
Dec 26, 2011 21:24

Title: We're over.
Pairing: KyuMin, Kyuwook.
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Only own the ideaaaaaa~
Summary: Kyuhyun had everything ready. If only he didn't come and if only he didn't enter that moment.

a/n: Prepare for my come back everyone :DDD One week left :DD Surprised anyone?? Will be uploading a lot of ficsss~~ Though it will start with an super angst fic... But there is coming a lot of fluffy fics and the ending of LSTF is finally coming~~

Kyuhyun lighted the last candle up. He looked at his masterwork and smiled satisfied.

He didn't regret anything now. The days he couldn't spent with his Sungmin were all worth it now.

He looked at the re-newed living room, Sungmin had always dreamed of a living room like this.

He then looked at the table he had set for his love.

Today was a special day, he had worked so hard for this day. He asked Sungmin not to come home for this surprise before he called him.

He looked at the pink/silver box in his hand and enclosed it. He looked at the beautiful ring in it, the one he saved all his money for.

He and his love have been together for 3 years now and Kyuhyun finally managed to get the money together for them to get married.

Sungmin always had big dreams for his future house, future family, his wedding even the way he wanted to be asked for marriage and how many girls and boys he wanted.

Kyuhyun loved Sungmin so much that he wanted to give him all that. So he took a part-time aside from his fulltime job at the office.

Unfortunaly, that meant he had to give up a lot of time with Sungmin for that.

Sungmin always whined that he should stop working his part-time job and instead spent more time with him. He couldn't. He also wanted to get married to his love as soon as possible.

And now, after working 6 months non-stop, he finally got all the money for the new living room, the special dinner, the most beautiful and expensive ring and even for their wedding. He still had to work some more though, since he didn't have enough for their boy/girl twin and their big brother, as Sungmin wanted so badly.

He felt that it was time already to get married now, so they will have to adopt the kids after their wedding.

He suddenly heard the door ring. He looked surprised to the door, wondering who could come at this hour.

On his way to the door he saw Sungmin's keys lay on the table.

Kyuhyun chuckled and shook his head contented.

'That little kid, forgetting his keys. I told my Minnie not to come yet. My impatient baby can't wait to see me.'

He opened the door and was shocked to feel a sudden pair of lips on his own. He closed his eyes, but soon noticed that it weren't his lover's lips.

He pushed the person away lightly and was even more surprised to see his co-worker, Ryeowook standing in front of him. The person who has been stalking him, asked him out many times, even saying he didn't mind he had a boyfriend already.

But he already rejected the latter many times. He couldn't even imagine himself without Sungmin and he loved the latter to much to cheat on him.


''So... That's the reason why I couldn't come home...'' Kyuhyun looked behind Ryeowook and saw no one other than his Sungmin, his cheeks filled with tears.

''Sungmin!'' Kyuhyun was about to hug his love but he was slapped hard on the cheek that very moment. ''M-Minnie.. It's an misunderst-''

''Whatever. You don't have to explain...''


''How could you... I can't believe I actually believed you that you were having a parttime job, that's why you couldn't see me much. You were actually cheating on me... I should've known it.''

''It's not like that! Min-''


''Minnie! Let me explain, please!'' Kyuhyun was getting frustrated now. It was not going how he wanted, at all! He was supposed to be kissing Sungmin now, they were supposed to eat the dinner he made, they were supposed to be dinking their favorite wine right now! He was supposed to ask Sungmin to marry him now!

''I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!'' Sungmin yelled for the last time. ''Kyuhyun...'' He whispered, while lowering his head.

''We're over.'' That were the last words Sungmin said before turning around and leaving a breaking Kyuhyun behind.


a/n: Sorry for the angsty comeback... Well, gonna write another fic nowwww~~ And my official comeback will be on Sungmin's b-daaaay!! Since i'm on vacation now!!

BTWWW!!! A NEW GROUP HAS STOLEN MY HEART!!! B1A4!! The past weeks i've been obsessed with them~~ Can't stop listening to their songs! And since the beginning, a couple already catched my eyes... JINDEULL!! So from now on, i'm gonna insert them in some of my fics... AND SANDEULLIE (my new bias) LOOOKS SO MUCH LIKE MINNIE SOME MOMENTSS!! HE'S NOW OFFICIALY (in my heart) KYUMIN'S LOVELY LOVE CHILD!!! <3333

drabbles, angst, kyumin, fanfics

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