I have just discovered Arwen has a rodent ulcer. I was hoping it was something at the old place which triggered it each year and she wouldn't get one this year now that we've moved, but there it is. Its still small, but I need to get her to the vet to start treatment asap and I don't have the insurance excess, so expect a pretty or two as soon as I
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Comments 7
*sigh* Not a good day and it's 8.35am. I hate feeling so damn panicked. I should try to sleep probably, that's not helping my perspective any!
Maedhros says fine - Narvi/Sephiroth.
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I have had some major luck this morning, it's amazing sometimes how stuff like this happens. The postie brought a letter which frees up JUST enough money to take her for treatment next week. I'm so relieved I could cry.
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