Thank God for memes, is all I have to say

Dec 05, 2011 01:13

jimmybigbang progress:

Ugh, you know that part of the story where you're setting up the plot and it's all important but it's that tedious connective tissue? That's where I am. I just want to get them on the road already.

I also put another 1000 words on my spn_in_space story, which is also like banging my head against the wall but for entirely different reasons. *hands*


In more successful displays of fannishness, I did a bunch of fills for The Three Sentence Ficathon. Observe!

Firefly, Mal/River, seeing things in a new light

It ain't exactly love, what they've got; there's none of the heart clenching and stomach upset Mal associates with that mess. It ain't even moved out beyond the control room yet, not featured a touch beyond hands brushing over levers and blinking warning lights.

But when it's just the two of them guiding Serenity through the black while the rest of the crew sleeps, she gives him a calm he didn't know existed and he thinks he gives her a kind of peace, and maybe that's something better.


Doctor Who, Doctor/Mickey, unexpected but lovely kiss.

The aliens speak some kind of tail-and-frill language the TARDIS can't translate, so Mickey has no idea what's coming when the Doctor tips his chin up and kisses him full on the lips. Not a quick peck either, a tongues-and-all kiss that Mickey can't help leaning into, and is he ever not going to think about the whys there.

The Doctor finally pulls back, whispering, "Play along," and Mickey thinks he could be okay with that.


X-Factor, Rictor/Shatterstar, they're both getting tired of Rictor almost dying

Rictor wakes up tied down to the infirmary bed with Shatterstar pacing the length of the room like a deranged tiger; when he tests the knots he discovers that of course Shatterstar would be just as good at knot-tying as he is at fighting, and finally all he can do is lay back, saying "'Star, something you want to talk about?"

Shatterstar rounds on him, his left glowing as he snarls, "You will remain there until you can go more than two consecutive days without being shot, stabbed, set on fire, blasted with energy, engulfed in flame, dropped from a great height, immersed in acid or anything else I've forgotten."

Rictor wants to point out that it's not like he's aiming for near-death every time he steps outside, but instead he just sighs and says, "Well, the least you can do is make this interesting for me," - and honestly, when Shatterstar lets out that little growl of his as he kisses him, just as desperately as he'd kissed him that day they'd found each other again, Rictor thinks he could get used to this whole being tied up business.


Supernatural, Dean/Cas, the awkward morning after

"Well, I think they're quite striking."

All Dean can think is of course, now would be when Cas finally figures out how teasing works; he flares out the ginormous feathery wings he woke up with, because that's stress he needed on top of the whole "just had sex with an angel who's also a dude" thing that just happened, and growls out, "Yeah, I'm sure you think this is awesome, Cas, just tell me how to fix it."

Castiel tilts his head to the side, studying Dean, then he crawls forward on the bed and kisses Dean (he can't believe how Cas got so good at that so fast), whispering against his lips, "Perhaps they'll disappear if we do it again," - and sure, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but Cas is doing that thing with his tongue and Dean sure as hell isn't going to argue.


SPN: TNG, Claire/Ben/Jesse, another mile checked off this road(vague S7 spoilers)

Claire's hair catches the wind like a golden flag as they tear down the interstate and Jesse sees Ben's hands go tight on the steering wheel when she pulls her old man's coat tight around her; he remembers the look on Dean Winchester's face when they'd just shown up and said they needed it and he wants to tell Ben it's his own fault he didn't have the guts to tell the guy he remembered everything.

Jesse knows that's not really why Ben's been giving him death glares in the rearview mirror for the last twenty miles; he wants Jesse to stop this, use his powers to change Claire's mind, anything, but Jesse's learned the painful lessons of what his powers can do and using them on friend is a slippery slope he won't start down - and sure, he could just refuse to help but he's made a promise and anyway, God help anyone who tries to stop Claire Novak when she's set her mind on something.

Claire's been dreaming about water since she was a little girl - each mile brings them that much closer to finally doing something about it.


Supernatural (Team Free Will 2.0), Claire/Jesse/Ben, lie to me

"Tell me it's always going to be like this, just the three of us," Ben asks, his fingers tangling in Claire's hair.

Jesse feels Claire catch his eye; it's fun to pretend that they're all normal and that this is a road trip that will never end, but Claire's her father's daughter and all three of them know deep down what that means.

He's come a long way from that little kid who didn't understand why people would lie, but Jesse still has to look away when Claire leans up, kisses Ben and says, "That's right, just the three of us."

writing's hard!, supernatural, meme, dean/castiel, doctor who, fic, comics

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