Title: Floccinaucinihilipilification, Sungmin/Siwon
Length: 623 words
Author: shieldkitten
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: Sungmin thinks he remembers being fully human, but he's not sure.
Author's Note: For
nongttaengi, who wanted "ShiwonxSungmin: with angsty, depressed roboticism. Cyborgs in futuristic space colonies with drastically different environments from our own. Depressed smoking with cigarette sharing for the win. Mentions of KibumxYesung also full of win."
He remembers being fully human, when he used to get tired after lifting things, when he used to go for check ups, not tune ups.
No, he thinks he remembers being fully human, but there's a half of his brain that isn't entirely his own anymore, and perhaps there is a programme in there implanting memories in his head, of blood flowing from cuts, not hydraulic fluid, or perhaps there's a programme to make him think there is a programme so he concentrates instead on trying to remember, really remember, instead of, instead of--
Times like these, Sungmin finds he just really needs a smoke.
"That will mess with your wiring," Siwon warns him.
"Go away," Sungmin tells him, and blows a ring of smoke in his face. Siwon clicks his tongue, but doesn't look annoyed - the iron mask they've welded to his face renders him incapable of showing emotion.
"When's Kibum going to take that off?" Sungmin asks, fingering the edge of the mask. Under it, Siwon's face is healing - nanobots are knitting the frayed edges of Siwon's skin with new filaments of silicon. Siwon really shouldn't have stayed behind on that last mission, that sort of thing was supposed to be a cyborg's job, and Sungmin had had it covered. If only Siwon didn't have such a hero-complex, he would still have his face, his real face, not whatever face Kibum had drawn up for him on a computer to replace it.
"Whenever he gets back from Grecon Colony Delta," Siwon says, carefully easing himself onto the tiles of the rooftop where Sungmin has stretched out to stare at the shell of what used to be Earth.
"You know he only goes over there because Yesung won't fuck him here, don't you?" Sungmin asks, then reaches out to grab Siwon's arm before Siwon pitches off the edge of the roof, pistons firing as the rest of his body adjusts to the weight. "Don't look so surprised, this place is a shit hole, I wouldn't fuck him here, either."
"Stop saying that," Siwon says bleakly, as Sungmin sets him back down on the roof.
"Saying what?" Sungmin asks.
"That word."
"What word?"
"That f one."
"You know which one I mean."
"Oh, floccinaucinihilipilification!"
"Sungmin," Siwon says, and Sungmin can only tell that Siwon is exasperated by the hiss in his throat.
"Bet you really want a smoke now, huh?" Sungmin asks, dangling the cigarette between metallic fingers. Siwon hesitates, and Sungmin makes to return the filtered tip to his mouth, when Siwon grabs it out of his hand and puffs determinedly at it through the slit in his mask.
Sungmin turns to look at Earth, and he fingers the knob at the base of his skull, the one Kibum turns when he needs to switch Sungmin off. Sungmin dreams when he is switched off, he dreams of tactility and scraped knees and his best friend's terrible scream as their prank went wrong and the machine had crushed his body just the way it had been supposed to crush Kangin's hideous two seater craft, and he dreams of Siwon's expressive face as he shouts commands like 'stack the columns, don't just leave them in a heap' and 'put your radioactive suit on, just because you can't get sick doesn't mean you get to contaminate the entire colony'.
"I remember having toes," Sungmin says. "Ones that wriggled. I think I remember having toes. You'd think it would be something to be sure about, whether you once had toes, or you didn't."
"I remember you having toes," Siwon says, handing over the cigarette, chest heaving as he coughs, low and deep.
"You shouldn't smoke," Sungmin tells him. "It'll mess with your lungs."
Title: Good Friends and Best Friends, Sungmin/Eunhyuk
Length: 847 words
Author: shieldkitten
Rating: R (non-explicit sex)
Summary: Sungmin thinks it's a good thing he and Eunhyuk are such good friends.
Author's Note: For
virgo288, who wanted Korea’s Number 1 (accidental) Matchmaker [in which Eunhyuk is all sort of fail with confession like usual, and Sungmin is in denial, and it takes some chance interferences in the form of Kangin for them to realize their love is real XD]
Warning: All sorts of run-on sentences. I love run-on sentences, and I usually try to hold back on them, but I really went to town with this one.
So it is a good thing, after all, that Sungmin has such a good relationship with Eunhyuk, because otherwise things would've been weird afterwards, so very, very weird because they'd clutched hands and Eunhyuk had needed him, and Sungmin had pressed his lips against Eunhyuk's a little longer than necessary, each time, perhaps, but it had only been so that Eunhyuk would get all the air he needed, not because Eunhyuk's lips had been soft, swollen from repeated kisses passing of breaths, or because his hand had felt so good against Sungmin's cheek, or because Sungmin had been able to feel the muscles tensed under Eunhyuk's wet shirt as they glided against each other in the swimming pool and he had been responsible for making sure Eunhyuk didn't die.
"It's a good thing we're such good friends," he tells Eunhyuk, who has prepared dinner for the both of them. "I mean, otherwise I would've taken these candles the wrong way, and these chocolates, and this ring."
"Good friends," Eunhyuk echoes a little sadly, as Sungmin digs into dinner, slurping and chewing noisily and generally being about as romantic as a gaggle of geese at feeding time.
They're such good friends that it's perfectly normal for Sungmin to run his thumb along the curve of Eunhyuk's bottom lip and then suck the sauce off of it, because good friends don't let their good friends drip steak sauce all over their shirts, or offer to take it off for them when they eventually do, so Sungmin definitely doesn't do any of those things, and he definitely doesn't watch from the corner of his eye as Eunhyuk wipes down his chest with a damp towel, though if he did, it wouldn't be weird, because good friends make sure their good friends don't miss any spots.
Good friends, also, kiss good friends good night, but only on the cheek, and then very briefly, but best friends, ah, best friends get to press their bodies close against each other in a long hug and rest their heads on each other's shoulders and wish each other sweet dreams.
"H-hyung," Eunhyuk whimpers, but Sungmin pats his arm and says 'good night, buddy', and that is that.
Until Kangin comes home with a paper flycatcher with colours written on flaps and he can't seem to explain what it's for.
"It doesn't catch flies?" Sungmin asks.
"It doesn't catch anything?" Eunhyuk asks.
"Is it even made of paper?" Sungmin asks, and Kangin flings the thing at the two of them and informs them that they've just ruined a very good joke, so they can both go fuck themselves.
"Or each other," he adds, and then he storms off.
"It's a good thing-"
"We're good friends, I know," Eunhyuk says, picking up the flycatcher and looking at it curiously, and Sungmin nods and thinks that if they weren't such good friends they would be all awkward now, and possibly not be able to continue sitting like this, thighs pressed together while Sungmin leans closer to inspect the thing in Eunhyuk's hand, and not the way Eunhyuk's adam's apple bobs when he speaks.
"It's got names," Eunhyuk says in surprise, lifting up the folded flaps of the flycatcher.
"Oh, I know what this is," Sungmin says, taking the flycatcher from him and slipping his fingers into the spaces. "Okay, say a number."
"13," Eunhyuk says automatically, and Sungmin rolls his eyes, but counts anyway, opening and closing the flycatcher like he's seen his classmates do at school when he was younger.
"Pick a colour," Sungmin says, and Eunhyuk picks blue.
"You will marry..." Sungmin pauses for dramatic effect, flipping over the fold. "Me."
"I will?" Eunhyuk leans over to see, and his hair tickles Sungmin's arm, and Sungmin jerks back and laughs and calls it a fluke.
"I'll try it, you pick a number," Eunhyuk says, picking up the flycatcher from Sungmin's lap.
Sungmin thinks maybe good friends don't respond to the gentle brush of fingers against a denim-clad inner thigh with quite so much enthusiasm.
"Um," he says. "4."
"1, 2, 3, 4," Eunhyuk says, and Sungmin thinks good friends may not spend so much time thinking about swimming pools and underwater breathing when their good friends part their lips like that, waiting for an answer.
"Pink," he breathes.
"You'll marry..." Eunhyuk lifts the flap.
"Huh," he says, and then he says it again, "huh", as Sungmin pushes him back against the couch, and it's a really, really good thing that they're such good friends, because otherwise Eunhyuk might not have let him kiss him quite so hard or let him kiss him for quite so long, and Sungmin just doesn't want to think anymore, not with Eunhyuk kissing him back and running fingers over heated skin and oh, oh, good friends definitely, definitely did that for their good friends because they loved them and wanted them to feel that good.
"And if we were best friends," Sungmin gasps, toes curling, "you would do that harder."
Good friends cuddle, and kiss, and best friends do it naked in bed.
Title: Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Yesung/Ryeowook
Length: 544 words
Author: shieldkitten
Rating: G (fluff to the max, yo)
Summary: Yesung is not a sentimental man
Author's Note: For
stevenghost, who wanted "Yesung/Ryeowook - Crazy little thing called love"
Yesung, Yesung is not a sentimental man, and he doesn't buy things for girls on White Day or presents for his mother on Mother's Day or mistletoe for the apartment on Christmas, but he noticed that time when Ryeowook stopped and lingered at the window of a jewellery store for a few minutes longer than usual.
So Yesung is sitting in said jewellery store, wallet sitting heavy in his back pocket, eying price tags and the many zeroes on them and with a start he realises he doesn't actually know Ryeowook's ring size.
"I'll be back," he tells the sales girl, then cages the ring (Ryeowook's ring) in his fingers. "Don't you dare sell this to anyone."
When he comes back, the ring is gone, and the sales girl is murmuring profuse apologies and offering another ring just like it, it's practically identical for sale but Yesung glowers at her and demands to know whom exactly she's sold it to.
She refuses, of course, because there is such a thing as confidentiality. When Yesung lowers his voice and his eyelids and lets his fingers brush the collarbone under her blouse, she clears her throat and lets him know that she's seeing someone, and she's pretty sure she's a lesbian.
Yesung's cheeks are still burning when he breaks into the jewellery store later that night, careful to blacken the lenses of the security cameras before pulling off his ski mask to try to cool them. The glass cases and security vaults are equipped with plenty of high-tech alarms, so it is fortunate that Yesung doesn't bother with them. All he cares about is the address book under the counter, and the address of one Kim, proud new owner of Ryeowook's ring.
Not for long, he tells himself, as he breaks into Kim's house and darts along Kim's quiet hallway. He pauses at a photograph framed on the wall, suddenly overcome with a sense of familiarity, and a door opens, spilling light and a sleepy Ryeowook into the hallway.
"Hyung?" Ryeowook asks, rubbing at his eyes. "What are you doing at my parent's house?"
"Not breaking and entering, if that's what you're thinking" Yesung says, trying to lean casually against the wall.
"Did you miss me?" Ryeowook asks softly, smiling as he beckons Yesung into his bedroom. "I was only going to be gone from the dorm for one night."
Yesung settles on the bed next to Ryeowook, letting Ryeowook curl up in his arms, and looks at the pictures Ryeowook has placed on his bedside table - the band members, Ryeowook's childhood friends and a picture of himself.
Then his gaze falls on a little ring box. He reaches over Ryeowook to pick it up.
"Oh," Ryeowook says, taking the box from him and opening it, sliding the ring onto his finger. "I just bought it today. I was going to ask you to buy it for me for my birthday, but I was worried someone else would buy it first."
Yesung turns the ring around Ryeowook's finger and snorts. "Please, as if I would ever buy jewellery for anyone but myself."
Ryeowook punches his arm and turns on his side, and Yesung slides his arms around Ryeowook and hides a smile in Ryeowook's hair.
Title: Hurricane Henry, Henry/Ryeowook, Henry/Everyone
Length: 596 words
Author: shieldkitten
Rating: PG-13 (implied sexy things)
Summary: Don't let fortune cookies give Ryeowook good ideas
Author's Note: For
cynicalxcharm, who wanted Henwook, and gave me her random pairing generator prompt "Don't let fortune cookies give you good ideas"
"Okay, I'm pretty sure it meant my violin."
"Stop fidgeting."
"I can't even begin to express how uncomfortable I am with this."
"I know six languages, and-"
"No you don't."
"Fine, I kind of know six languages, and I can't even think of words to tell you how uncomfortable I am with this."
Ryeowook pokes Henry with a contour brush. "You're the one who wanted to have Chinese food for lunch." He slips off the bed, sweeping brushes, compacts, puffs and applicators into a make up pouch. "Now go out there and make me proud."
"I hate you!" Henry yells after him.
"No, you don't!" Ryeowook sings back.
Henry crosses his arms.
"I could probably try to hate you," he mutters under his breath.
He steps out of the doors and the sound of chanting hits him in the face, so he reaches up to lower the visor of his cap. Only, his fingers meet empty space, and Ryeowook is skipping to the car, waving his cap like a flag.
Henry sighs, pushing his hair back, and there is a definite falter in the steady chanting. He eyes some of the girls who have dropped their arms and their banners. Experimentally, he smiles.
A butterfly flaps its wings in one place and causes a hurricane another.
"Oh, Henry," the interviewer coos, "you're so adorable."
"Er, thanks?" Henry says, and smiles.
"Henry," Zhoumi skids to a stop, staring at Henry with some confusion. "Did you... Your face... Did you..."
"Ge?" Henry murmurs, and Zhoumi quickly detaches his slender fingers from the sides of Henry's face.
"Sorry, sorry, you're very young, still, sorry," Zhoumi says, and then he scampers off, but not before turning to give Henry one last lingering look of complete and utter desperation.
"Henry!" Donghae throws his arms around Henry, which isn't necessarily unusual, it's just that usually they don't slide down his waist and under the waistband of his pants and-
"Oh!" Henry pushes Donghae away with a scandalised look. "Hyung."
"Hyung," Kyuhyun echoes Henry, looking less than impressed with Donghae. Donghae gives Kyuhyun a blank stare, blinks, and then pulls out his phone.
"Phone sex," Henry hears him say after a brief silence, moving off to his bedroom. "Phone sex now."
Henry eyes Kyuhyun with some trepidation, but Kyuhyun settles down on the couch and holds out a game controller to Henry, and Henry supposes it'll be safe to play with Kyuhyun for a while. Only Kyuhyun moves from the opposite side of the couch to Henry's side of the couch, and then Kyuhyun's hand dips along the curve of Henry's inner thigh, and Henry is frankly a little impressed, because he knew Game-kyu was good, he just hadn't realised how well Kyuhyun has mastered the joystick.
Kyuhyun pulls his hand back sharply when the door swings open, and Siwon walks in, a sheen of sweat on his forehead from his work out. Henry tries to pay attention to the game but it is very difficult with Siwon staring intently at his face from one side and Kyuhyun licking his lips on the other, and when Hankyung walks into the room, stops, and orders everyone off of Henry because if Hankyung can resist his baser urges then everyone should, too, Henry thinks he hates Ryeowook so very much (but not really).
"Good day?" Ryeowook asks.
Henry sighs and rubs at his face with facial cleansing wipes, and Ryeowook laughs and kisses him on the cheek.