Kyuhyun's a playboy. [Chapter 5]

Sep 10, 2011 14:49

Title: Kyuhyun's a playboy.
Pairing: KyuMin, side!YeMin
Rating: PG for language~
Genre: Romance, slight!angst.
Disclaimer: I don't own this fic! All credits go to AnimeloverNUMBA100, Me just made it into KyuMin!
Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun have been dating for 8 months...but Kyuhyun is a playboy, and he keeps flirting with other girls and boys. Sungmin's had enough, and he wonders if Kyuhyun is even serious about this relationship...and if he isn't, he will choose to leave him.
A/N: Will be posting till chapter 6 right now... I will tell the reason later. As for LSTF, it won't be updated in for lo~ng time. I''m really sorry everyone.

a/n: Thanks so much to the amazing writer, AnimeloverNUMBA100 @fanfiction for letting me make this fic in a KyuMin one!

Chapter 5: Always him.

Sungmin stared at him with a shocked expression.

"Don't look at me like that. You try to act all innocent with me, asking what's wrong, but you already know. Tell me, Sungmin, if you and Yesung are just friends, then why did you two kiss?" Kyuhyun glared at him.

"How do you know?" Sungmin asked quietly.

"After you left, I didn't even feel like going with them anymore. I just sat there while they partied, and then I left early because I was bored. I came to your house to check on you, but when I got there, I see you cheating on me with Yesung. If you like him, why didn't you just date him instead-,"

"Damnit, Kyuhyun...why do you always think of yourself?" Sungmin was getting angry. He was shocked that Kyuhyun had saw them, but he didn't even know the situation.

"How do you think I feel whenever I see you with other girls? I always just act as if it's nothing big, but everytime, I just feel like crying! You go around, flirting with other girls, and you don't even consider how your own boyfriend feels. So don't even start with me! The only reason why I let him kiss me was because I felt like he really cared for me...he made me feel important, and it was something that you never gave me-,"

"Something I never gave you? I've been with you for 8 months and you tell me that you don't feel important? This is the exact reason why I flirt with so many women. You're always overreacting to everything!" Kyuhyun exclaimed.

"It's your fault that I'm always overreacting! You always make me worried and I can't help it!"

"Stop trying to turn things around on me! You take everything so seriously. Like that night I told you to stop calling me, I was only joking! I didn't expect you to actually believe it. You're so stupid, Sungmin!"

"Because everything is your fault! I'm the only one who's committed in this relationship!"

"Damnit, Sungmin! If you're the only one committed, then why the hell did I stay this long?"

Sungmin knew he couldn't hold it in anymore.

Kyuhyun's eyes widened when he saw tears drip down his cheeks. For 8 entire months with Sungmin, he had never seen him cry before.

"That's the problem, Kyuhyun. You've been with me for 8 months, but nothing has changed. I try my best to be strong in front of you, and despite what everyone else says, I do my best to stay in this relationship with you, but I don't know if I can do it anymore. I don't even know why you chose to stay with me this have never once said that you liked me, nor have you showed me that I'm important to you..." Sungmin quickly wiped away his tears and looked at Kyuhyun.

"Yesung was the one who kissed me, first. I thought about you, so I pushed him away. I would never think of cheating on you, Kyuhyun...I love you too much to do that." He replied.

Sungmin turned around and ran inside his house, leaving behind a speechless Kyuhyun.


Sungmin ran up to his room and slammed the door shut. he threw his bag on the floor and jumped onto his bed, pulling the covers up to his shoulders.

"Stupid Kyuhyun...asshole...jerk..." Sungmin muttered to himself and snuggled into his pillow.

Although he was mad at him...he was kind of happy that he actually got jealous.


Kyuhyun walked home quietly, with Sungmin's words ringing in his mind.

"How could he even think that he's not important to me? He's the first person I've ever been in a serious relationship with..." He sighed and put his hands his pockets.

Even though he hungout with other girls, even though he flirted with other girls, none of them even compare to how much Sungmin meant to him.

When they were going to the karoake club, he purposely ignored him to see if he would get jealous at him again. Sungmin didn't even bother to yell at him like he always did.

When he saw Sungmin and Yesung kissing, he just felt like killing someone. It hurt so much to see him in the arms of another man.

...and his crying. It was the first time he's ever seen him cry. And he sure as hell didn't like it.

It was true, that he never thought about his feelings. He would go around with other girls, never considering Sungmin's feelings, because he was always so forgiving. He never would've thought that he was hurt that badly.

Come to think of it...he was right. He had never once told him how he felt about him and he has never done anything special for him before.

He now knew why so many people wanted Sungmin to break up with him.


The next day, Sungmin skipped breakfast again and quietly walked to school by himself. Things were getting worse between him and Kyuhyun, and since Kyuhyun was so stubborn, he knew it would be hard to make up. Besides... Kyuhyun saw him kissing Yesung. It wasn't going to be so easy to convince Kyuhyun to forgive him.

Honestly, he wanted to give up. He wanted to give up on Kyuhyun... He should just break up with him, like everyone says. But, he loves him.

When Sungmin got to school, he went in his classroom, not bothering to answer any of Heehcul's questions.

"Sungmin, did something happen between you and Kyuhyun?" Heechul asked.

Sungmin just laid his head on his desk and stared out in space.

"Sungmin? You ok?" Heechul looked at him worriedly.

Sungmin let out a sigh. "Heechul...can you leave me alone for today? I don't feel like talking right now..."

Heechul blinked. Sungmin was never this depressed before. Even if he was hurt badly, he'd always do his best to smile...but not today. 'I bet it's Kyuhyun's fault, again. That jerk is going to get his ass kicked today.'


Throughout the day, Sungmin barely paid attention in classes. He would try to listen to the teacher's lectures, but his mind ended up thinking about Kyuhyun again.

He wondered if he should break up with him. They probably weren't gonna makeup anytime soon, anyways.

'Ugh...should I breakup with him?' Sungmin tapped his pencil on the desk quietly.

'I know that it's probably the best thing to do, but...I don't want to be apart from him...'

He was torn from his thoughts when the bell rang for lunch.

"Sungmin, I know you're not feeling well, but you should at least eat. You've skipped lunch for the past 3 days." Heechul sighed and crossed his arms.

"I'm not hungry." Sungmin stated.

"It doesn't matter. You need to eat!" Heechul grabbed Sungmin's arm and pulled him up from his desk, dragging him along to the lunchroom.

Sungmin just poked his food.

"Sungmin. Seriously, you need to eat." Heehcul scolded.

"I don't feel like eating right now...maybe later when I get home..." Sungmin muttered and pushed the food tray away.

"Ok, this is getting annoying. I know it's Kyuhyun's fault. I'm gonna go find him and kick his ass right now," Heechul got up from the table.

Sungmin quickly grabbed his wrist. "Heechul, it's fine!"

"No, it's not! I just can't stand seeing you like this anymore. You always say everything's ok, but it's obviously not. Whether you stop me or not, I'm gonna go find Kyuhyun." Heechul jerked his arm from Sungmin and stomped away.

Sungmin let out a sigh and quickly followed after him. "Heechul, please stop!"

"No way!" Heechul refused.

"Please, heechul. I don't need this right...I'm already stressed out enough!" Sungmin pleaded.

"Then you do it!" Heechul turned around and faced him.


"Either you breakup or makeup with him. If you're just going to stay like this, mad at each other, then there's no point!"

Sungmin looked around and noticed students were staring at them. Why was he always dragged into attention whenever it involved Kyuhyun?

Sungmin averted his eyes down at the ground sadly. Why couldn't anyone understand him? Why do they all have to get in his personal business?

'Damnit. I want to go home. I don't want all this drama!' He thought.

"Heechul, just please, don't get involved. This is mine and Kyuhyun's problem...and everyone's looking at us...I don't want anymore people talking about my relationship with him." Sungmin murmured.

"Then you better solve it-,"

"If you want to help Sungmin, then just leave him alone."

Sungmin recognized that voice. He turned around to see Yesung.

"Who the hell are you to talk? You're the whole reason why they're in this fight!" Heechul glared at him.

Yesung didn't respond. Sungmin was taken by surprise when he suddenly grabbed his hand headed towards the school gates.

"Wait, wait! Where are we going-,"

"We're ditching. I'm not letting you get hurt anymore." Yesung simply replied as he started to run.

Sungmin looked back to see Heechul and the other students looking at them with surprised faces.

"But they're getting the wrong idea! This is going to make things worse-,"

"Sungmin, just stop talking." Yesung interrupted again.

Sungmin frowned, but he obeyed.

They kept running until the school was out of sight and stopped by a little river stream by the neighborhood.

Sungmin panted heavily, trying to catch his breath. "Seriously, you didn't need to take me away."

"Yes, I did. I can tell what your thinking by your're just easy to read." Yesung smirked and plopped down on the grass.

Sungmin didn't reply and just sat down next to him.

"I'm sorry." Yesung suddenly replied.

"Huh?" Sungmin blinked.

"Kyuhyun probably found out, right? That I kissed you..."

"Oh...yea..." Sungmin hugged his knees. "...he's really mad at me now..."

"I'm sorry." He apologized again. "Your friend was's all my fault that you and Kyuhyun are in this fight. I really shouldn't have kissed you."

Sungmin blushed. He didn't know how he could talk about that kiss so easily. "'s fine..."

"So, are you thinking about breaking up with him?"

"I...still don't know." Sungmin shook his head.

"Sungmin..." Yesung sighed. "...why are you with him?"

"I love him." Sungmin simply replied.

"I know that. But you should love yourself, too...I don't get why you let yourself get hurt like that. Whatever he does, you always forgive him."

"Kyuhyun's a good guy-,"

"Stop defending him." Yesung glared at him. "I know I've said I'll stay out of the way, but it's really irritating to hear you always defend him."

Sungmin didn't like the look he was giving him. Yesung had never glared at him like that before. "Do you hate me, now, too?" He asked sadly and averted his eyes away from his gaze.

Yesung's expression softened. Why would he even ask that?

"I'm sorry, I was just irritated that you defended him. But I could never hate you...I can't possibly hate the boy I love."

Sungmin stayed quiet. It was still so strange to believe that yesung was in love with him.

"Um...since we ditched...we might as well go somewhere today." Sungmin replied, trying to change the subject.

"Another date?" Yesung joked.

"...yea, a date."

Yesung was surprised he actually said that.

"Just for today, I want to forget my problems with Kyuhyun, so...let's go on a date."

-end of chapter 5-

a/n: only chapter 6 left!! And i''m warning you guys... It's  the worse cliffhanger ever... I've been waiting for weeks now for chapter 7. Hope the writer will update it soon, since i''m dying! T____T I wanna read more!! It''s soooo... WAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!

Read Chapter 6 on own risk... You will cry (i teared up)... I mean it... You will be happy... But tear up....

kyuhyun's a playboy, chaptered, romance, angst, kyumin, yemin, fanfics

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