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Comments 9

peachpai December 4 2011, 03:46:22 UTC
Arg stop tempting me with all these fun fandom things. I need to be doing work aihdfadkjs.

Ahaha oh man, Misha. I'm surprised there no interpretive dance involved in this process.


misachan December 4 2011, 07:44:15 UTC
There actually was an item where you had to make up a groundbreaking new dance. He's probably saving the interpretive part for next round.:)

Arg stop tempting me with all these fun fandom things.



peachpai December 4 2011, 17:41:12 UTC
Haha probably.

I couldn't resist and left a couple of prompts on the Three Sentence Ficathon. :x Maybe if I get a good amount of work done this afternoon I'll fill a few too.


elfladyarwen December 4 2011, 03:48:26 UTC
Part of me hopes he never gets GISHWHES judged so I can keep getting emails from him. <3333

I read the end of that letter and squee-ed a shit ton little bit cause I LOVE YOU TOO, MISHA. :3


misachan December 4 2011, 07:51:18 UTC
I'm deeply saddened that we'll never see the look on his face when he found out about the runaway Christmas tree.


siehn December 4 2011, 03:52:51 UTC
Here's mine.

x) There are little Christmas elves all over the place, hm?


misachan December 4 2011, 08:06:24 UTC
You know how it is, you let one elf in and then suddenly you're all infested with Christmas cheer.

(BTW, you know what prompts I also didn't see a lot of in the Three Sentences meme? Hawaii 5-0. Someone should definitely fix that. I'm not sure who, though. *innocent whistle*


janice_lester December 4 2011, 10:32:55 UTC
You know how Beatles fans made up a fan song? ("We love you Beatles/Oh yes we do/We love you Beatles/And we'll be true/When you're not near to us/We're blue/Oh Beatles, we love you!") I think it's past time Misha had one. (Or if he does already, it's past time someone pointed me at it so that I can start learning to play it on the mandolin.) I think it may need somewhat greater lyrical complexity than the Beatles fan song, however, to have any hope of encapsulating the ~feelings the man incites. I mean, the Beatles caused plenty of love, devotion, ovary explosion, and squee, but surely even their nonsense songs never caused quite the degree of WTFtitude which Misha Collins is capable of causing with but a single Tweet.


misachan December 4 2011, 16:29:18 UTC
He really is his own fandom at this point, isn't he? I admire the man's commitment to making his life into performance art. There are worse uses for fame.:)


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