While I'm waiting on the dryer...

Nov 28, 2011 01:59

I had a sort of-productive weekend! I wrote two fics, one I just posted a little bit ago: The Beginning Is Always Before Us, one of my semi-annual attempts to be literary.:) The prompt was an absolutely gorgeous Pablo Neruda poem, and obviously I don't come anywhere near matching that I'm rather pleased with it. I've always liked playing with the ( Read more... )

geekery, gishwhes, jumped by bunnies

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Comments 7

dazedrose November 28 2011, 08:49:37 UTC
GISHWHES GISHWHES GISHWHES!! That's about the extent of it


misachan November 28 2011, 14:20:18 UTC
God bless whoever wins this thing. They'll have earned it.


strangeandcharm November 28 2011, 08:51:51 UTC
Okay, that Gummi bears comment really made me laugh...


misachan November 28 2011, 14:22:51 UTC
All I'm saying is I fully understand why it hasn't caught on as a mainstream medium.:) (Honestly, "construct a national monument gummi bears" is one of the saner things on that list.)


peachpai November 28 2011, 14:50:28 UTC
(Dammit LJ. Ate my first comment. :|)

What are you making with the gummy bears? XD

I've barely started my deancas_xmas fic. *cries* I have the whole thing more or less plotted out in my head, but it was a hellish weekend and I got nothing done.


misachan November 28 2011, 17:25:04 UTC
Okay, so one of the items is a picture of a national monument made out of gummi bears. I'm the least crafty person ever, but I figure hey, I'll just make the Washington Monument! That's mostly square with a pyramid on top, even I can do that!

Except it's starting to look like even that's beyond my meager capabilities.:)I I don't have the proper skill set for this scavenger hunt.


peachpai November 28 2011, 17:46:14 UTC
Ahaha you must post a photo when it's finished! If you haven't found a good glue yet I recommend Duco Cement or Gorilla Glue.


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