Title: Away Author: Mink Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: General Disclaimers: DA & characters are owned by their various creators. Summary: X5-494 finds out just eactly what his place is within the walls of Manticore.
All of Max's stuff and tragic gun shots that put people in wheelchairs aside, I always thought Alec was the saddest character of either Seasons... mew.
(I also think it's HILarious that he never wins a fight against any transgenic throughout 10000 episodes.)
Poor Alec! This was a great fic, I loved it! I totally agree with you that Alec was the saddest character of either Seasons. You're a really good writer hope to see more of your stories soon!
I love this. I can totally feel how violated. He thought he was at the top, and becoming his own person, and then suddenly he's subjected to this and he's back down with the rest of them.
Lovely! Well, not lovely in that sense, but you know what I mean. I do love your Alec-voice.
Comments 25
*makes him tea* There, there. So they raped you and violated your soul?
There's always grilled cheese?
That night he had bunked down 24 minutes after lights out.
and it's the little things like this. < : )
(I cannot possibly choose an Alec icon. It's too hard! It cannot be done, I tells ya.)
"Is there a problem, 494?"
It was Doctor Renfro's voice. Cold and detached, she had been witness to the entire thing.
!!! God, the shit this boy carries around in his head.
(I also think it's HILarious that he never wins a fight against any transgenic throughout 10000 episodes.)
('Cept the baby blond tragic X6)
(And that weird panther chick.)
Lovely! Well, not lovely in that sense, but you know what I mean. I do love your Alec-voice.
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