While I'm waiting on the dryer...

Nov 28, 2011 01:59

I had a sort of-productive weekend! I wrote two fics, one I just posted a little bit ago: The Beginning Is Always Before Us, one of my semi-annual attempts to be literary.:) The prompt was an absolutely gorgeous Pablo Neruda poem, and obviously I don't come anywhere near matching that I'm rather pleased with it. I've always liked playing with the idea that Cas remade Dean, that he knows him down to his bones. And I think it's the first time I've written Dean's POV without him swearing in the narration. \o/

The other fic I'll post in a couple days; it's a Uriel-POV-on-S4 fic and yes, I know that means maybe two people will care.:) (and one of those two beta read it!) I just really love that enormous SOB.

Needless to say, neither of those were what I was supposed to be writing this weekend. I have to make up for lost time now, especially since the time is rapidly approaching when I have to buckle down on my jimmybigbang.

Oh, and I submitted my fic for deancas_xmas! *confetti* And I actually managed to submit an item for Gishwhes, proving that I'm not a useless drain on my team! (I'm hoping to get one more in under the deadline. I just need better glue. Gummy bears are apparently a much more difficult art medium than I'd thought.:)

How went everyone else's weekend?

geekery, gishwhes, jumped by bunnies

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