DT.com and Amazon.co.uk had an amazing sale on Doctor Who DVDs (under 5 pounds) and Doctor Who Box Sets (60-70% off!) I already have a wishlist at Amazon, and I was going to wait until Christmas to see if there were any futher discounts to get them. But I saw the link from DT.com today and totally CAVED. Look:
Yes, it's Hamlet, Who Series 2 and Series 4. Almost 100 dollars after conversion! Whoops. But if you think about it, 2 box sets plus one dvd for that cost is a pretty good deal. I mean, I've seen the series 1 boxset sold here for 60 dollars!
Which brings me to today's meme question:
Day 11 - Your Favourite Season (Classic or New)
I'm answering this on the basis of which episodes do I really (and always) go back to watch and never tire of. It was a very close call between Series 2 and Series 4, because Series 2 was epic Ten/Rose and Series 4 was equally epic Doctor-Donna. Plus Series 4 had that whole companions-reunion at the end which was so AMAZING and yes it was fanservice but it was so so so so good *pats RTD*. Both series had brilliant finales and very stellar episodes in the middle, and I pretty much even love all the eps that majority of fans think are dodgy (but I don't). So it was hard to nail this down ... but in the end ... I chose ...
Yes, Series 2. I love the spirit of this series, all the fun and glee and joy of adventure but tempered well by just enough slight angst in the beginning and then building up to the heartbreaking tragedy of Doomsday. And frankly, all the Ten/Rose love just makes me smile very very very widely.
It's not to say that the other series failed miserably, because there were some very very strong episodes and thematic progression in them ... it's just that I like Ten/Rose more. :D :D :D
I'm listening to the complete proms broadcast shared by someone at
doctorwho, and I love how Ben Foster's describing his orchestration of the music. He's describing it the moodiness, the colours, and those begin to lighten as we meet Amy, more childlike with windchimes etc ... and then going full-blown Hollywood scale as the music moves to the Pandorica. I'm kinda in awe of Murray Gold and Ben Foster, can't you tell? :D Oh, and JUST LISTEN TO THE WHOOPS AND CLAPS GIVEN TO ARTHUR DARVILL as he introduced Amy's Theme!
The rest of the days
Day 01 -
Your Favourite QuoteDay 02 -
Your Favourite Classic Series Episode: Confessions, and extra Hamlet
Day 03 -
Your Favourite New Series Episode: My Top Five (that probably changes over and over)
Day 04 -
Your Favourite Doctor: Ten!
Day 05 -
Your Favorite Companion: Rose.
Day 06 -
Whatever Tickles Your Fancy: A David & Matty mini-picspam
Day 07 -
Your Favorite Piece of Music: Where Murray Gold is lauded for Vale Decem, Rose's Theme and Doomsday. Series 5 Doctor's theme makes the honourable mentions list.
Day 08 -
A Who-Related Photo That Makes You Happy: The happy things the Who cast do
Day 09 -
A Who-Related Photo That Makes You Angry/Sad: "David Who?" makes me go :/
Day 10 -
A Who-Related Photo That You Took: My first piece of Who merch.
Day 12 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 13 - Your Favourite Villain
Day 14 - The Villain Who Scared You the Most
Day 15 - Favourite Who-Related Tumblr
Day 16 - Your Favourite Who-Related FanFic
Day 17 - A Piece of Who-Related FanArt
Day 18 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 20 - The Character Who Is Most Like You
Day 21 - Your Doctor Who OTP
Day 22 - A Who-Related Fan-Site
Day 23 - A Who-Related YouTube Video
Day 24 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 25 - Favourite Who Actor
Day 26 - Favourite Who Actress
Day 27 - An Episode You Wish Hadn’t Been Made
Day 28 - An Episode Idea You Created Yourself
Day 29 - Who You Think Should Be the Next Doctor
Day 30 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy