
Aug 02, 2018 20:34

~~Arisu's Masterlist~~

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Comments 12

figlenka16 March 24 2011, 14:34:11 UTC
Dear , you have a huge masterlist O____o You must be proud of yourself))


minto85 March 24 2011, 19:52:57 UTC
keke, actually, i didn't realize myself how much i wrote XD But now that i see it, i wrote quite a lot xD
And i still have a lot more that are in my notebook >///<
I hope you like the stories~
I'm soon gonnna read your fics!!
I have been soo busy, i wanted to read your fics, but didn't ahve much time :/
I will comment on some chapters~ I usually get into the story and am to excited to comment xD


figlenka16 March 24 2011, 20:56:15 UTC
keke take your time)you're great writer)


ahuh.. myallisinyou April 2 2011, 12:42:24 UTC
why i can't read your chapter 15??
in "Let's stay together, forever" ???????

i really love this fic and i can't wait to read it...ahuh..




Re: ahuh.. minto85 April 2 2011, 12:48:34 UTC
You can't??
Ohh, i think something went wrong when i added the link~

Hope you can read it now~ If you can't, you should tell me, and i will try to find a solution ^^

Waah, am so happy you love it >///<
I'll try updating this weekend, since i already wrote most of chapter 16 ^^


yehey!! myallisinyou April 4 2011, 12:13:01 UTC
i already read your chapter 15., heheh..
they back together.. well as a brother.. aheh.
can't wait for the next event.. hahah...

thanks for your help!!!!!!! =)
mwaaah!!! heheh....


suju4life July 13 2011, 07:25:41 UTC
Oh hey it's me, your average silent reader~~~!^^ just wanna say...I LOVE YOUR KYUMIN(s) and 'let's stay together forever' has creeped it's way to being one of my favorite fan fiction series~~~! ^^ I really love it~<3 I want you to update soon~~~!!! I love incest hehe especially KYUMIN~~~<3 so please update soon unnie~~~<3 I want KYUMIN smut~~~ >


minto85 July 14 2011, 16:25:17 UTC
haha, Hii~~ I remember comments from you!! A lot of comments awhile ago!1 I'm happy you read my fics and am even happier that you love them so much!!! <33 =DD WAAAAH ME IS SO HONORED!! Then,,, since you liek the fic so much... Should I tell a surprise?? Once I'm finished with the chapters and epilogue... I'm planning on making a season two in a mini-serie form =D SAWWWY FOR ALWAYS UPDATIN SO LATE!! I keeep getting inspiration, but once someone disturbs me for a moment, i totally lose my inspiration to write!! Waaah, still have sooo many fics to finish!! I'm gonna try my best to write more! I wrote a lot of unfinished one-shots or drabbles, cuz i feel like they're not good at all... So i don't finish them in the end.... ME TOO!! I LOVE INCEST KYUMIN!!! I'll try dongsaeng-ah~ I'm very happy with your comment!! Today is the first official vacation day here!! So i have a lot of time, and me is going to spain really soon, so i have a lot to write in the plane && on the beach!!


suju4life July 15 2011, 03:43:30 UTC
MAKE SURE TO EAT A LOT OF CHURROS CON CHOCOLATE IN SPAIN~!!!! <3 And have fun hehe~ I really love your fics~~~<3 I have to go back and rea your one shots now hehe~ I would always be like "I NEED THE NEXT CHAPTER LIKE RIGHT NOW" XD I would skip through them until I found the next chapter~~~ I've read a few of them and I love them~<3 I love KyuMin And GURL YOU NEED TO WRITE MORE INCEST XD I dunno why I just love it~~~ lol I'm weird~~~ So good luck in not getting disturbed from your inspiration~ I hope you can write a lot on your trip~! ^.^


minto85 July 15 2011, 10:37:04 UTC
Hahahaha I WILL!! WAAH CHURROS CON CHOCOLATE IS SOOOOO YUMMY >///< I will~ I'll try to update at night during my trip! I'll probably will be out the whole days, but i'm bringing a mini laptop with me, so that i can write on tha beach or somewhere else xD HAHAHA HAVE FUN READING~!! I'm gonna try my best to finish all those unfinished fics oneday!! Especially the one-shots!! I wrote them suring classes :P KYUMIN IS LOVE <33 HAHAHA I'LL TRY!! I GOT AN IDEA FOR A INCEST FIC!! Not sure if it will be a one shot or 3shot yet. PLEASE WAIT FOR THE NEXT INCEST FIC ;DD Hahaha, maybe because incest is so wrong, that you just have to love it xD Don't worry, we're weird together~ Keke, I'll try!! I think i'm gonna split chapter 20 in 3 parts if i really get stuck with the part for too long!!


shineeowner July 17 2011, 23:48:03 UTC
I just saw you floating around on LJ and I saw you were half Dutch, hoho, I'm half Dutch too. I'm from Belgium (omg obviously trololol)
anyhow, do you speak Dutch ? :D
(I KNOW I KNOW I'M A CREEPY COMMENT CREEPER. But you don't have an introduction post so I didn't know where to comment else. Forgive meeee)


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