Title: Water Hole Author: Mink Rating: PG - Gen Spoilers: None Disclaimers: SPN & characters are owned by their various creators. Summary: Sam doesn't heed the dangers of tequila and therefore everyone suffers.
>>The guy could look down at everyone in the room but he had never quite gotten down that art of quiet intimidation.<<
awww, sammy. i love how dean gets information - paying attention and lying his ass off, go fig :> - and drunk sam is actually kinda cute, and i giggled when he fell on dean on the bed. and dean's bad tequila experience compared to sam's bad tequila experience, with dean taking dad's role, how responsible of dean. he's really not a bad brother.
Dude, I don't know whether to laugh or awww. ^___^ Also, I pray to the gods of Supernatural that at some point during S2 Sam will get plastered and (try to) dance with a thing of questionable sexuality. LOLOL It's going right under my Michael Rosenbaum wish.
I know it's been said before, but really. Dean's the best brother EVAR.
Comments 18
awww, sammy. i love how dean gets information - paying attention and lying his ass off, go fig :> - and drunk sam is actually kinda cute, and i giggled when he fell on dean on the bed. and dean's bad tequila experience compared to sam's bad tequila experience, with dean taking dad's role, how responsible of dean. he's really not a bad brother.
Thanks for reading! :)
Funny, I had just taken a break from writing my own fic in which Sam gets drunk, to reading this one. ;)
Drunken Sams are hard to resist! ;)
Dude, I don't know whether to laugh or awww. ^___^ Also, I pray to the gods of Supernatural that at some point during S2 Sam will get plastered and (try to) dance with a thing of questionable sexuality. LOLOL It's going right under my Michael Rosenbaum wish.
I know it's been said before, but really. Dean's the best brother EVAR.
I bet ya they do an angsty Dean drunk scene at some point tho?
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