Kyuhyun's a playboy. [Chapter 6]

Sep 10, 2011 15:40

Title: Kyuhyun's a playboy.
Pairing: KyuMin, side!YeMin
Rating: PG for language~
Genre: Romance, slight!angst.
Disclaimer: I don't own this fic! All credits go to AnimeloverNUMBA100, Me just made it into KyuMin!
Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun have been dating for 8 months...but Kyuhyun is a playboy, and he keeps flirting with other girls and boys. Sungmin's had enough, and he wonders if Kyuhyun is even serious about this relationship...and if he isn't, he will choose to leave him.

Chapter 6: Everything I haven't told you.

Heechul was still trying to find Kyuhyun. 'Is he not at school today?' He thought.

He walked by a classroom and glanced inside, looking at the clock. "Ah, shit...lunch is almost over." Heechul sighed and he turned to go back to his own class.

Luckily, Hyukjae, Kyuhyun's best friend, passed by his right when he turned.

"Wait, Hyukjae!" Heechul grabbed his arm.

Hyukjae was taken by surprise by the sudden contact. "...Heechul? What's up?"

"Um, have you seen Kyuhyun?" Heechul asked and slowly let go of him.

"Eh? Well, he texted me earlier this morning and said he's gonna ditch. He said he's been having some personal problems lately and doesn't feel like coming to school today." Hyukjae replied.

"Well, that personal problem must be about Sungmin," Heechul let out another sigh.

"Why? Did they get in another fight?" Hyukjae blinked.

"Yea...but it's serious this time. Sungmin's been acting weirdly now, too. Yesung just took him and they ditched together..."

"Who's Yesung?"

"Sungmin's childhood friend." Heechul muttered.

"So...Sungmin's cheating on Kyuhyun?" Hyukjae suggested.

"No way! He would never do that! It should be the other way around, since Kyuhyun's always with other girls anyway," Heechul glared at him.

"Well, yea, but...Kyuhyun talks about him all the time. It's really annoying." Hyukjae rolled his eyes.

Heechul was taken by surprise by that. Kyuhyun talks about Sungmin all the time?

"Look, it may seem like he's never serious about Sungmin, but he really is. Whenever he flirts with other girls, we always tell him that why doesn't he just break up with Sungmin to make things easier...but...he's always saying that he's the only one for him."

Heechul nearly gaped. "Kyuhyun said that? That's impossible."

"Well, he always does. Ah, the bell rang...gotta go." Hyukjae replied as the bell rang. He waved to Heechul and walked away.

Heechul stood there dumbfounded. "Ugh...Kyuhyun's such an asshole! If he really does love Sungmin like that, why doesn't he just tell him?"


Kyuhyun was walking in town, with his hands in his pockets, thinking to himself. He knew his parents would scold him if he ditched, but he really didn't care today. He barely got any sleep last night because he was thinking about Sungmin all this time.

"Shit...what am I supposed to do now?" He muttered to himself.

He didn't want Sungmin to leave him. And he especially didn't want him to leave him for Yesung.

He knew they wouldn't make up anytime soon. Sungmin was probably still mad at him, and he didn't know if he could bring himself to face him again after the conversation last night.

But he also knew he had to do something about it. He didn't want to lose Sungmin, but he had to let him go sooner or later.

"I can't even even make him happy..." He let out a stressed sigh. "...he'll...probably be happier with Yesung, huh?"

Kyuhyun looked at the ground sadly and stopped walking. People were giving him weird looks for just randomly stopping, but he didn't care.

'I guess it's just better if we break up.'


Meanwhile, Sungmin was on his "date" with Yesung.

"...Yesung, I want ice cream." Sungmin blurted out.

"Now?" Yesung raised an eyebrow.

"Um...I didn't eat anything for breakfast or lunch...I didn't eat dinner yesterday..." Sungmin made a small nod.

Yesung stayed quiet and stared at him for a few moments. "Was it because you were thinking of Kyuhyun?"

Sungmin hesitated, but he nodded again.

"If you didn't eat anything, I don't think ice cream can fill you up. I'll go buy you some food, ok?"


Yesung reached out his hand to Sungmin.

Sungmin just stared blankly at him.

Yesung let out a sigh and grabbed his hand. "We're on a date, aren't we? I think it'll be better if we hold hands."

"Ah...ok..." Sungmin blushed when he felt his fingers entangle with his own.

"You're always so stiff around me," Yesung smirked.

Sungmin didn't respond.

"We've known each other for so long. I won't mind physical contact, Sungmin. I might even want a hug." Yesung made a small smile at him, making Sungmin blush even more.

He saw a small restaurant up ahead and pulled Sungmin with him. "Do you mind if I plan out the day?" He asked.

"Eh? Uh...sure. Go ahead." Sungmin shrugged.

"Ok. So, after we eat, I'm taking you to the amusement park, ok? And then after that, we'll grab ice cream like you wanted. Then we'll go over to my place to get my two bikes so we can ride around the neighborhood for a while, then I'll send you home. You ok with that?"

Sungmin thought for a while, then he nodded. "Sounds ok. But we can't be out too late. The school probably called home to my parents that I'm not at school, so I don't want to get in anymore trouble than that."

"Don't worry. We'll probably only spend the day until around 6 or 7 at night."

"Why not later?"

"Hn. Why? You want to spend more time with me? I can add to the schedule," Yesung smirked.

"Then will that be ok?" Sungmin muttered shyly.

Yesung was taken by surprise. He was just so willingly to do anything with him today. "...really?"

Sungmin nodded.

"But you just said we can't be out too late."

"You can take me home around 9 or 10. That's when my parents get home, so it'll be fine..."

"Ah...ok, then. We're spending the whole day together then." Yesung made a small smile at him.

Sungmin nodded again.

They entered the restaurant and a waiter came and took them to a table with two seats.

"What would you two like to eat today?" The waiter asked as he gave them a menu.

"Sungmin, you order first." Yesung offered.

"Eh? Uh, ok..." Sungmin scanned through the menu. "'d like a medium bowl of miso ramen."

"Alright. And you, sir?" The waiter turned to Yesung.

"I'll have the same thing." Yesung stated.

The waiter nodded and took back the menus. "The food will be here in a few minutes...and by the two are a great looking couple." The waiter smiled.

"Ah, we're not dating!" Sungmin immediately blurted out.

"...yea. We're just friends." Yesung murmured.

Sungmin glanced at him and noticed his disappointed expression.

"Oh. Sorry about that! Well, I'll bring your food in a few moments." The waiter apologize and scurried away.

"Since we're on a date, will it kill you if you just say that I'm your boyfriend for at least today?"

Sungmin averted his eyes from Yesung. "I can't. I'm sorry..."

"Have you ever thought about it?" Yesung suggested.

"About what?"

"...about dating me."

Sungmin blushed and shook his head. "Kyuhyun's the only guy-,"

"Let's not talk about him. Didn't you say you want to forget him for today?"

Sungmin didn't reply, but he made a small nod.

Yesung gazed at him and noticed his expression. He sighed and stopped talking, knowing that he's making Sungmin feel uncomfortable.

After a few quiet moments, Sungmin dared to look up at him. He wasn't even paying attention to him anymore...he was just staring blankly out the glass window with one hand supporting his chin.

Sungmin examined his face and he admitted, he was the perfect package. If he wasn't dating Kyuhyun, then yes, he would have probably fallen in love with Yesung. He was the perfect boyfriend; always caring, always worrying, nice, protective, and he definitely wouldn't go around flirting with other girls.

The food finally came. Sungmin and Yesung sat quietly, both not uttering a word when eating.

Sungmin slurped his noodles quietly, glancing at Yesung every few seconds. 'I wonder how long it's been since me and Kyuhyun have been on a date like this...' He thought as he set down his chopsticks on the table.

After Yesung took a few more bites, he stopped, noticing that Sungmin wasn't eating. "...are you full?"

Sungmin nodded his head.

"But you barely ate. If you haven't eaten dinner last night and you didn't eat all day today, you should at least finish the bowl. It's not good for your body if you keep skipping meals." Yesung scolded.

"I just want to go to the amusement park, now. I haven't been to one in a really long time." Sungmin replied.

Yesung slowly set his chopsticks down and made a small nod. "Ok. Then let's go." He put some cash on the table and got up.

Sungmin got up and when he walked beside him, he boldly grabbed his hand.

Yesung tensed up at the sudden contact. He never thought Sungmin would make the first move.

But he certainly wouldn't complain. A smile graced his face as he just tightened his hand around the Sungmin's and they walked out of the restaurant.

Sungmin grinned when he saw the rides. He hasn't been in an amusement park for so long, he was so thrilled to ride a rollarcoaster or the ferris wheel.

Thankfully, the tickets were cheap, so they bought a lot.

"Which ride first?" Yesung asked.

"I wanna go on a rollarcoaster! I haven't been on one in forever!" Sungmin replied, pointing over to a rollarcoaster with lots of spins and hoops.

Yesung looked at him uneasy. "...are you sure? You're not scared? That looks a little extreme-,"

"Hurry!" Sungmin didn't let him finish as he dragged him with him to go in line.

'Ah, shit...I'll probably throw up after this.' Yesung thought, but he went along anyway.

After they went to a few more rollarcoasters and some other rides, Yesung seriously needed a break.

"Goddamn, how does your head not hurt after all those rides?" Yesung sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Ah, sorry! You should've told me earlier...I would've stopped. Do you want to get some drinks?" Sungmin looked at him worriedly.

"Yea," Yesung nodded.

They walked over to small cafe in the food area and Sungmin ordered two sandwiches and water. He sat back down next to him and handed him the water. "Sorry...we'll go on slower rides this time, ok?"

"I'd like that." Yesung agreed and grabbed the water from him, gulping it down."...since we're in the food area. You want to get icecream?"

Sungmin grinned and nodded eagerly. "My favorite is strawberry!"

Yesung looked at him and smirked. "...of course. You even remind me of a strawberry."

"What? How? Just cuz I like pink?" Sungmin glared at him.

Yesung leaned in towards Sungmin and reached up. Sungmin froze when he held a few strands of his hair and brought them up to his lips, kissing them.

"Exactly. And I love it." He made a small smile at him,causing him to blush and moved back a little from him.

Yesung chuckled at his cute expression and took a bite out of his sandwich.

Sungmin hated it. He hated the fact that he fell in love with Kyuhyun instead of Yesung. Yesung would've been...perfect. He paid attention to him, he cared for him, and he might even love him more than Kyuhyun ever would.

'...would it be better...if I broke up with Kyuhyun after all? I love him, but...I'm not exactly happy with him anymore...'


After they ate icecream, they went to Yesung's house to grab two bikes.

"Are they both yours?" Sungmin asked.

"Nah. One's my dad's and the other is my mom's. They don't use it anymore." Yesung explained as he got on his bike and started to peddle away from Sungmin.

"Wait!" Sungmin quickly got on his and followed after him." haven't been bike-riding in so long! It's so relaxing, seeing the neighborhood, the sunset, the trees and nature." Sungmin smiled joyfully.

"...I feel like we're a married couple going out for some fresh air," Yesung chuckled.

Sungmin blushed at that thought.

"...just kidding, Sungmin." Yesung smirked at him and started going faster.

"Ugh, you suck! Wait for me!"


Kyuhyun looked up at the sky. It was already getting dark and it was only seven o'clock. He didn't know how he even stayed out this long, just thinking about Sungmin.

He looked up and saw Sungmin's house a couple a feet and wondered if he was home yet. Sungmin was probably looking for him all day at school. Kyuhyun debated whether he should go and talk to him or not...things would still be awkward.

He took a deep breath and took a few steps forward. "I guess the sooner, the better..."


After 30 minutes or so, Yesung and Sungmin decided to go back over to Sungmin's house.

"Are you sure? Can I just leave this bike at my house for tonight?"

Yesung nodded. "Like I said, my parents don't use it anymore, so if you want, you can just have it."

"Really?" Sungmin grinned.

Yesung nodded again.

"...ok, then. Um..." Sungmin paused. "...thanks, Yesung. For today."

"Anything for you." Yesung smiled genuinely at him.

"Really, though, thank you so much. I've been thinking of Kyuhyun non-stop, and was just so refreshing, being able to forget him for a short period of time. It was fun," Sungmin smiled back at him.

"Maybe we could do it know, go on a date." Yesung simply suggested.

Sungmin stared at him for a while. "...yea...maybe we could."

Damn. Sungmin was just so full of surprises today. Maybe he was falling for him? Yesung shook his head at his own thought. Sungmin loved Kyuhyun too much to fall in love with someone else. Kyuhyun was his one and only. No one could ever beat that.


After a while of quiet walking, they finally reached his house.

"Um, so thanks for walking me back here. You'll be fine, right? It's getting kinda dark." Sungmin put his bike nicely by the door.

"Yea, I'll be fine. Then...see you tomorrow." Yesung leaned in.

Sungmin tensed up when he felt him place a gently kiss on his forehead. "...y...yea...bye..." He muttered shyly.

Yesung waved to him, got on his bike, and rode away.

Sungmin let out a sigh and a smile graced his face. "It really was fun." He whispered to himself. He turned around and turned the doorknob, proceeding to go open the door until he heard footsteps behind him. Sungmin slowly turned around and his eyes widened, seeing Kyuhyun there.

"K...Kyuhyun...?" He blinked. When did he get here?

Kyuhyun gazed at Sungmin and put his hands in his pockets. "You were with him?"

"" Sungmin didn't know what to say. If he saw them, things are just going to get much worse.

Kyuhyun sighed and stepped closer to Sungmin. "Being with him was fun, huh? So you were with him all day?"

"...yea...but...but it's not what you think-,"

"It's fine, Sungmin. You said you loved me too much to cheat on me...I believe you." Kyuhyun paused, hesitating for a moment. "...Sungmin..."

The way he said his name scared Sungmin. His tone was regretful.

"...are you happier with him?"

Sungmin didn't understand why Kyuhyun was asking this. He has never been the type of person to ask such serious questions like this.

Seeing how Sungmin didn't answer, Kyuhyun swallowed nervously. "I can't make you happy, like him, right? Seeing you with him just now, smiling so happily and talking so comfortably, I know that you can't possibly not feel anything for him. Around other guys, you don't smile that often. But look so joyful. He makes you feel important, so that's why you let him kiss you. I get have every right to blame me. I'm always with other girls, I never pay attention to you, and I have never done anything for you..."

Sungmin was starting to panic. Why was he saying all this? "Kyuhyun...why are you here?" He asked quietly.

Kyuhyun looked up at Sungmin and took a deep breath. He was going to tell him everything, right here, right now. "I know it's my fault. It's my fault for not thinking about your's my fault for making you worry about me, it's my fault that you're always so insecure about our relationship. But I want you to know that no matter how many girls I flirt with...none of them can compare to you..."

Sungmin didn't get this. He couldn't believe it. This wasn't real. Just a few minutes ago, he was having a good time hanging out with Yesung, and now, Kyuhyun at his front door, confessing things that he'd never thought he'd hear him say. "Let's talk about this tomorrow. I'm tired." He said quickly and turned around, proceeding to open the door again.

He gasped when Kyuhyun suddenly pulled him back into an embrace. His face was muffled against his shoulder as he hugged him tighter. Sungmin blushed. It had been so long since he held him so tightly like this.

Kyuhyun closed his eyes and snuggled into Sungmin's hair. "...please, just hear me out. I want to explain everything before I lose you."

"Lose me...? Kyuhyun, what are you saying? You're scaring me..." Sungmin muttered worriedly.

"...I want to tell you that you mean everything to me. You're the only one who actually stood by my side no matter what I did. You were always there for me, even when I did nothing for you. You have no idea how important you are over all the girls or boys. And I'm sorry that I didn't take the time to appreciate you...I didn't take the time to show you that you mean so much to me...I'm sorry..." Kyuhyun apologized.

"You were right. I never did anything for you and I never told you my true feelings towards you..." He let go of Sungmin slowly and raised a hand, cupping his cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb.

Sungmin could literally feel his heart beating like crazy right now. "This isn't like you. Why are you-,"

Kyuhyun didn't let him finish as he leaned in and placed a featherlight kiss on his lips. He let his lips linger on Sungmin's for a bit more before breaking away. He looked at Sungmin, who stared back at him, confused and lost.

"...I love you..." Kyuhyun whispered and backed away from him.

Sungmin held his breath. Was he dreaming? Did Kyuhyun just actually say the he loved him? Hope was building fast in him... Kyuhyun actually did like him back. He actually really did love him, too! He was about to smile at him and embrace him again, but his next words tore him apart.

"'s breakup."

-end of chapter 6-

A/N: TOLD YA!! SO HEARTBREAKING AT THE END!!! Hope the author will update soon!! I will post the next chapter then!

a/n2: As you guys noticed (maybe) I haven't posted any one-shots, two-shots, drabbles or chapter of any of my fics in a long time. Life has become really busy for me, and not just busy... Ever since Spain, i felt really sad inside. I smile a lot at school, but those feelings from Spain keep bothering me.

I'm not able to write in a long time. The past few weeks, i've been really sick. I had pneumonia AND laryngitis the past 2/3 weeks, I catched a flu & my astma hasn't been stable since a month. Above of that, school began this week, and i'm not allowed to miss anything anymore, because i was absent to often past year, so i can''t even take one day of while i'm sick.Also,  I also got a job a week ago, and i couldn't refuse it, since i need money. So the past week i had to go to school, therapy & I had to work till late, while i had pneumonia & laryngitis. It is going down a bit, but i don't think i'm able to write for the upcoming months. For that, I'm annoucing my hiatus on this chapter. I will only post this fic, once the writer has updated it, sicne i don't want you guys to miss it, because i'm going for ahwile!!

I'm sorry to my friends a lot!! I didn't speak with them the past week and my hiatus is also very sudden for them. I don''t think i have time to comment on people their fics, or come on msn or anything. I'm really sorry for those people who are waiting for any of my fics. Please tell me which fic you still want to read after i come back from my hiatus!! I'll try writing when i have some free time!! Probably during weekends, since i don''t have school. I still have a lot of homework that i have to make during weekends, but i''ll make time, so once i''m back, you guiys don't have to wait so long anymore for fic updates!!

So, hope you guys won't be too angry!! i apologize for not saying anything before!! I think this will be the last time you guys will hear from me before i go on a hiatus. I hope i will be back within a month, but i have the feeling it will last for 2-3 months :/ Sorry everyone... I'm really sad for leaving everyone... Once I'm back, i really hope i can be better friends with the people i haven't actually talked with before~ I will miss you all a lot!!!

kyuhyun's a playboy, chaptered, romance, angst, kyumin, yemin, fanfics

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