(no subject)

Oct 22, 2011 17:25

Title: Let's stay together, forever.
Chapter: 24.1/26
Pairing: [main]KyuMin, [side] EunHae, Yewook, [ninja] ChangBum [kibumxchangmin], SeoKyu,
This chapter: Kyumin, eunhae, yewook,
Genre: Fluff, romance, friendship, bromance, drama. Angst!!!
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own them all~ *gets hit* Okay... Only in the story... *gets hit again* Okaay... Not at all... Just the story idea...
Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun are each others best friend and brother. Ever since they were little, they could never be separated. No matter where Kyuhyun went, his older brother tagged along. Just like wherever Sungmin went, the little one tagged alone. That's why they made a promise when they were little, to always stay together. But will that still be like that when they are older? Even after they both go to different schools and meet new people? Will they be able to stop their feelings from changing? And above of that, will they still be able to keep there promise?

a/n: HII EVERYONE~ Anyone missed mee?? I'm back, but just for a short time!! Sorry for that... I hope all the parts for this chap will be updated, before i have to go back to my hiatus again!! I have a bit time to post this now. Got to make ready for work!! Only have 30 minuted left to change and such :/ SAAWWWYYY FOR THE SUPER CRAPPY CHAPTER!!!

I didn't know what to write... Becuase of my hiatus, i made some fluffy parts in it...

Previous Chapter[s]: Introduction+Prologue. - Chapter 1~  - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9  - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12  - Chapter 13  Chapter 14; PART 1  PART 2 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17- Chapter 18; PART 1PART 2 - Chapter 19 - Chapter 20; PART 1 - Chapter 20; PART 2 - Chapter 21 - Chapter 22  - Chapter 23

Chapter 24.1:

"Gosh...Your summer house is..."



"Wah, it's so pretty!"

Sungmin and Kyuhyun chuckled as they saw their friends first reaction after seeing their house. They all looked at the house as if it was the most beautiful thing they ever saw. The house was bigger than their own house and was placed along the beach. The beach was as beautiful as the house. The sand was almost white and the sea was transparant blue. There were only a few people on the beach, since it was private for the people who lived their. There were just 4 other houses, which weren't as beautiful as theirs.

"I see you guys like the house a lot. The inside is even better!" Mom Cho exclaimed happily. Dad Cho took his wife hand and both looked at the smiley faces. The kids nodded all, while still looking at the house. The couple felt happy seeing them all happy like that, just seeing the house. They deserved to rest and be happy for awhile. She  hoped Donghae to be happy and relax on this vacation. She heard that his parents still weren't fully accepting the relationship between him and a boy and weren't too nice about Donghae liking him, but they still let the date. They didn't separate them now. Donghae felt sad about it. And Mom Cho knew that.

There came a young, japanese man out of the house. He bowed to everyone and introduced himself as the helper in the house. "Hello everyone. My name is Ninomiya Kazunari. You all can call me Nino. I'll be taking care of you all while you're staying here. Please treat me well." The boy said with a cute smile.

"He's the son of my friend in Japan. He comes here every year to take care of the house and always helps us a lot. He will help you guys if you need something. He's a good boy, so take care of him too." Dad Cho said while patting the boy's head. The young man bowed to him and thanked him.

"Nino-chan Nice to see you again!!" Sungmin greeted in japanese. He walked up to him and gave him a hug. Kyuhyun followed him and just gave a hug. He wasn't too fond of the boy, because Sungmin liked him a lot. He knew there was nothing between them, but still. He liked him as a friend. That was worse enough. Kyuhyun face-palmed himself, remembering the fight. He can't get jealous over friendship again. And Nino was indeed a good guy.

"It's been a while, Nino. Don't work too much and hang out with us too!" Kyuhyun decided to say. He gave a sincere smile when he saw Nino's happy face. Kyuhyun never was that nice to him, so it surprised the boy

"I missed you guys a lot, Min-chan, Kyu-chan. Have fun this weekend with your friend." Nino bowed once again. Their friends just looked at them weirdly, since they didn't understand japanese at all. It was a bit weird to hear them speak and not knowing what they're talking about at all.

Mom Cho saw it and giggled. "Let's go inside, huh?"

"Ye!" Everyone exclaimed as the Cho couple lead them inside. Dad Cho opened the door for the kids and went to Nino afterwards to help him get the bagage out of the car.  Siwon, being the gentleman he was, went with him to help. The others all didn't even notice it and went inside with Mom Cho. Everyone gasped when they saw the house from the inside. It looked even bigger from the inside. They were all contented. Everyone started to explore the house on their own. They looked around the house and went in every room. The house had everything. Bedrooms with each one a own bathroom, a dinner room, a huge kitchen, a music room, a game room, lounge room, a big balcony, an art room and a study room.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun stayed in the huge hall, watching their friends (Donghae) running around. They both chuckled at the same time. They glanced at each other because of that and bursted out in laughter. After they calmed down, they watched their friends with a smile. Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin and put his arm around the latter's waist, pulling him a bit nearer to his own body.

Sungmin blushed and put his own hand on Kyuhyun's. He suddenly felt Kyuhyun's breath on his ear. "Hyung... Do you still remember?" Sungmin knew immediately what he was talking about. He didn't think Kyuhyun would remember it. All this time he thought he forgot it. But he didn't. It must be important to him too and Sungmin was more than happy about that. Sungmin leaned his head on Kyuhyun's shoulder.

Kyuhyun smiled contented and gave a light kiss on Sungmin's head. He felt Sungmin nodding beneath him. "Of course I do."

Mom and Dad Cho watched their babies being cute together from a distance and couldn't help but smile to each other. They did a good job afterall by coming here. Though it happened sooner than they thought. They haven't even been here for an hour and they're sons are already like a married couple. Hugging each other like that.

Mom cho couldn't help but squeal, seeing the couple like that. "Look at them, yeobo! So cute~ They're so in love!" She clapped her hands and watched the boys intentionally with her husband.

Dad Cho chuckled and nodded proudly. "Yeah, you did a great job. They're so sweet together." They watched their sons look shyly at each other and giggle together. Mom Cho's face was brighter than ever when she saw the both smiling, while looking at each other's faces. Suddenly something unbelievable happened.

Mom Cho's eyes widened and she clasped her hubby's hand. This couldn't be true. It's too good to be true. Both their heart beats raised enormously. Their mouth were slowly opening more and more in a O-shape.

Right in front of them, Sungmin and Kyuhyun were looking intentionally to each other. Their smiles slowly faded as they looked at each other's eyes.

Kyuhyun placed his hand on Sungmin's cheek suddenly.

Sungmin looked surprised and glanced at the hand on his cheek a second before looking at Kyuhyun's eyes again.

Kyuhyun swallowed as he looked at the cute doe eyes of Sungmin.

Sungmin bit his lower lip and looked innocently cute at Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun licked his lips as he saw the gesture and his eyes moved to Sungmin's heart shaped lips.

Sungmin felt hot when Kyuhyun looked at his lips like that.

Kyuhyun carressed Sungmin's cheek and slowly leaned forward.

Sungmin gulped and forgot to breath when he noticed that Kyuhyun was coming closer.

Mom and Dad Cho clasped each other's hands tightly as they watched both intentionally, knowing what's coming.

Kyuhyun closed his eyes softly and turned his head slightly.

Sungmin smiled secretly for a second, before closing his eyes and puckering his lips just a little bit.

Kyuhyun could feel Sungmin's breath on his lips, indicating that he's almost kissing his hyung.

Sungmin felt butterflies in his stomach when he could feel the warm breath on his nose.

This moment was to good to be true to all four of them.

Just when Kyuhyun wanted to close the gap between their lips.


Indeed, to good to be true...

"MINNIE! YOUR ROOM IS AWESOME! WHERE IS MINE?!" Donghae yelled as he ran to his best friend. He tackled the latter and let him fall, to Sungmin's dismay, to his left. If only Donghae could tackle him from behind, he would have fallen on Kyuhyun's lips anyway.

Mom and Dad Cho let their jaw fall. They could finally see that sweet kiss in front of them, but Donghae had to ruin it.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun cussed Donghae in their minds, Kyuhyun making a mental note of killing Donghae tonight for ruining it and Sungmin pouting at Donghae for being a idiot.

Donghae gulped when he saw Kyuhyun's evil glare, glaring at him right now. He hugged Sungmin tightly, not making the situation any better for himself. "Told ya. Look at his glare. He's the devil I tell you. Cute? My ass!" Donghae flinched when he saw a dark aura around Kyuhyun. 'He's the devil.' Donghae thought as shiver filled his whole body when he saw Kyuhyun's dark eyes and... 'smile'. Donghae has never been so freaking scared before in his whole life.

Kyuhyun walked slowly to the both older boys on the ground, already thinking of ways to kill Donghae. Poisen all the fishes in the sea? Should he simply cut the boy in pieces and make fish cakes of him, or should he go with the easy way? Make Eunhyuk, by blackmailing him with the thousands of blackmails he got, dance sexy shirtless in front of the whole school and let Donghae die on his own? Or should he pick the cruel way...

Kyuhyun smirked what made Donghae hide his head in Sungmin's shoulder, -even Sungmin was -slightly- terrified-. This made Kyuhyun burn inside and 'smile' even darker and bigger. 'I should go with the cruel way indeed.' Kyuhyun suddenly made an evil, almost inaudiable laugh. 'I should tell him nemo died, way before meeting his dad. While I'm at it, I should tell him to that Santa Claus is a dead man who-'

Kyuhyun's evil plans were interrupted by an awkward laugh of his mother. She pushed Kyuhyun a bit away, while her hubby helped the traumatized Donghae and the terrified Sungmin up. Both stood infront of Kyuhyun who was back to normal again. Donghae was even more scared when he smiled sweetily for real now, thinking it's all an act and Kyuhyun will show his true side later again to kill him. On the other hand, Sungmin smiled brightly, completely forgetting the super scary Kyuhyun from a second a go, after seeing Kyuhyun's smile. He walked to Kyuhyun and ruffled his hair. "You're so cute."

Kyuhyun and Sungmin went to their own world again, talking shyly to each other. "W-What are you saying, hyung. You're the cute one." "Aniyo, you're so much cuter than me~" "Aniyo~" "Don't lie, Kyunnie~" "I'm not lying, Minnie~" Sungmin slapped Kyuhyun's chest playfully and Kyuhyun giggled as they continued their discussion.

"Hae?" Donghae ran to his boyfriend, who just entered the room, and hugged him tightly. He was so afraid. He was trembling in his boyfriends arm, what made him worried. "Hae, are you okay?"

Donghae shook his head and looked with a terrified look at Eunhyuk, while pointing his finger to the couple a few meters away. Eunhyuk followed the finger and shivered when he saw the lovey-dovey couple in front of him. That was indeed... Very scary. "They're possesed by a ghost I tell you! I swear, ever since we entered this house, they're super weird! HYUKKIE WE GOTTA LEAVE NOW, BEFORE THEY POSSESS YOU!!" Donghae shouted dramatically as he tried looking as convincing as he could to Eunhyuk. It was just kinda hard to be convinced by such a statement, no matter how much your face shows it. And the gross moment in front of them.

"Everyone! Gather in the hall!" Mom Cho shouted through the house, so everyone could gather together. She thought it was a good moment to show everyone their room. She enjoyed the moment a lot though. She regretted making KyuMin part, since both were looking another side right now, blushing hard. All the others were gathered downstairs too now. Everyone was talking about what they saw in the house and how awesome the house was.

"You guys have still enough time to talk later~ Let's move the bags to your rooms first. I already arranged the rooms for you guys." Mom cho glasped her hands. "I know about all the lovey-dovey couples here~" Everyone smiled, happy to know that they will be in a room with their lover. Kyuhyun and Sungmin wondered if they would keep their own room, since they were afraid their mom may thought Kyuhyun was still with Seohyun and she may was as stupid as Kyuhyun and thought Sungmin was with Changmin.

"So you guys won't have to do your best to keep quiet during your time alone, I can already tell you all that the rooms are sound proof. So you can do whatever you guys want. We won't be bothered during your sexy time~" Mom Cho winked, making most of the people, who got the hint, blush. There were suddenly awkward coughed heard, or choking people, in the room.

Kyuhyun scratched his back in embarrasment. "M-Mom, really?" He shook his head to her, making her smirk in responds. Kyuhyun was taken back by the sudden smirk and gulped.

"Kyu, Why embarrased? You know you like that piece of information too." She winked to him and Sungmin. Before the two could respond, other than blushing, she continued her story. "The rooms and roommates will be like this." She showed a board to everyone and smiled brigthly, holding a stick in her other hand. Everyone looked at the weird board with their pictures on it. Her sons couldn't believe she actually made that. What is she thinking? Does she think they're in a variety show or something? They didn't know what the answer was, but they had no other choice than accept it, since they couldn't do much about the fact that their mom wasn't really what you call... Normal... Nothing close to it at all.

She slammed the stick on the board, pointing it to a random person. "So, there is one rule for this came." Yesung chuckled out of blue and Kyuhyun could only palm his face.

"Since when were we playing a game?"

"I chose, you guys have nothing to say. So let me continue." She just ignored Kyuhyun's question, Sungmin's confused face and the other giggling persons. She started to point at Eunhyuk. "This naughty boy." Eunhyuk blushed and was about to object. "W-''

"You're sharing a room with our fishy." She moved the stick to point at Donghae. "You will sleep in room number 1." She said in a MC-ing way. She was quite enjoying playing this. She got a bit too much into the role. "The mission of you two is... I know it's hard to keep it in, but please don't make to much noise. I'm not sure how well the walls are yet." Both of them were blushing and avoiding everyones look. "Next one. Room 2... Yesungie..." She lowered the stick from Yesung's picture to Ryeowook's. "You will be with Ryeowookie."

"Siwonnie~ You will share a room 3 with Seohyun. Of course Kibummie will be in a room with Changminnie. And of course, our babies will share the same room like always~ And you two too. Please don't make noise." She laughed out loud and gave the board to her husband before giving him a short kiss. She was unable to hide her happiness. "So, now, everyone to their room and change! We're going to the beach now~"


fluff, chaptered, let's stay together forever, romance, kyumin, fanfics

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