Challenge Fic: Fidelity

Oct 10, 2006 09:35

By minnow_53

Disclaimer: These characters belong to JK Rowling.
Rating: PG
Summary: A bereaved king takes steps to avoid a disastrous remarriage.
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
AN: This fic is loosely based on Donkey Skin by Charles Perrault.

This is my challenge fic for hp_fairytales. Now crossposted to remusxsirius and the_kennel.

Once upon a time... )

challenge_fic, au

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Comments 69

wildestranger October 10 2006, 11:27:28 UTC
Oh my. You have a very special talent for stories like this - they seem so crazy that they shouldn't work, and yet, yours always do. :)

A wonderful read, as always.


minnow_53 October 10 2006, 12:46:16 UTC
Thank you very much! :) I'm really glad you enjoyed it.



wickedevra October 10 2006, 11:35:26 UTC
Your fairy tales are the best thing since *racks brain* well, ever! This had everything - love, humour, sadness, suspense - and S/R!


minnow_53 October 10 2006, 12:47:42 UTC
Thank you very much! :) It's nervewracking posting a full-length fic again, and wonderful to get such a lovely comment.



shaggydogstail October 10 2006, 11:41:03 UTC
Aw, this is just adorable! *squishes you* I was very sad when Sirius caught the plague and died, but coming back as a dog to look after Remus was just lovely.

Sirius in playful mood, like the time he passed a decree that all Mondays should be national holidays.

I think I could become a monarchist if I lived under the reign of King Sirius!

And they clung to each other as if they’d never let go



minnow_53 October 10 2006, 12:49:24 UTC
Thank you very much for such a lovely comment! :) It was great fun to write, and of course the HP books already have a lot of the fairytale elements in them, which I didn't actually fully realise till the dog turned up.



xrated13 October 10 2006, 12:49:56 UTC
Awww. :) That was so precious. Love the dog! :)


minnow_53 October 10 2006, 14:21:25 UTC
Thank you very much! :) I'm so glad you liked him.



mauvaise_etoile October 10 2006, 13:03:54 UTC
How delightful!

‘Like two halves of a whole.’ And indeed, Sirius with his black hair and grey eyes, and Remus with his fair hair and blue eyes, were like moon and sun, night and day, winter and summer.

That is the most wonderful description of Sirius and Remus I've ever read. Made me a bit weepy.

I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but I had a good snarfle at Sirius having a grand funeral because it's really sticking it to JKR for doing naught for Sirius.

And I'm so pleased with the way everything worked out.


minnow_53 October 10 2006, 14:23:07 UTC
That's a really lovely comment: thank you very much! I'm so pleased you enjoyed it.

D'you know, I didn't think of the contrast in funerals at all until this second: but obviously my unconscious did! It felt good to give him a proper send-off, and to bring him back as well.



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