Rave Master fanfiction

Oct 10, 2010 21:24

Fandom: Rave Master
Fanfiction series: Playing with Elements
Title: Wind
Pairing: Sieg/Reina
Rating: T
Summary: Making men fall for her was a game for Reina. When Sieg Hart refused to do so, she took it as a personal challenge. She would make him fall for her no matter how much he resisted. A tale of two people who just might be perfect for each other. First chapter is here.
Disclaimer: Certain mangaka who goes by the name Hiro Mashima owns rights to those characters. I don't. Sue me if you want, you'll get nil.

Reina stroke an imposing figure as she stood on the roof, her long hair flowing behind her and her skirt fluttering around her legs, providing teasing glimpses but never showing them completely.

"It's going to rain later today," she called out to the blue-haired man standing by the roof entrance.

"Then you should come inside for the briefing," he suggested. Reina smiled a little too sweetly.

"Aw, you are worried about me, Sieg?"

"Hardly," Sieg replied. "But the troops are done and you are the officer in charge."

"Duty calls, in other words," she sighed. "I'm coming in a moment."

She leaned her head back, letting the wind play with her hair. A stronger gust made her shiver but she didn't move from her position. She could feel his eyes on her and the knowledge he wouldn't leave until she came along as well made her feel triumphant.

"Why did you come?" she asked at last when the silence was becoming unbearable.

"I was ordered to, as you know."

"I wasn't asking about this assignment," she said snappishly. She was becoming cold but wouldn't go back until she got a reaction out of Sieg. "I meant why you came up here to collect me."

"Because you would intimidate anyone else."

"So true," she laughed, turning her head to look at him over her shoulder. "I just want to watch the sunset. The troops can wait that long, surely."

He glanced at the sun, already well on its way to the horizon and nodded.

"I'll wait in the hall, then," he spoke up, going to the door. Reina gave an exaggerated shiver, rubbing her arms.

"You're going to leave me here, alone, in the cold wind?" she pouted.

"You are the one who wants to watch the sunset," he pointed out. "If you're cold, you can always go inside."

"C'mon, we don't get sunsets like this in the Headquarters and I'm supposed to go there for next three months after I'm done here," she said. "You could at least keep me company. Though, it would be better if you kept me warm somehow," she added with a flirtatious lilt in her voice.

Sieg Hart tilted his head to the side, regarding her wearily.

"And why should I do that?" he posed the important question.

"Because deep down, you are fighting a losing battle against your attraction to me," Reina quipped with a wink. "This is a golden opportunity for you. You could lend me your cape or..." she paused for a dramatic effect, "... you could hold me for a while and watch the sunset with me."

She was very surprised when he strode towards her, an unreadable expression on his face. Had she gotten through to him? Just like that? What was he going to do?

Sieg paused directly behind her and Reina turned to look forward, expecting either his cape or his arms to come into contact with her skin. In her periphery vision, she caught a sight of his right arm raising and shivered in an anticipation of the victory. But the touch never came. Instead, an unmistakable feeling of a magic being used washed over her and the wind around her died down.

Reina whirled around to watch Sieg's retreating back as he went back to the roof entrance. There was an area of maybe three by two feet around her where the wind was inexplicably absent, though it was picking force everywhere else.

"What have you done?" she called after him.

"A minor spell only," he reassured her. "It will keep the wind off of you. It should be enough to keep you warm for the duration of your stay up here," he opened the door and gave her one last look. "Once you are done, come to the main hall. We'll be waiting for you."

The door being shut was barely heard over the howling of the wind as it escalated all around Reina, leaving out only the small spot in which she stood. She should be angry at him, she thought absently. Because really, to play her like that... A stubborn man, that was for sure. And though she usually hated men like that, he was going to be an exception.

"A worthy opponent," she smiled to herself. "Really, Sieg, is this your best? Or is there more?"

She didn't know. But she was surely going to find out.

To be continued...

my fics, rave master, fanfiction, crack pairing

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