I’ll go out with you,” Alica answered Hajime sweetly, much to Stephen’s shock and great dismay, but then she continued in a heavily sarcastic tone, “You don’t mind if I hang myself first, do you?”

36. Sordid

After the horrible incident with Van, the traumatized woman sat in the bathtub scrubbing her skin vigilantly, dimly thinking that no one, not even Stephen, could ever take the overwhelming filthiness away…

37. Soliloquy

Her heart pounded frantically as his eyes locked onto hers from across the room, and she murmured excitedly to herself, “Oh, oh, he’s looking at me… he’s so cute… oh, my gosh, he’s actually coming over…!”

38. Sojourn

“I was born in America,” Stephen told her in answer to her question, and she smiled as she admittedly shyly, “I’d like to visit your hometown someday, Stephen… I-I mean, I’ve always wanted to go to America, and maybe you could show me around…?”

39. Share

Alica was his and he refused to share her with anyone, especially when it came to one of his own employees… but fortunately, Stephen Goldberg was expendable…

40. Solitary

Loneliness… she was devastated by the bitter solitude after her lover disappeared without warning, and then one day Van silently approached her from under the cover of darkness…

41. Nowhere

She realized with a sinking feeling that their relationship was going nowhere as long as they were deeply rooted within the deadly snare of the Tylon Corporation…

42. Neutral

“We’re… just colleagues,” Stephen answered Van in a carefully-neutral tone, and kept his expression calm as his boss slowly scrutinized his face with obvious doubt.

43. Nuance

Her cheeks colored a light shade of pink when Stephen whispered a compliment into her ear, and then her blush deepened at the gentle kiss that he placed on the curve of her neck.

44. Near

“Don’t go,” Alica pleaded as she lied helplessly in bed after having been afflicted with a dizzying illness and her boyfriend quickly assured her, “I wouldn’t leave you when you’re like this; I’ll stay nearby until you feel better…”

45. Natural

She spent so much time dressing up and meticulously applying make-up that Stephen later remarked in his usual oblivious manner, “Y-you look beautiful, Alica, but don’t forego your natural beauty…”

46. Horizon

When they were busy in the day, the couple would sneak out into the backyard and watch the stars together, scouring the vast night sky for the numerous tiny glowing dots lingering off in the distance.

47. Valiant

She smiled fondly at the sight of her boyfriend holding his own as he bravely defended his theories and research against Hajime and a couple of their other co-workers.

48. Virtuous

They were equally inexperienced in the same department, but the persistent woman still pursued him as she was determined to have Stephen be her first, and hopefully, her only lover.

49. Victory

Her heart swelled with such powerful waves of love and hope that she began to believe their relationship could go beyond Tylon and win against all odds to last forever…

50. Defeat

Although unbeknownst to Alica, it was Van who crushed all her dreams of love to leave her wallowing in despair, frail and weakened to receive the full force of his perverse, malicious ploy…
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