Title: Kyuhyun's a playboy.
Pairing: KyuMin, side!YeMin
Rating: PG for language~
Genre: Romance, slight!angst.
Disclaimer: I don't own this fic! All credits go to AnimeloverNUMBA100, Me just made it into KyuMin!
Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun have been dating for 8 months...but Kyuhyun is a playboy, and he keeps flirting with other girls and boys. Sungmin
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Comments 24
i totally could understand how minnie feel coz i have been in the same place before..(still now..)
thanks for the update
can't wait for the next chappie to come
'Kyuhyun...you stupid jerk.' Yeah it's true, he didn't even notice that Minnie is going home!
I'll do another chance to Kyu before punching him really hard uhauhauahuahuahuh
I'm looking forward the next chapter ^^
Ya cho kyuhyun, how could you act like that to min? >_<
I like this story. Pls update soon. Can't wait to read the next chap..
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