Second verse, same as the first

Dec 03, 2011 22:29

jimmybigbang progress:

Did you all miss my interminable word count posts? If so, you're in luck!

I actually don't think this is going to wind up as long as Outrun My Gun; my outline for this is both shorter and more detailed, which is good because, you know, deadlines. They're a comin'. Especially since I'm writing for spn_in_space too, and my God, why am I doing this? River's voice is hard! I'd forgotten that! So hard!


So the GISHWHES winner is...actually, no one yet. Here, have it straight from the overlord:

Greetings Gishwhesheans!

The winner is... As yet undetermined.

Allow me to explain my process in judging the literally 10s of thousands of items submitted. As you know, I like to be thorough and fair, so I look at each submission for 5 minutes without blinking. Then, I record my impressions in essay form. (If I blink, I start the clock again.) Then, to make sure there is not a circadian bias, I also recheck each submission at midnight, sunrise, high noon, and sunset, and again record my feelings, this time in the form of improvised song.

Also, to make sure I am really giving each masterpiece its due, I dream about the items during brief concussion-induced black-outs throughout the day and when I come to, I paint my dreams in oil on large canvases. As a final precaution, to eliminate human error, I share my essays, songs, and paintings with a particle physicist, a statistician, an ordained priest, and a psychotherapist, and make an audio recording of their feedback in an invented language only we speak. Then, and only then, do we assign points. While this is obviously an efficient process, it does take some time.

I anticipate announcing the winning team at least 18 hours before our trip to Rome in April. That should give you enough time to weave a monkey hat, throw on your leaf or cotton candy suit, and hitch a ride on one of our now infamous flying Christmas trees to join me in Rome.

Please stay tuned to the updates page for...well...updates and other things.

Also, by popular demand, we will be soon be opening our official GISHWHES 2011 Novelty shop. What else would we offer there but a GISHWHES coffee table book with images & quotes, a special calendar, t-shirts, and of course, aerosol cans of Official GISHWHES 2011 Fish Spray (while supplies last)?

I'd like to gab with you further, but unfortunately, I've got 1,032 items to look at today, starting with Item #64 (a live bull taken to a boxing match in Mexico) which is strange, because I'm looking at a picture of a child's stuffed cow propped in front of a magazine advertisement of a boxing match from 1972.

Thank you for following the Rules of the hunt.

And that's why I love you,


If anyone's wondering what's he means about infamous Christmas trees, that would be how one of the teams attached so many balloons to a Christmas tree that it flew away.

The world is lucky the man uses his absurd power for good. Or at least for lolz.


Who else is signed up for fandom_stocking? If you are, leave a link here so perhaps a Christmas elf will leave you a present! Assuming the elf still has anything left in the tank by then, of course.

The very first Dean/Cas fic I ever wrote was for fandom_stocking, and fills I did last year were my first little baby steps into the fandom, so I'll always have a soft spot for it. (mine's here)


Also, I left so many prompts in this today:

You should too! (It could use more SPN prompts! Incredibly obvious hint!)

big bang, misha collins is a ridiculous madman, meme, gishwhes

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