Title: Warmonger Author: Mink Rating: PG Pairing: Sam/Ruby Spoilers: General (for all aired episodes) Disclaimers: SPN & characters are owned by their various creators. Summary: Ruby POV. (early S4) She doesn't want to, she has to.
I'm not quite off my hiatus yet but this one was been floating around and I figured maybe I should post it. Hope everyone out there is doing well, and THANK you so much for all your well wishes, prayers and thoughts. It means more to me than I could possibly say. ♥ Winnie aka Mink(mix)
What's this? A repost? Yup. This fic is one of my favorites just because of the mood I was in when I wrote it and the mood it gets me in after I re-read it. I felt like sending some bright and mindless optimism out into the intrawebs tonight. ♥ -Winnie aka mink(mix)
Title: Muah Author: Mink Rating: PG - Gen - Humor Spoilers: General (for all
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