Duped: Part 9

Jul 15, 2010 16:32

The trouble with the earpiece, as far as the good guys are concerned, is that it works both ways. Alice can listen to what Pete is saying, and what people are saying to him.

"Jillian. Hi, name's Pete. Look, you're in trouble, and I'm here to help. That chip that you have? The one that's changed your luck? Hey!"

A woman answers, presumably Jillian. "Let go, or I'll scream," said in a low voice.

"Jillian, It's hurting you. That is a contact wound. Wishing objects do that. This one seems to be a bit addictive, and we both know that's bad, right? So, you keep the money, but you give me the chip."


"Gary's sick too, isn't he? Stop while you're ahead, Jillian. Trust me," his tone faintly pleading. "Don't make me use this."
There's a pause. "The Jubilee Grand, right? The fire?"

"What are you going to do with it?"

"I'm going to put this on a shelf and ignore it, forever," Pete replies, voice intent. A few moments later "...Wow"

"I know, now watch," the woman's voice says, excited.

"Watch what?"

"That chip allows you to see the future." There's the sound of a man cursing, glass breaking and two people colliding.

A few moments later, Pete speaks again. "Yeah, I can see the attraction," he admits.

"There was this man at the bar one night bragging about how he miraculously survived the inferno. He said this chip saved his life."

"You stole it," Pete says, unsurprised.

"It's what we do," she replies.

Then the intercom is heard, paging Pete. "Jillian, take the money. Run, don't walk. Find a beach, never look back. I'm going to go get your husband."

"You're releasing us? Letting us go?" Jillian asks, surprised.

"What happens in Vegas, okay. Just get out of here."

This is not good news for Alice. She leans forward. "It looks like you were telling the truth," she remarks with a menacing smile.

"Don't hurt Jillian," he asks quietly, beaten.

"Oh, Gary," Alice replies as she moves toward him. "Do you know what? Hurting is half the fun," she replies, leaning close to him. "You wanna know what's more fun? The other half." She turns to look at herself in the mirror. The other mirror showing, for a moment, the little girl's face the Mirror gave her. Gary sees this and looks at her, shocked.

"Who are you?" he asks quietly.

Alice is intent as she replies. "You had your wishes, Gary," she says as she moves away and looks in the mirror. "Now it's my turn." She looks in the mirror. "And now I'll know, when they're coming for me. And if I can see them, I can kill them," she concludes, her voice dark with menace. She can feel the Tesla in her hand, man made lightning, and she feels so terribly powerful. She turns and fires it at point blank range. The look of fear and despair on his face as it hits him and sends him to the floor is better than any drug could ever be.

Alice giggles, riding the high that it always gives her. "I bet you didn't see that coming," she says sarcastically as she turns away.

(OOC: Dialog taken from Warehouse 13: Duped)
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