After, on Earth

Feb 26, 2022 15:52

My husband just reminded me of the 2005 movie "Everything is Illuminated." I loved it, and the book, and he reminded me that it was set in Ukraine. Remember that field of sunflowers? I was so ignorant of Ukraine that I didn't understand what sunflowers meant. Now I have a little sunflower next to my Twitter name, which is actually pathetic. How ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

pir8fancier February 27 2022, 00:36:40 UTC
Yeah, it’s time to leave. I rarely post anymore, but I don’t want to be any sort of statistic for the Russian government to use and abuse. I’d deleted all my personal stuff years ago, or at least made it private, but I need to let go of that as well. Time to move on. Hope you are well.


mirabile_dictu February 27 2022, 19:02:12 UTC
I hope you won't completely give up on social media -- do you post on DW? But yes to everything you say about LJ.

I hope you're doing all right.


pir8fancier February 28 2022, 16:02:21 UTC
I am on DW, but not there much. I’m pretty much out of fandom at this point. Nothing is grabbing me to write about, and I’ve written myself dry in the fandoms I was playing in. I’ve just retired and am focusing on my garden and my “real” writing career such as it is. Have realized to my dismay that while I was playing in fandom writing my ass off, publishing was changing to a marked degree, and now I’m not sure I will ever be able to get back in. I have self-published stuff, but I despise marketing and in order to be successful, you have to market. Anyway, I am doing great. I am sympathetic to Webster’s dental woes as I am now wearing BRACES at the ripe old age of 65. I mean, WTF!


mirabile_dictu March 1 2022, 02:17:13 UTC
I'm so glad you're doing all right -- even your braces! I had a friend who wore braces in his fifties and he was pretty pleased with the result. Wish we didn't live so far apart these days.


blackbird_song February 27 2022, 03:07:27 UTC
So glad to hear from you, but so sorry about your issues with the house and Webster's root canals! Two of those just seems like life cackling in sadistically self-indulgent glee.

I'm delighted that you're on DW now! TBH, it'll make it easier now for me to make the transition there and let this place go or at least be thoroughly mothballed. Suffice it to say, I think of you often and hope (quite selfishly) that we'll be able to meet again and talk about fic, fandoms and life in general.


mirabile_dictu February 27 2022, 19:03:41 UTC
I've been on DW for years and years, but I've always cross posted because of a few friends who are still only on LJ. But as pir8fancier said, it's time to let it go.

I hope you are well and finding ways to have fun during these awful times.


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