Kyuhyun's a playboy. [Chapter 4]

Sep 10, 2011 14:03

Title: Kyuhyun's a playboy.
Pairing: KyuMin, side!YeMin
Rating: G to PG for language
Genre: Romance, slight!angst.
Disclaimer: I don't own this fic! All credits go to AnimeloverNUMBA100, Me just made it into KyuMin!
Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun have been dating for 8 months...but Kyuhyun is a playboy, and he keeps flirting with other girls and boys. Sungmin's had enough, and he wonders if Kyuhyun is even serious about this relationship...and if he isn't, he will choose to leave him.

a/n: Thanks so much to the amazing writer, AnimeloverNUMBA100 @fanfiction for letting me make this fic in a KyuMin one!

Chapter 4: Jealous.

Although Sungmin stubbornly argued that Yesung shouldn't walk him home, he did anyways.

"See? It's not even raining any more." Yesung shrugged.

"But it's still cold. You could get-,"

"Stop worrying about me, Sungmin-ah. I'm fine."

Sungmin glared at him. "Why don't you ever listen to me?"

"And why don't you ever listen to me?" Yesung smirked.

Sungmin rolled his eyes. He just had to know what to say to everything, doesn't he?

He tightened the jacket around him and stared at the ground. An awkward silence filled the air.

He still couldn't get Yesung's confession out of his mind. He had just said it at the cafe, and here they were now, walking casually as if nothing happened.

"So why did you cancel your phone?" Yesung randomly asked.

"Oh... Kyuhyun said I was annoying when I called too much, so I shut it off." Sungmin muttered.

"So? You could have just deleted his number or something."

"I know. I'm so stupid. I wasn't thinking right, so I just told my mom to take it back to the store." Sungmin frowned.

"You want me to buy you a new one?" Yesung suggested.

Sungmin blinked. "What? Are you serious?"

"Yea, sure. I saved up a lot of money, but I don't even use it. I could buy you a new phone, if you want."

"Why would you spend your money on buying me a phone?" Sungmin raised an eyebrow.

"Why? Is it wrong to buy things for the boy I like?" He smirked at him.

Sungmin blushed and stayed quiet.

Yesung made a small smile, seeing his cute, nervous expression. "Sorry. I'm making this kinda awkward..." He apologized.

"It's just weird now, knowing that you feel that way towards me..." Sungmin muttered, not daring to look at him.

"Yea...sorry." He apologized again.

After a while of quiet walking, they finally reached Sungmin's house.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school," Yesung replied as they stepped on the front porch of his house.

"Yea. Thanks for today...and here's your jacket." Sungmin took off his jacket and handed it back to him.

Yesung took it and put it on. "You kinda felt like a date."

Sungmin blushed again, for the 4th time that day. "I...I guess..."

Yesung let out a sigh and put his hands in his pockets. "Before I go, can I give you something?" He asked.

"Sure." Sungmin nodded.

"It's a surprise...close your eyes." Yesung pretended like he was shuffling in his pocket to look for something.

Sungmin nodded again and fluttered his eyes closed.

Yesung stopped shuffling in his pocket and stared at his face. Over the years, he grew up to be so beautiful. He loved the way how his dark eyes would sparkle all the time, how his smile seemed to bright up the whole world, how his laugh sounded like music to his ears, and how he was so carefree, yet so determined and strong.

He was perfect. And Kyuhyun didn't deserve someone as perfect as him.

Yesung leaned forward towards him.

Sungmin flinched when he felt his hands holding his own shoulder. He was taken by surprise when he felt a pair of warm lips press against his forehead. His eyes jerked open to see Yesung pulling away.

"Sorry. I just couldn't help myself," Yesung replied quietly.

Sungmin gazed at his eyes...which was a big mistake. His beautiful mysterious eyes captivated him, and he couldn't look away.

Yesung knew he said that wouldn't make a move on the latter, but it was just way too damn tempting. Here he was right now, in front of him, and he certaintly wouldn't stop now. He raised one arm and cupped his cheek, caressing it gently with his thumb.

Sungmin hesitantly closed his eyes as he leaned in.

Yesung paused, giving Sungmin time to reject or push him away, but he remained still.

Daring to go further, he was slowly closing the gap between them. His forehead touched his, causing their hair to mingle. He held his breath when their noses touched and turned his head slightly to the side to get a better position.

Sungmin didn't know why he was giving in. But it felt good. Yesung made him feel...important. With yesung, he actually felt like he mattered, that he was really loved.

But when their lips finally brushed against each other, that was when Kyuhyun suddenly appeared in his mind.

Sungmin immediately opened his eyes and gasped, pushing Yesung away.

"I'm sorry! I can't do this with you, Yesung!"

Yesung looked away, disappointed, but he made a small nod at him. "I got carried away. I'm sorry, Sungmin...I shouldn't have done that when I already said I wasn't going to make a move on you. Then..." He turned around to go. "...I'll take my leave. See you tomorrow." He replied before walking away.

Sungmin's lips trembled.

He brought his hand up and touched his lips... he could still feel the warmth of his lips, even though they kissed for just a mere second.


After a sleepless night, Sungmin got ready and didn't even bother to eat breakfast.

He didn't feel like going to Kyuhyun's house to walk with him, so he just walked directly to school.

Once again, he slowly brought his fingers to touch his lips. He couldn't stop thinking about his kiss with Yesung last night.

"Ugh...what's wrong with me?" Sungmin sighed. When he reached the school gates, he was kind of nervous.

He didn't really want to face Yesung.

Sungmin walked quietly into the school building, and into his classroom. When Heechul greeted him, he didn't even bother to say hi.

"What's wrong?" Heechul followed after him.

Sungmin sat in his desk and looked down at his lap. "...I just have alot of things on my mind..."

"Is it because of yesterday? Are you still mad about Kyuhyun?" Heechul asked, sitting down on the seat next to him.

"That's part of it," Sungmin murmured.

"Well, what's the other part?"

Sungmin took a deep breath and clenched his fists together. " know Yesung, right?"

"Your childhood friend? Oh, he's such a hottie! Even though he's a bit anyway, what about him?" Heechul smiled.

"After I left you guys, I walked around for a bit because I didn't feel like going home. I met him on the way, and it was kind of raining, so he gave me his jacket. We went to eat at a small cafe and stayed there for a while talking...and..." Sungmin paused. "...and...he told me that he likes me."

Heechul gaped. "What?"

"Yesung confessed to me. He said that after 6 years, he couldn't possibly see me as just a friend anymore. We ate, and then he walked me back home. He even offered to buy me a new phone. When we got to my house, I gave him back his jacket, and then...he told me to close my eyes..."

"Oh my god. Are you serious?" Heechul gasped. He could already guess what was coming next.

"I thought he was just going to give me something, but then he kissed my forehead."

Heechul's smile dropped. "Oh, whoopie. What a way to kill the mood. A kiss on the forehead? Why wasn't it on the lips?"

"Um...Heehcul, actually, he did kiss me." Sungmin replied quietly.

"What!" Heechul's jaw dropped open.

"I didn't know why I let him. It was just...I couldn't move away, and it felt so good. Yesung made me feel loved, and it was something that Kyuhyun never gave me, so I just...I just let him. But then, right when he kissed me I pushed him away."

Heechul once again looked at him like he was crazy. "...what a way to kill the mood, Sungmin. Nice going. Why the hell would you push him away? It's the perfect revenge against Kyuhyun!"

"I don't want any revenge on Kyuhyun." Sungmin shook his head.

"Oh, whatever. I don't get you. Just take some good advice and break up with him." Heechul sighed and walked back to his own desk.


At lunch break, Sungmin didn't pack any lunch, so he decided to just hangout with Heechul.

"You sure you wanna walk around campus? You might see Yesung," Heechul teased.

"Shut up." Sungmin glared at him. There was no chance of seeing Yesung...he usually stays in class during lunch break anyways.

When they walked passed the quad area, Sungmin spotted Kyuhyun sitting...alone. No girls, no friends, just alone.

'That's weird...' Sungmin thought. "Um, Heechul...actually, I'm gonna go sit with Kyuhyun."

Heehcul looked back and saw Kyuhyun sitting at a table alone. "Wow, that's strange. He's actually not surrounded by girls..."

"I'm gonna go to him, ok?" Sungmin smiled.

"Sure, sure, whatever. I still think you should break up with him..." Heehcul rolled his eyes and walked away.

Sungmin turned around and walked over to Kyuhyun. His smile immediately disappeared when he looked up and their eyes met. Was he...glaring at him?

"...Hey Kyuhyun..." He greeted.

Kyuhyun didn't even bother to say hi.

Sungmin slowly sat down next to him. "Are you ok?"

Kyuhyun let out an irritated sigh and got up.

Sungmin quickly got up also and ran after him. "Kyuhyun, what's wrong?" He grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Why do you even bother asking?" Kyuhyun jerked his arm away from Sungmin and walked away before he could respond.

Sungmin stood there with a shocked look on his face. This was the first time that Kyuhyun was mad at him. Other students were looking at Sungmin and he could hear whispers about his relationship with Kyuhyun again.

Slowly, he turned around and walked back to class.


The bell finally rang for dismissal.

Sungmin hadn't seen Yesung all day, but he quickly shook that thought away. He glanced over at Kyuhyun, who was packing his books and headed out the door. He didn't even wait for him.

Sungmin quickly stood up and followed after him.

Kyuhyun didn't say goodbye to any of his friends, nor did he flirt with any girls on the way out of the school gates.

As they walked home, Sungmin just walked behind him quietly. He quickened his pace so that he was walking next to him.

"" He called his name cautiously.

He didn't answer.

Sungmin glanced at him and could clearly see how pissed off he was. "Kyuhyun...why are you so mad at me?" He asked quietly.

"Don't try to act all inoccent." Kyuhyun glared at him.

Sungmin didn't like that look Kyuhyun gave him...his eyes were so cold and so full of anger. He stayed quiet, not wanting to provoke him anymore.

The whole time, neither of them talked and when they reached Sungmin's house, Kyuhyun didn't even bother to stop and say goodbye. He just kept on walking.

Sungmin ran after him and grabbed his arm, turning him around. "Kyuhyun, I don't understand why you're so mad at me. Please, tell me what's wrong..." He pleaded.

"Do you honestly think I was so stupid as to not notice you weren't there at the karaoke club yesterday?" Kyuhyun frowned.

"Because you didn't even pay attention to me. You were the one who invited me and said you wouldn't flirt with the other girls, but you still did anyways. You totally ignored me, so that's why-,"

"I ignored you? What the hell are you talking about? You haven't called me for two days straight, you don't even come and hangout with me at lunch anymore, and you keep talking to Yesung! You keep avoiding me, so that's why I flirted with them to see if you would yell at me like you always do!" Kyuhyun hissed at Sungmin.

"I avoided you because you told me I was annoying. I shut off my phone since you said I called too much, I don't hangout with you at lunch because you keep talking to other girls, and Yesung's just a friend!" Sungmin argued.

"Don't fucking lie to me! You kissed him!"

Sungmin gasped and his eyes widened.

How did he know?

-end of chapter 4-

kyuhyun's a playboy, chaptered, kyumin, yemin, fanfics

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