Title: Kyuhyun's a playboy.
Pairing: KyuMin, side!YeMin
Rating: PG for language~
Genre: Romance, slight!angst.
Disclaimer: I don't own this fic! All credits go to AnimeloverNUMBA100, Me just made it into KyuMin!
Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun have been dating for 8 months...but Kyuhyun is a playboy, and he keeps flirting with other girls and boys. Sungmin
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Comments 18
omona...get well soon..hope your health will comeback to you.
Please take care of yourself and hope that you would be back soon and whilst being healthy.. Take Care.
I love so much this fic!!! >___<
It's a good fic!!!! *__*
MY OTP~ KYUMIN~ Plzzz don't let them break up! I'm feeling really sad right now... PLSS DONT BREAK UP~ KYUHYUN! SUNGMIN!
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