Mystogan x EdoErza fanfiction

Oct 10, 2010 21:14

Series: Arrangement
Title: A Quiet Understanding
Pairing: Mystogan/EdoErza
Rating: T
Word count: 1245
Summary: Jellal is determined to be a proper fiance. Erza is not amused by his attempts and they have a serious talk.
Notes: Sequel to Announcement. Also clearing up some loose ends left over from Royalty
Disclaimer: This is Mirime-chan playing with Hiro Mashima's characters. No money goes to Mirime-chan, only a satisfaction from spreading the love for her favourite pairing.

Two days had passed since Jellal's shocking proposal to her and less than half-an-hour since the engagement was announced to the Council and Erza Knightwalker was thoroughly puzzled by her fiance's attitude.

When he had showed her the secret door to the gardens and offered to escort her, she had thought he was merely being courteous and would leave as soon as they entered the gardens. She certainly didn't expect him to remain at her side, leading her down the well-kept paths in the gardens and trying - the key word being trying - to make small talk. She had finally had enough. She stopped and when he turned to her in confusion, she gave him her best glare.

"What is going on?"


"You are behaving strangely and I want to know why."

Jellal looked away from her and sighed.

"I have been thinking," he started haltingly. "About my proposal to you and how it went and..." he paused, searching for words and Erza took this opportunity to speak up.

"It's too late to call it off."

"That's not what I meant," he protested earnestly. Erza, of course, knew that much. But she wanted some answers from him and she wanted them fast. "I just meant... I practically ordered you to marry me."

One of Erza's eyebrows went up.

"I don't recall that."

"I know how you feel about what you consider your duty. I used that knowledge to manipulate you into agreeing with my proposal and-"

"Let's make something clear right now," Erza cut him off. It might have been rude of her but she was beyond being polite. "You didn't manipulate anyone. The choice was mine to make from the very beginning."

"Still, I could have handled it better. I could have told you differently. I could have behaved differently."

Erza closed her eyes briefly to avoid the temptation of calling him an idiot. She would get away with it for sure but...

"Exactly what do you mean by differently?"

"It could have been more... romantic?" Jellal offered, wincing at how stupid it sounded. He hastened to explain himself better. "I could have made it sound less business-like."

"Ah," Erza intoned. "And where did you get the idea that that is what I want?" she sighed. It was time they had a serious talk. For all their contact in the last five months, they still didn't know each other that well. "Let's take a seat," she pointed to the nearby bench. He followed her quietly and sat down, waiting for her to start. Though he didn't expect the words that came.

"My family has a tradition," Erza started. "The first-born child, regardless of the gender, is brought up to become a soldier of Edolas, usually gaining one of the higher ranks in a course of a few years. My father is a retired General. I fought under his leadership five years ago as a lieutenant. I was fifteen at the time. Ever since then, I haven't left the battlefield, rising through the ranks until I held the title of a commander in the magical force units. My life has been the duty and battles. What I'm trying to say is this: I'm not an ordinary woman, Jellal. I don't want romantic proposals. I don't need the things other women crave. I want to serve my homeland to the best of my abilities. So you don't need to feel guilty over not proposing in a more romantic way and you don't need to apologize for that, either."

Jellal was looking at her for the longest time. She looked right back, not backing down from the silent challenge he had issued. Finally, he seemed to find what he was looking for because he looked away with a rueful chuckle.

"I look like an idiot, don't I?" he asked rhetorically. "I just wanted to behave like a proper fiance... to court you a bit... to do something nice for you. Something to show that I appreciate what you are doing. I didn't want you to think I was just using you."

"Oh, I already knew that," Erza said with a tinge of humour. "Don't think I haven't noticed how awkward you are when confronted with the young women around the court. I am probably the only woman your age whom you are comfortable with."

"Am I that obvious?" he asked with a grimace. Erza nodded and he groaned. "I have probably been the laughing stock of the palace for months."

"Actually, most servants - the female ones - find it endearing."

Jellal groaned again and Erza had to fight an uncharacteristic urge to laugh. He had never been this open with her, nor she with him. Was that one exchange of the words two days ago and the shift in their relationship enough to make such an impact?

"So," she decided to steer their conversation back to the previous topic. "This walk in the garden was supposed to be romantic as well?"

"Yes," he replied. "But I'm starting to realize I'm really bad at being romantic, so I'm not surprised it didn't work."

"I don't want romance, Jellal. I much prefer honesty."

"Alright," he turned to face her fully and taking her hands into his. "I'm going to be honest with you. Yes, one of the reasons I asked you to be my wife is because I feel comfortable with you. The other reason is that I want a woman who is strong - in her convictions, in her personality, in her mind. A woman who won't be just a pretty doll at my side but who will be able to act as my support while I try and lead the Edolas to the better times. You are the only woman who fits the criteria."

"See?" she asked. "It wasn't that hard."

"But it's your turn."

"My turn?"

"I think I like this honest approach to the situation and since I bared my heart, so to speak, it's only fair you do the same."

He had her there.

"Fine," she took a deep breath. "I accepted because I knew it was my duty to do so. Duty to Edolas. It's as you said: You need a woman who will be your support and I knew I was the only one capable of being that for you. But I also accepted because, well," she smiled wryly, "I guess I got used to arguing with you and as your wife, I will be able to get away with a lot more."

Jellal chuckled at that.

"So you think this will work out?" he asked.

"Of course, it will. We both want it to work."

He raised her right hand to his lips and then did the same with the left. Erza pursed her lips.

"For a man who claims to be bad at being romantic, you are doing quite well."

"I have my moments," he replied easily. Erza stood up and he followed suit. A dusk was settling over the gardens and he once again offered her his arm. "Dinner?"

"Why not?" she quipped and took his arm. The walk back was spent in silence but there was a different quality to it now. It wasn't the silence of two people who didn't know what to tell the other. It was the silence of two people who didn't need to talk because they already knew all that was important. The silence between them was a quiet understanding.

fairy tail, my fics, fanfiction, crack pairing

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