So, this is the story of how GISHWHES saved my kitchen....

Nov 30, 2011 00:56

Okay, so it's not quite that dramatic. What happened was Monday night while I was on my way home I got a call from one of my friends who'd dropped by early to prep for game that went like this: "So...yeah, just wanted to give you a heads up, your upstairs neighbor's pipe burst right over your kitchen and there's a lot of water. I mean, it's a lake." Then I hear banging and shouting and my neighbor apologizing, and my friend telling him, "No, seriously, you need to go get a tetanus shot." Then he came back on the line and said, "So, yeah, you should pick up some paper towels." I also heard the words "starting to look like Atlantis in here."

I said, "It sounds like I should pick up a mop." (I only had a swiffer mop, not a omg-all-the-water mop.)

"Yeah, that sound like a good idea. Okay, we're gonna go shut off the water now."

So I ran back to CVS and picked up a mop and a flashlight (water was running right over the light so no one wanted to turn it on) and All The Paper Towels. And fortunately by the time I got home the water had mostly stopped and while the floor was wet, it wasn't Atlantis wet and it was isolated to just the one room.

Here's the thing: the only reason I got the call in the first place was because I'd stopped at CVS to buy glue to attempt a last minute GISHWHES item. Otherwise I would have been on the highway and I don't answer my phone when I'm driving. Only my desire to build the Washington Monument out of gummi bears kept me from walking unprepared into a flooded kitchen with no way to clean it up! Thank you, Misha!

(as a side note, the clean-up meant I did not actually have time to construct said tower. This leaves me with two packages of gummi bears to dispose of. I know, you're asking however will I cope?:)

So that was fun. I was just so happy when the water got turned back on. And today we had to do ALLLLL the dishes because disgusting yellow rust water got into that cabinet and all over everything.

Ugh. I am tired of this whole adulthood thing.


I got my deancas_xmas confirmation, so I know they have it and that's done and taken care of. \o/ I think it's pretty blindly obvious it's mine, but it would be to me, after all.:)


There should be fic sometime tomorrow. Also, it is entirely morganoconner's fault.

Okay, not entirely. But mostly.:)


My brain has been plotting out a high school AU. I don't want it to. Please tell it to stop.

my flist looks out for me, gishwhes, do not want, jumped by bunnies, rl

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